I Am A Boss Mommy That Wants To Slack - Chapter 806

Chapter 806

A smile flashed across Leng Ling's eyes, and he followed Dugu Xiao out the door.

Leng Ling has always been a person who doesn't talk much, so seeing that Dugu Xiao didn't say hello to Chu Cichen and Shen Ruojing and left, he didn't ask much.

When the two left the gate of Chu's house, Leng Ling saw a black car parked outside Chu's house.

She followed Dugu Xiao into the car. She planned to drive and sit in the driver's seat, but she didn't expect Dugu Xiao to be one step ahead of her, and sat in the driver's seat naturally, "Okay, the road is a bit far, I can let you Girls can't drive?"

Leng Ling's heart warmed.

She sat in the back of the car, and before she got in the car, Dugu Xiao interrupted: "What are you doing? Think I'm the driver? Xiao Ling, you've become more courageous!"

Leng Ling: "..."

She glanced at the passenger seat.

The heart suddenly thumped wildly.

She swallowed, thinking of what Chu Tianye and Shen Ruojing said, turned around and came to the passenger seat, and sat in.

"It's only been five days since I've been with 518, you really aren't that rigid anymore." Dugu Xiao teased her, and then started the car.

The car is driving on the highway.

Because it was night, there were fewer cars on the road, and the street lights outside shone into the car, shining on Dugu Xiao's handsome, handsome cheeks.

As Leng Ling watched, his heart beat faster.

She has always known that Dugu Xiao is very handsome... She fell in love with this young man at first sight back then, seeing his desperate training, seeing him working hard for the position of the boss...

After watching him die in 518, his whole person seemed to be a different person.

He also looked at him who had just been angry with Chu Cichen, and he was a little depressed, but he didn't kill people as violently as before. All this was because 518 came back again.

So, the boy in her heart came back again.

When Leng Ling was thinking wildly, Dugu Xiao suddenly said, "What are you looking at? I'm all in a daze."

Leng Ling was taken aback, and then realized that she had stared at the other party for too long, she hurriedly withdrew her gaze, and looked forward: "Look at you, you are so ugly!"

"Oh, I'm ugly? Then who is handsome? Chu Cichen?"

Dugu Xiao was a little depressed: "How is Chu Cichen better than me? Is he prettier than me?"

Leng Ling lowered his eyes: "...he has a better personality than you."

"Character? How is it possible!" Dugu Xiao sneered: "The eldest young master has a bad temper, and he has a bad temper. Back then, 518 often complained about him! How could he have a better personality than me?"

There was a bit of resentment in Dugu Xiao's voice: "Obviously I am much better than him!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Leng Ling with resentment: "Did Chu Cichen drive you? Or let you rest for a mission? Are you just facing him like this? Xiao Ling, don't forget, who treats you the most?" good!"

"..." Leng Ling twitched the corners of his mouth, lowered his eyes and said nothing.

As if sensing her strangeness, Dugu Xiao turned his head and glanced at her.

Maybe it was in the night, or maybe it was just stimulated by Chu Cichen's sentence "You should get married", at this moment, Dugu Xiao suddenly had an idea: "Xiao Ling, you have grown up..."

Leng Ling's body paused slightly, and he looked at him suddenly: "What?"

Dugu Xiao glanced at her again: "I said you've grown up, I always thought you were still the little kid back then, think about it carefully, you are also twenty-two years old, grown up..."

Leng Ling's heartbeat suddenly became violent.

Could it be that Dugu Xiao...

When she was thinking about it, Dugu Xiao's words came over: "Do you want to get married?"

Leng Ling's breathing stagnated, and he felt so nervous that he could hardly breathe!


She looked at Dugu Xiao pretending to be calm: "Why did you mention this all of a sudden?"

But Dugu Xiao said: "I just think, if I don't get married, you can't also get married. If you have a suitable partner, I will help you arrange it."

As soon as these words came out, Leng Ling's heart instantly turned cold.

She looked at Dugu Xiao wrongly: "What?"

Dugu Xiao was still driving, and said very seriously: "I said, if you want to get married..."

Before he finished speaking, Leng Ling interrupted him: "I'm asking the previous question, you don't plan to get married anymore? Are you not going to get married in this lifetime?"

As soon as these words came out, Dugu Xiao calmly said "Yeah".

Leng Ling paused slightly, with bitterness in his voice: "Why?"


Dugu Xiao laughed at himself: "Because the girl I like was snatched away!"

Leng Ling's heart sank a little.

But Dugu Xiao looked at her: "So, if you have someone you like, you must tell him immediately, otherwise, you may be robbed one day..."

After finishing speaking, Dugu Xiao seemed to have noticed Leng Ling's strangeness, he paused slightly, "Do you have someone you like?"


"who is it?"

It's you.