Atlantean's Quest: The Dark King - Part 14

Part 14

Opal stared at her, unblinking. "If you try to do that, I will cut you down." She touched her sword. "Do you understand me?"

Taylor swallowed hard. "Yes." She understood perfectly. Opal might be worried, but she'd do nothing to save the Dark King.

"Now sit down. The last thing we need is for Hades to be distracted by you," she said with so much distaste and venom that it startled Taylor into sitting.

Taylor didn't think seeing her in the stands would make a difference to Hades. His actions as of late spoke far louder than anything he could've uttered. She knew exactly where she stood with the Dark King.


She glanced at Opal. Her cool regal demeanor screamed power and control. She'd make a great Queen. Taylor looked at Hades. They were perfect for each other. Why hadn't she seen it before?

The warriors around her were silent. There was no chanting, no growls, and no roars, only the incessant drumming. Everyone stared solemnly at the Pit. Unlike the first fight, there was no posturing. Neither Hades nor Perseus felt the need to do so.

Hades dropped to his knees and grabbed a handful of dirt. He held the soil in his palm, then raised the dirt toward the ceiling and slowly let it slip through his fingertips.

"What is he doing?" Taylor asked.

Opal didn't look her way, but said, "He's offering a prayer to the G.o.ddess."

Taylor sent a quick one to G.o.d just in case. She glanced to Opal. "One of them is going to die tonight. Aren't they?"

Her rigid expression remained unchanged. "It's a pity they do not fight for the throne alone."

"What else is there to fight for?" Taylor asked. Was she referring to the Kingdom? Did Hades own something else that Perseus wanted?

Opal glared at her. "You." The word came out as a curse.

Taylor shook her head in denial. Opal was wrong. They couldn't be fighting over her. Hades didn't want a mate. And Perseus... She didn't really know what he wanted. This was insane! "You need to make them stop or at least let me try."

She didn't want either of them to die. Not over of her. Perseus seemed like a really nice guy. And the thought of losing Hades made her ill. What would she do if he died? Pain crushed her, making her body tremble. If she'd doubted her developing feelings for the Dark King before, she didn't doubt them now.

"No!" Taylor shot to her feet. "You have to stop!" Hades' gaze locked with hers a second before Opal jerked her back down on the seat.

"This is your last warning," she snarled. "If you cannot sit here without interfering, then I will have you escorted out of the Pit." And from the look on her face, she would make good on the threat.

Taylor's fingers curled into tight fists. She couldn't stop it. She couldn't stop them. One of them was going to die. The room seemed to close in around her. She put her head between her knees and prayed for a miracle.

Opal stood and slowly raised her arms. The drums ceased. "A challenge for the throne has been put forth by Phantom Warrior Perseus. The Dark King has accepted. It will be a fight to the death."

A hushed murmur worked its way through the capacity crowd.

"Let the challenge begin!" Opal shouted.

Hades walked to one end of the Pit and Perseus walked to the other. When they reached the far ends, the warriors turned to face each other.

"Perseus, this is your last chance," Hades yelled. "Do you yield?"

"Nay!" He shook his head. "I intend to become the next Phantom King."

Hades acknowledged him. "So be it." The last word had barely left his lips when his body started to morph and grow. Tawny fur bristled over the Dark King's skin, along with several faint black stripes. Claws shot from his fingertips. Tusk-length teeth sprouted in his mouth. Within seconds, Hades was gone, replaced by a monstrous cat that was three times the size of the ligers on Earth.

Taylor had only gotten a glimpse of Hades' Other on the day she'd arrived. Looking at him now, Hades was even more terrifying...and impressive. It was hard to see the man she'd made love to as she stared at the snarling beast. If it weren't for his aqua blue eyes, she wouldn't have recognized him at all.

Perseus shifted, too, his muscles growing and reshaping. Gone was the handsome dark-haired warrior. In his place stood a mutated lion with dark fur and a thick ruff. Pound for pound they appeared evenly matched, but there was no way of telling who was the better fighter.

Taylor's nails dug into her palms until they bled.

Hades roared. The ferocious sound echoed throughout the room, drawing every eye. Perseus answered the roar with one of his own, then launched himself at the Dark King.

The two cats collided in a flurry of teeth and claws. Scratching and biting, yowling and growling. The fight was vicious and terrifying. Nothing at all like the one between Pitticus and Cornelius.

Perseus sank his claws deep in Hades' side, leaving crimson furrows and torn sinew behind. The Dark King hissed as fresh blood darkened his pale fur, turning it to rust.

Hades buried his teeth into Perseus' shoulder, ripping away a chunk of flesh. His mouth and whiskers dripped with carnage as he spat the meat out and attacked again. Perseus roared in fury and jerked out of Hades' deadly grasp.

The beasts circled each other, hair raised, tails whipping violently from side-to-side as they searched for another opening. Perseus' muscles bunched, then he pounced. His sharp claws sought Hades' face. The Dark King jerked his head to the side. He barely avoided being blinded.

Perseus twisted in mid-air and struck Hades in the chest with his back legs. The warrior's claws raked the Dark King, taking him to the ground. Hades' back hit with a loud thud. Dust plumed around their bodies, rising high into the air. Perseus' lunged. His jaws snapped repeatedly, as he struggled to latch onto Hades' neck.

Taylor's heart lodged in her throat. Cold enveloped her, until her whole body was numb. She trembled as fear threatened to overwhelm her. Hades was going to die. She glanced at Opal for rea.s.surance, but a gleam of excitement filled her eyes.

Oh G.o.d, she was looking forward to seeing the death of the Dark King. Talk about a fickle, bloodthirsty b.i.t.c.h.

Hades struggled beneath Perseus, his legs straining to keep the cat from landing a killing blow. Triumph filled Perseus' blood red eyes. Taylor stared at the King, willing him to rise, but all he seemed to be able to do was hold Perseus at bay. Hades' muscles quivered under the pressure as Perseus bore down upon him.

"Get up," Taylor whispered. "You have to get up." I need you.

Perseus grinned at the crowd, confident of his victory. He was so busy gloating that he accidentally loosened his grip. Without warning, Hades struck. He latched onto the thatch of hair around Perseus' neck and rolled them both. One second Perseus was on top, the next he was sprawled beneath the Dark King.

Never turn your back on a liger.

Perseus twisted and managed to stand, but not for long. Hades' deadly claws clamped onto Perseus' flank, dragging his back legs out from under him.

Taylor had seen lions do that when they took down zebras in Africa. It was one thing to watch it on a nature channel, quite another to witness the move in person. Her gorge rose.

Hades jumped onto Perseus' back. His ma.s.sive jaws fastened onto the warrior's vulnerable neck. Perseus squirmed out of the hold, but Hades' bulk kept him pinned to the dirt.

The Dark King growled, then violently jerked his head to the right. His sharp tusk-like teeth sliced open Perseus' abdomen, spilling the warrior's intestines onto the ground. Perseus wailed and clawed at the dirt in panic, struggling to escape. Hades clung to his back, his claws continuing to shred the black cat as blood pooled around them. Powerful jaws unerringly found Perseus' neck once more.

The Dark King squeezed.

Perseus gasped for breath.

Taylor hugged herself, as the color drained from her face.

Hades didn't let up. He continued putting pressure on Perseus' neck until the warrior's life force dimmed. Twitching, the lion collapsed beneath the Dark King. Perseus took one last shuddering breath, then died.

Hades remained on top of him, his sharp teeth digging into Perseus' dead flesh. After what felt like an eternity to Taylor, the Dark King jumped off the deceased warrior's back and slowly circled the Pit. His gaze touched everyone in the stands. Hades paused when he reached Taylor and appeared to grin, flashing blood-covered incisors.

Taylor's stomach flipped. Before she knew what was happening, she threw up on Opal's shoes.

Opal jumped to her feet and took a step to the side. Her lip curled in disgust. "You are weak," she huffed.

As if confirming her a.s.sessment, Taylor dry heaved, then threw up some more.

Hades continued to circle the Pit. When he'd made his third pa.s.s, he raised his head and roared. He was still roaring when he shifted into his humanoid form. His wounds had stopped bleeding, but remained raw from the fight. Blood covered his body from head to foot. He looked like something out of a nightmare. Taylor's nightmares.

"All hail the Dark King," Opal shouted.

The room erupted in roars and applause.

Taylor staggered to her feet, her emotions battered. She was grateful that Hades had survived, but beyond that she didn't know what to think or how to feel. Seeing the Dark King like this drove home once again just how far away from Earth she was. How could she ever fit in on this planet? She glanced at the warriors celebrating around her. She'd never be like them. Never be like Hades. No matter how much she cared for him.

Opal was right. Hades needed a warrior for a mate. Someone who could balance out his Monster Kitty. She wasn't that woman. No amount of fight lessons would change that. Taylor suddenly had newfound respect for her twin, Tabby. Not only had she adapted to the planet, but she'd adjusted to being a mate to one of these creatures.

Taylor stumbled out of the stands and ran to her room. She stopped twice along the way to dry heave, but eventually made it to her quarters. She slipped through the door and rested her back against the stone. The coolness of the rock felt good. It soothed her nausea, but did little to settle Taylor's nerves. She'd now seen Hades at his worst and wasn't altogether certain she could handle it.

You only have to last a few more days, she told herself. But the idea held no comfort.

Taylor made it to her bathroom and managed to brush her teeth. Food of any kind was out of the question until her stomach forgave her. When she finished, she returned to her bedroom and dropped onto the bed. It was only when she sat down that Taylor started to cry.

Hades left Perseus lying on the Pit floor and returned to his chamber. He couldn't stop replaying the look on Taylor's face. She'd been horrified and repulsed by what had occurred. He'd seen it in her eyes. He turned on the cleansing unit and stepped under the spray. Pain seared him as the water struck his raw side.

He'd managed to heal some of his injuries when he shifted back, but he hadn't healed all of them. Once again, his Atlantean blood interfered. If only he'd inherited his mother's ability to heal with her hands...

Hades bathed quickly and slipped into loose pants, leaving his chest bare. The furrows in his side would be gone in a few days, until then he'd just have to make sure that he didn't tear them open again.

A knock sounded on his door as he stepped out of his bedroom. A cautious hope filled him. Had Taylor gotten over her initial reaction and come to check on him? His hearts kicked up a beat as he hurried to the door. When he opened it, instead of the fire-haired beauty that haunted his every waking moment, Opal stood on the other side. Hades stared at her, unable to hide his disappointment.

"May I come in, Sire?" she asked. "I have news."

He stepped aside, so she could enter. "Has there been another Slaver sighting?"

Opal paused, then said, "No, nothing like that. How do you feel?"

Hades walked deeper into the room with Opal trailing behind him. "I am fine. Thank you for your concern."

She reached out. Her cool fingers danced over his bare skin, near his healing wounds. "I felt every scratch, when Perseus grabbed you. My two hearts feared for your safety."

Hades watched her closely, unsure where Opal was going with this impromptu visit. "It was a good strike. I deserved it for not protecting my sides."

"Yes, it was a honorable blow. It was the only time I allowed doubt to enter my mind." Opal continued to stroke him tenderly. "Forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive," Hades said, stepping out of reach. "I did not mean to worry you or the Phantom people."

She brushed off the mention of the others and followed him. "I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

Hades tensed. He'd always been honest with Opal when it came to their relationship. He had never given her any reason to think that it extended beyond the physical. "You are a capable Righthand," he said, hoping to construct a mental boundary between them. "I have no doubt you would easily find a position that pleased you under the new ruler."

Opal shook her head and met his gaze. "You, my Dark King, are not so easily replaced."

Hades' nerves jumped. This time there was no mistaking the intimacy of her words. "There will always be challenges. Eventually, I will lose one, but until that day comes we do not have to worry about replacing me."

"You're right." She grinned. "Tonight we should be celebrating your victory." Opal hummed under her breath and slowly rock her hips. She approached one of the chairs by his desk and grasped the back of it. She ground her body against the furniture, humming louder as she went.

"What are you doing?" Hades asked, confused by her odd behavior.

"I am dancing for you," she murmured, rocking awkwardly. This was harder than it appeared. She'd practiced with Taylor. Thought she had a pretty good grasp of the basics. But here in front of the King when it mattered the most, Opal's body refused to follow her lead.

Red streaked his cheeks and Hades stiffened to attention. "That is not necessary. I'm in no mood to celebrate. Tonight I took a warrior's life," he said. "There is no victory in Perseus' death."

Opal flailed her arms spasmodically and gyrated. She was determined to use her new skills to seduce the Dark King. He just needed to pay attention.

"Stop that!" Hades said. "You look ridiculous."

Opal froze. "What?"

His expression shuttered. "I appreciate what you're trying to do. Truly. But you have a long way to go before you reach Taylor Sh.e.l.ley's level of expertise in..." He waved his hand. "Dance."

Opal's face flushed and anger seared her gut. "I thought we could lay together tonight. We haven't managed to do so since the day of the human's arrival." She swallowed her pride and approached Hades, making her hips swing like Taylor taught her. Opal stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his, waiting for some kind of spark, some kind of reaction.

There was none. Not even the usual heat that came from their lovemaking. The Dark King remained as cold as his glacial eyes. Something inside Opal broke.

Hades grasped her arms and gently moved her away. "I'm sorry, Opal. I cannot do this."

"Cannot? Or will not?" she asked, her temper flaring.

"Cannot, and will not," he said, slowly releasing her.

"You have vowed never to take a mate." She needed to remind him. Remind herself. "She is weak. Did you not see her in the stands? She could not even hold her food down. What use is a woman like that?"

"There are many kinds of strength. You of all people should know that. It's why I made you my Righthand," Hades said. "I do not need you or anyone else reminding me of my vows. I am fully aware of what I have said."

It wasn't exactly an admission, but it did cause the muscles in her face to relax. "I apologize, Sire. It's just that I have need for you after coming so close to losing you." Opal had risked too much to turn back now. She ran her hand over her modest chest, lingering on her rigid nipples. Surely he could sense her body's heat, hear the truth in her confession. He couldn't reject her. The King needed her. He just didn't realize it yet.

Hades' jaw clenched. "You said you had news."

The abrupt change of subject ended their discussion and dashed the last of her hopes. Pain blossomed inside her hearts, nearly driving Opal to her knees. She'd been so blind. All this time she'd thought if she waited long enough that Hades would eventually choose her for his mate. Now it was clear that there was only one woman he cared about, one woman he loved.

Oh G.o.ddess, he was in love with the Earthling.

Acknowledging the emotion drove a sword through Opal's hearts, severing her feelings. How dare he dismiss her for a human! She stared at the Dark King in disbelief, but the truth was there shining in his aqua eyes.

She thought about Taylor. How weak she was. How she would hurt the kingdom. Opal pictured the Slaver they'd called Hawk and shivered. He was exactly what she needed to help her get Hades back. And he didn't even know it. She had to get rid of the Earth woman. New Atlantis wasn't far enough away. Taylor must leave the planet. And Opal knew just how to do it.