Atlantean's Quest: The Dark King - Part 3

Part 3

The women turned in time to see two tall Atlantean warriors walk through the door. Unlike most Atlanteans, these men were dark in coloring. One had piercing green eyes, while the other had one blue eye and one green eye.

Separately, they were distinguishable, but side by side there was no doubt that they were related. Though their initial reunion had been tense, the brothers had quickly bonded and now were inseparable.

"Daddy!" t.i.tus shouted and launched himself into his father's arms.

Ares caught him easily and brought him up to eye level. "Have you been behaving for your mother?"

"Yes." t.i.tus didn't meet his gaze.

"What did you do?" Ares glanced at the women standing around the table, waiting for one of them to answer.

"He hit Loki," Jac said.

Ares' expression grew serious, but Rachel noted the sparkle in his green eyes. "Why did you hit Loki? Did he hit you first?"

t.i.tus shook his head, sending his long black hair into his face. Ares gently brushed it back from his forehead. "No, but Persephone did."

"She hit Loki?" Ares asked, his confusion clear.

"No." This time t.i.tus' headshake was more definitive. "She hit me. You told me never to hit a girl, so I hit Loki instead," he said as if it made complete and total sense. And to a four year old, it probably did.

Rachel turned to her daughter. "Persephone Ann is that true?" she asked, shocked that her little girl had reverted to violence.

Her daughter looked up and smiled at her. One finger slipped into her mouth and she grinned wider. "I like him, Momma. He's pretty."

Her gaze shot to t.i.tus, who looked as if he'd swallowed a bug. It was everything she had not to laugh. Apparently, Ares didn't feel the same.

He roared with laughter. "I see your daughter has taken after your best friend." His gaze slid to Jac and heated.

Jac flushed as Ares approached. He shifted t.i.tus to his other hip and wrapped one strong arm around his wife. His big hand settled lovingly over her flat belly as he nuzzled her neck. "Come, let's go home before our son is forced to defend his honor."

The women giggled.

Orion reached for Brigit's hand and squeezed it gently. "Are you feeling well today?"

"Super!" She looked into his face, her love glowing brightly for all to see. "Better now, since I get to wear my dragon costume," she said, cheerfully.

His brow furrowed. "Dragon costume?"

"I'll explain everything once we get home. Can we stop by the market on the way? I'm starving!" she said.

"Didn't you eat?" Orion glanced at the remains of the food on the table, then gently cradled her stomach in his palm.

Brigit shrugged. "Yeah, but that was like ten minutes ago."

Ares clapped him on the back. "Get used to it, little brother. Cravings are only the beginning." His gaze slipped to Jac's. "Your life is about to change in ways you never imagined."

Orion smiled. "Can't wait." There was no doubt that he meant every word, as he led his pregnant pet.i.te wife away.

"You say that now," Ares said, obviously teasing Jac.

"What do you mean by that?" Jac asked. Her tone left no doubt that she was gearing for a fight.

Before she could get too wound up, Ares kissed her. Jac appeared to melt before Rachel's eyes.

Jac's gaze moved down her husband's rock hard body, settling on the loincloth hugging his slim hips. He'd refused to change his style when they arrived at New Atlantis because he knew how much she loved it. "Something's come up," Jac said. "Got to go. I'll see you later, Rach." She was already dragging Ares across the room.

Rachel stifled another giggle. This was going to be the best Christmas party Zaron had ever seen.


Taylor's heart pounded so hard she was pretty sure it was about to burst through her double D's and splat onto the floor. She had never heard anything so terrifying as the roar that had come out of Hades.

When he'd told her to run, part of her...a teeny, tiny part of her that deserved a swift kick in the pants, had actually been excited. But her excitement quickly waned once her commonsense kicked in and she got a quick glimpse of him. Self-preservation made her run. She was still running, but she didn't know where to.

She still couldn't believe that she'd managed to escape. Hades had moved so fast. If she had blinked, she would've missed him coming off his throne. When she'd looked back all semblance of the man had been gone, replaced by a monster of a cat with fangs that would shame a saber-tooth.

He'd looked like a liger, but he was so much bigger than those huge cats. What kind of prehistoric beast was he?

The scratches and screeches coming from the other side of the door were even more frightening than the ear-splitting roar. Her ears were still ringing. At any moment, she expected him to burst through the stone. Even when the horrific noises stopped, Taylor continued on. The guards she pa.s.sed didn't try to impede her, but they did follow her movements.

She turned right and stumbled down another hall. Darn cave! Everything looked the same. She continued to jog. Taylor didn't care where she ended up as long as she got far away from Hades. Maybe she should run all the way to the King of New Atlantis and turn herself in. Eros would deport her on the spot, but that was better than being eaten by a Monster Kitty.

Several of the guards watched her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bounce as she sprinted by. Taylor clutched her arms over her bountiful chest and kept moving. She could see the opening of the cave up ahead. She was almost out. Freedom came with the smell of fresh air.

Two huge guards stepped into her path as she reached the entrance. They didn't bother to pull the ma.s.sive swords hanging at their waists. They didn't need to, not when their bodies were the size of boulders. Gorgeous boulders, she noted, but boulders all the same. Taylor yelped and ground to a halt, nearly running into them.

"No one is allowed past this point without an escort into the Walled City," the pale-haired giant on the right said.

Taylor looked back, but no one was following her. "Hades gave me permission to leave." The lie slipped from her full lips without her feeling an ounce of guilt. When a Monster Kitty was after you, little white lies didn't mean a whole lot.

The raven-haired man on the left stepped forward. "What is your name, little one?"

"T-taylor," she sputtered.

He smiled. "I am called Perseus." He indicated to the man next to him. "This is Kon."

It was nice to see that not all the men around here were brutes. She grinned at Perseus, whose gaze had dropped to her cleavage. "Nice to meet you," Taylor said, glancing over her shoulder once more. Maybe her luck would hold out for a little while longer.

As an exotic dancer, Taylor wasn't above using her body to get what she wanted. She inhaled deeply, causing her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s to quiver beneath her shirt, then c.o.c.ked her jean-clad hips to draw attention to her long legs. She tangled her fingers in her red hair and twirled the long locks. "I was worried that there were no gentlemen on this planet. I'm grateful to be proven wrong."

Perseus stepped closer, his large body crowding hers. "I'm sorry that your welcome lacked warmth, but what can you expect from a Half-being?"

"Perseus! Watch your tongue!" Kon's alarmed expression made her tense.

Perseus' affable gaze slid from hers. He scowled at Kon.

Taylor didn't know what was going on, but she knew something was wrong.

"The King has not informed us that you are free to leave," Kon said.

"I'm sure it's just a miscommunication on the King's part. He was rather busy when I left him." Taylor needed to get by them. She stepped closer and saw Perseus' nostrils flare. Taylor bit her lower lip and gazed up at him from beneath her lashes. "I won't tell, if you won't," she purred.

She saw indecision in Kon's eyes, but none in Perseus'. He was more than happy to let her go.

Come on boys, let me pa.s.s. Freedom called to her.

The warriors took a step to the side, then suddenly stopped. Their eyes widened and locked on something behind her. Perseus paled a second before they both stiffened to attention.

A low growl rumbled next to her ear. Taylor didn't have to look to know who it was. Gooseflesh broke out over her skin and trickled down her spine. If her reaction was due to fear, she could've easily ignored the sensation. But it wasn't.

"Going somewhere?" Hades' warm breath brushed her cheek, sending a delicious shiver through her.

Taylor's nipples hardened and her back straightened. The warmth rolling off his body felt like someone had left a furnace blasting unchecked during a heat-wave. "I didn't realize that I was a prisoner," she said without looking at him. She didn't want Hades to see the affect his nearness was having on her.

"You're not." He inhaled, then slowly circled her, using his impressive height to intimidate.

Okay, so maybe he didn't need the height to be intimidating. His presence alone did the trick.

Hades' fiery gaze licked at her skin, tightening it, making Taylor hyper-aware of his maleness. She tried her best to ignore her body's reaction, ignore him, but it was like trying to ignore the sun right before it engulfs the Earth. Hades stopped in front of her, blocking sight of the two warriors with his broad shoulders.

Taylor craned her neck to look into his eyes. At five foot eight, she wasn't a slouch in the height department, but compared to the Phantoms she felt downright puny. Taylor had to clear her throat twice before she could speak. "Then why won't they let me pa.s.s?"

The King stared at her, until the intensity made her look away. This close she could smell the slight musk of his skin and see every ripple of muscle beneath his clothes. Taylor nearly swooned, when she reached his washboard abdomen. And she'd never swooned a day in her life.

"It's not safe for you to wander beyond the Keep alone," Hades said, then glared at his two guards. "Perseus and Kon know this." His words were mild, but the threat of punishment behind them was unmistakable.

"Are you saying your city is unsafe?" Taylor knew the question would p.r.i.c.k the King's temper. She'd purposely asked to draw his attention away from the guards. As far as she was concerned, they had done nothing wrong.

As if on cue, Hades' eyes narrowed and his lips pressed into a thin line. "My city is perfectly safe."

"Then why am I not allowed to go into it?" she asked.

"Yes, Sire," Perseus said. "Why are you keeping her a prisoner, when she is obviously unclaimed?"

Hades turned on the dark-haired guard. "Are you questioning my authority?"

Kon's face drained of color and he took a step back. "No, Sire," he said hurriedly before Perseus could respond. He grabbed his friend by the arm and pulled him away. "Tis time we check the perimeter." Kon's gaze pleaded with Perseus to comply.

Perseus glanced at Taylor once more. "I will act the gentleman that you believe me to be. Until we meet again." He inclined his head and strode off with Kon hurrying behind.

Hades watched them leave, his expression stony. "As Perseus so rightly stated, you are an unclaimed female. A rarity on our world. On top of that, you're from Earth and Slavers have been sighted. Even if that was not reason enough, I take my vows to other Phantoms seriously. I told Linx that I would protect you and I will...even if that means locking you inside the Keep for your own good."

Taylor snorted. She couldn't help it. Did he really think that she was buying the vow of protection c.r.a.p? She glanced at him once more. This time humor replaced the simmering heat in his eyes.

Hades held out his hand. "Come," he said. "I will give you a tour of the Keep, then you need to get ready."

Taylor took his hand, before she registered what she was doing. When she did, she tried to jerk her fingers back, but Hades wouldn't let her go. "Get ready for what?" she asked, allowing him to lead her back inside.

"The Pit," he said, like that should mean something to her.

h.e.l.lo! Earthling here. "What's the-"

"I'll show you to your room after we've explored the Keep." He cut her off before she could finish the question. "Suitable clothing has been provided." He glanced at her jeans and his nose wrinkled. "If you need anything else, let my Righthand know."

Taylor glanced at his empty hand in confusion. "I have my own clothes. Thanks!" She hadn't packed much, but she had brought the essentials, day-to-day clothing, workout shorts, and a couple of costumes just in case. It would have to do until she could go shopping.

He looked at her and his sensual lips tilted into a smile. "I doubt what you packed will be fit for viewing the festivities at the Pit."

Was he implying that her clothes were trashy? Okay, so some of the things she'd brought might be considered risque, but they weren't trashy. Jerk! She lifted her chin and squared her shoulders. She refused to feel ashamed about her clothing. She glanced at what Hades was wearing. For a King, he wasn't exactly the height of fashion.

Hades led her past the Great Hall. "We take meals in there and hold important meetings. If you prefer to eat in your room, notify the food preparers." He kept walking, but not before she caught a glimpse of the deep furrows marring the door. "Most of the doors you see lead to guard quarters and strategy rooms." His grip on her tightened as they pa.s.sed several warriors in the hall.

Taylor was surprised by his reaction, but didn't show it. Maybe being single here really was a big deal. "Where are they going?" She used her free hand to point to the retreating guards.

"Shift change." He tracked their movements with his eyes and didn't stop until they were out of sight. "What did you do on your planet?" he asked, when they were gone.

Taylor felt her face flush. It had to be from the exertion of fleeing. No way was she embarra.s.sed. She'd never been embarra.s.sed about how she made a living. Sure, there'd been times in the beginning, but after the first year of dancing her nerves had past. Maybe it was because the question was coming from a King. She thought about lying, but quickly dismissed the idea. He'd find out eventually.

"I was a dancer," she said. "An exotic dancer."

Hades frowned in confusion. "What does that mean?"

"Do you know what dancing is on Earth?" she asked. It would be hard to explain, if he didn't.

He nodded. "Yes, but moving to various rhythms seems quite foolish. The movements don't have meaning and cannot possibly help one in battle," he said.

Taylor sighed. This was going to be harder than she thought. "There are all kinds of dances on Earth. Some are for pleasure, some are for compet.i.tion, and then there's the kind I do, which involves taking my clothes off." She swallowed hard. "For money."

Hades froze. Something akin to disappointment flashed in his eyes before he suppressed it. He didn't say a word. He just continued to stare.

She'd shocked a King. For the first time in a long time, Taylor felt...ashamed. She tried to explain, but every time the words came out it only seemed to make the situation worse. Hades' expression grew darker and darker, until Taylor felt her eyes burn. She would not cry. Would not cry. Not here. Not in front of him.

What kind of reaction had she expected from Hades? A King wouldn't know anything about needing to survive or fit in. His social network was built-in on the day of his birth.

"I did what I had to do. I will not apologize for my actions," she said.

Hades' granite expression didn't even crack, when he said, "Linx did not tell me that you were a s.e.x companion."