Universe’s Ultimate BOSS - Chapter 154: Training in Seclusion

Chapter 154: Training in Seclusion

Chapter 154 Training in Seclusion

A few days later, on the spaceship, Zhuo Chao reported to Wang Hao on Ling Xiao, a dark horse that had recently emerged.

This Ling Xiao is very strong. He has crushed many level-nine Martial Masters within three moves, said Zhuo Chao solemnly.

Ling Xiao? Wang Hao watched Ling Xiaos videos for a while, only to put on a thoughtful smile.

Boss, do you know this guy? asked Zhuo Chao curiously.

He used the same gait that my grandmaster taught me last time. Wang Hao scratched his chin. He had been wondering why nobody confronted him when he caused such a huge mess in the No. 3 school, but now that he saw Ling Xiao, he realized that it mustve been his grandmaster who took care of everything for him.

However, Wang Hao did not know yet who the grandmaster that taught him the gait after the screening test was yet.

The same gait? Zhuo Chao thought for a moment and suddenly remembered the old man who taught Wang Hao the gait and claimed to be Wang Haos grandmaster after the screening test of the Four Focused Colleges.

Why did my grandmaster send Ling Xiao here? Is it a warning? Wang Hao thought for a moment and realized that it was possible.

Boss, what do we do now? Zhuo Chaos heart palpitated. He did not know that such a big shot had been observing them. He would be doomed if he left a bad impression on the big shot.

We do what we should do! Wang Hao smiled. He was going to crush Ling Xiao with his best effort and force his grandmaster to come out.

He would find out exactly who the man was. If the man was really a Martial Saint, he would say the mans name before he did bad things in the future, which would earn him more Villain Points.

Zhuo Chao was gloomy. While Wang Hao wouldnt be punished as the mans grand-disciple, he himself certainly did not have impunity!

This Ling Xiao seems strong. He must be a super genius too. Just in case, Id better train myself in seclusion! Wang Hao sighed unwillingly. He hated training more than anything else.

Noticing the look on Wang Haos face, Qian Wanyang did not know what to say. Other people wished that they could train 24 hours a day to make themselves stronger, but for Wang Hao, training for a single day seemed to be intolerable.

But he envied Wang Hao too, because Wang Hao made a breakthrough after each training session. It seemed very natural for him.

He couldnt help but feel the world was unfair when Wang Hao was advancing faster than people like him who had been training hard every day!

On Tianming, after the incident of the space gem, things were back to be what they were before.

Mercenaries and students flooded toward Tianming again, hunting the zombies and taking away their possessions.

In a city, Li Yunyang was fighting zombies. He had been fighting for two days and two nights. He was exhausted, but he could not allow himself to rest, because the moment he closed his eyes, he would remember Wang Hao and the feeling of failure.

I wont fail. Wang Hao, Im going to defeat you

Li Yunyang roared, his exhausted body reinvigorated. He raised his Sharp Light high and charged at the zombies ahead of him.

Guan Jieying observed him and nodded his head, satisfied that Li Yunyang had been pursuing Wang Hao with sweat and willpower since his talent was not as good as Wang Haos.


However, Li Yunyang screamed miserably the next second.

Guan Jieying raised his head, only to see that Li Yunyang was surrounded by a bunch of zombies that were biting him crazily.

Is this his limit? Guan Jieyings eyes widened, and a terrifying storm swept across the world, reducing the zombies that were biting Li Yunyang to dust.

Yunyang, how are you? Guan Jieying quickly reached Li Yunyang and fed a bottle of recovery drug to him.

Master, Sharp Light was suddenly gone Li Yunyang searched for Sharp Light the moment he woke up.

Sharp Light is gone? Stunned, Guan Jieying looked around, only to see no sign of the weapon.

How did it happen? Guan Jieying frowned in fury. Who took Sharp Light?

Master, is Wang Hao behind this? Li Yunyang suddenly remembered Wang Hao. After all, Wang Hao was behaving abnormally when he gave Sharp Light back to them.

Wang Hao? Thats impossible! I examined Sharp Light before. There was nothing wrong. Guan Jieying shook his head and looked around. Someone extremely strong must be lurking here. Hes stronger than me.

Stronger than you? Li Yunyang grew vigilant.

I cant think of a second reason why Sharp Light would disappear. Guan Jieyings expression was terrifying now that a thief had stolen his precious weapon.

Thinking about that, Guan Jieying opened his smart wristband and informed the Military Department to deploy troops. He was going to find the thief.

A few hours later, Tianming was surrounded by military warships.

In the meantime, the soldiers who were no weaker than Martial Grandmasters captured everybody on Tianming who had a Stealth Cloak, including Xue Qianqin, who was back on Tianming for training.

Chick, get moving! A team of soldiers escorted Xue Qianqin to a military camp.

You jerks dare to capture me? Ill tell my master what happened here Xue Qianqin was infuriated. She had been hunting zombies when the soldiers arrested her without any explanation.

Tell your master? The soldiers snorted and said in disdain, Let me tell you, this is a command from Guan Jieying. Who do you think your master is?

Guan Jieying? Xue Qianqin frowned and thought for a moment. She soon remembered that Guan Jieying was the Martial Emperor who chickened out when he saw her master.

Xue Qianqin, what happened to you? Mai Mengmeng approached her, confused.

As if she had been greatly wronged, Xue Qianqin burst into tears in Mai Mengmengs arms. Mengmeng, those guys tied me up for no good reason. Im going to tell my master

Tell your master? Shocked, Mai Mengmeng looked at the soldiers in sympathy.

Not far away, Guan Jieying saw everything gloomily. He hadnt found Sharp Light yet, but hed already pissed off Qiu Linghan. It was true that misfortune liked company!

He could already foresee what would happen when Qiu Linghan came to confront him