Ultimate: Holding Strong - Ultimate: Holding Strong Part 52

Ultimate: Holding Strong Part 52

Cherry smiled at Rissy, patted Armie. "I'm going to talk to the detectives. No, Armie, I don't need you with me. It's...private. If you'll just go back to the table, I'd appreciate it."

Armie searched her face. "You're okay?"

Thinking she might finally be able to rid herself of Carver, she nodded. "Yes, I think I am." On impulse, she gave him a hug, then, because she felt so hopeful, she gave one to Rissy, also. "Don't disturb Denver, but if he finishes up, tell him I'm with the detectives."

Hoping to catch them before they got seated, she left Armie and charged up to the bar.

Carver's threats were about to end.


ACROSS THE ROOM, Cherry saw both Stack and Leese watching her, on alert. Since Armie stood guard nearby, neither of them bothered to intrude.

She had the most amazing friends. Yes, for a while there Carver's intrusion had rattled the very foundation of her newfound life. But not anymore. She'd do whatever she had to do to protect her independence, her friends and her growing relationship with Denver.

Her smile trembled, but she hoped it would be reassuring as she made a beeline for the bar, stepping up right between the two big cops.

Brows lifted, they looked down at her.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but..." She clasped her hands together to hide her nervousness. "Will Lieutenant Peterson be joining you?" Please, please let her be part of their group.

Detective Bareden, a hulk of a guy, shook his head. "Margaret and Dash are taking a three-day weekend away."

Well, damn. Cherry chewed her bottom lip.

The other cop, Detective Riske, said, "Something we can help you with?"

She stuck out her hand. "I'm Cherry Peyton."

"We've met, right?" Bareden asked her.

"Yes, briefly." She nodded at each of them. "Detective Riske and Detective Bareden. I'm surprised you remember, though."

Riske leaned on the bar and crossed his arms over his chest. "Margaret mentioned you before she took off. Asked me to keep an eye out. Snakes and bugs in your car, right?"

She shuddered in memory. "Yes, that's me."

"Has something else happened?" Bareden asked.

"No. Yes." She shook her head, a little hyper with the possibility of finally putting an end to Carver's reign of terror. "I'm so sorry to interrupt your evening, Detectives, but could I speak with you privately for just a minute?"

Rowdy braced his forearms on the top of the bar. "Problem, Cherry?"

She fashioned a stupid, unconvincing smile. "I don't think so. I just realized something...important."

Rowdy's stare took her apart, then he nodded and to the men said, "You can use my office."

"All right." Bareden took a sip of his drink, stood, and good Lord he was a big man. Even bigger than she'd remembered. "Call me Reese, by the way. I'm off-duty."

Close behind her, the other detective, who wasn't as big, which in no way made him small, said, "I'm Logan. We're both friends of Cannon's, and by extension, Denver."

"Did you need us to fetch Denver for this conversation, Cherry?"

It nearly put a crick in her neck to look up at Reese and once she did, she forgot to stop looking.


She nodded dumbly, then caught herself. "Denver is with fans. I don't want to bother him just yet."

The men shared a look.

Feeling guilty, she scowled at each of them. "I'll tell him. It's not like I'm keeping secrets. I just-"

"You've got me curious, I'll give you that," Logan said. "Come along, then." With a hand at the small of her back, he urged her forward, knowing exactly where to find the office.

Before they'd taken three steps, Denver was there. He didn't call a halt, just put his arm around her and kept pace.

When Cherry faltered, he said, "Armie got me."

"I told him not to!"

Denver bent and kissed her forehead. "He did the right thing." They entered the office. Denver held the door until the others were inside, then closed it. He watched Cherry until she started to fidget.

"I think I know what Carver wants."

"Other than you, you mean?" His gaze went to the detectives. "He enjoys threatening her."

Cherry rubbed her forehead. "I don't want to go into the whole thing, but the important part is that Carver and his family deal drugs."

Logan straightened. Reese frowned.

"I used to live with them. They were my foster family." She shared the town in Kentucky. "Everyone knew they were dealers but as far as I could tell the cops were part of it."

Going behind the desk, Logan rummaged over the surface until he found a pad and a pen. He scribbled some notes. "Go on."

Inhaling a shaky breath, she nodded. "Carver used to take liberties. With me."

"Cherry," Denver prompted.

Yes, she realized she had to own up to all of it. "He tried to...to molest me. Maybe rape me." She shook her head. "I'm not entirely sure what his intentions were, other than bad."

Denver pushed away from the door, came over to stand behind her, and put his arms around her. Very close to her ear, he asked, "Would it be okay if I summarized things for them?"

Grateful that she wouldn't have to, Cherry nodded.

Denver hugged her for agreeing, then in short, succinct sentences, he told of the trouble she'd had with Carver and his brothers, the threats that had been made since his return, and his own plays to cut the man out to force him out of hiding.

The sympathy she felt from Logan and Reese nearly choked her. She forced her chin up, her shoulders back, and met their gazes.

"Carver came after me for a reason. I knew he wanted something, but I didn't know what. I was never involved in any way with the family business. Other than taking the money when Janet sent me away, I was never told anything about it."

Reese took the paper from Logan. "We have the address. I can have local cops-those not from the area-check into things." Gently he added, "Not all cops are on the take."

"I know that," she assured him. "I trust the lieutenant, and I trust both of you."

"The cops you can trust," Logan said, "far outnumber those you can't. But I understand your reluctance to involve anyone in or around the area where you used to live."

"Thank you."

Reese studied her, his eyes narrowed and one side of his mouth kicked up in interest. "You've figured out what it is, haven't you?"

Denver's arms tightened. "Cherry?"

Lacing her hands over his where they crossed her waist, she nodded. "It finally just occurred to me."

Denver turned her, stared into her eyes, and let out a breath. "Let's hear it."

She never liked talking about her time with the Nelsons, especially not Carver's warped pursuit. But she wouldn't cower. Not anymore. Looking at Denver made it easier than looking at the cops. "I told you I would hide from Carver when he was in one of his moods."


"I didn't explain that I hid outside. Sometimes all night. I'd found this old rusted-out truck in the woods." Her hands started to shake-until Denver held them. "You could barely see it from all the weeds and vines growing over it. The inside was empty except for a seat. I'd crawled in there one night when Carver was looking for me. For over an hour I could hear him calling my name. Even after I figured he'd left, I was afraid to come out so I stayed there all night."

Looking pained, Denver nodded once to encourage her.

"Even with the bugs and a few snakes that I had to chase off, I decided it was a good place so I went back during the day and cleaned it out the best I could."

"You hate snakes and bugs," Denver said in a whisper.

Keeping her voice as low as his, she replied, "Not as much as I hated Carver." To stave off the lump of emotion crowding her throat, she turned to the detectives. "Carver said Janet hid something. I'm guessing either drugs or money. Maybe both. He said I would know where, which didn't make any sense at first. But Janet knew where I hid. That day she pulled the shotgun on Carver-"

"The day she sent you away," Denver clarified.

Cherry nodded. "She said she knew I hid in the old truck and that's where she was going to look for me, but she found me in the clearing instead."

"With Carver planning a public rape."

Because she didn't know what else to say, Cherry shrugged.

After pulling her up against his chest, Denver zeroed in on the detectives. "You have enough to check into it?"

"I'll make a few calls," Logan promised. "We know some cops in the area."

"Good cops," Reese clarified. "We can do a search, see what we come up with. But in the meantime, you need to be extra careful."

"Desperate people do terrible things," Logan agreed.

"He's psycho." Denver hugged her a little tighter. "Believe me, I won't let him get anywhere near her."

Logan and Reese shared a look, then Logan dug out a card and handed it to Denver. "If you hear from him again, and for damn sure if you see him, call me."

DENVER COULD BARELY credit the change in Cherry. Now that she assumed she knew what Carver wanted, she was more lighthearted. More open.

To him.

Last night, she'd initiated the lovemaking. Twice. She'd always been hot, but now she was also affectionate.

A potent combo.

Her smiles turned him on, and so did that breathy little catch in her voice when she said his name right before coming.

But it was more than that. It was her entire outlook. She looked free.

With the stereo playing, she danced around the bedroom, already dressed and patiently waiting for him to finish. Being reluctant to leave her, he'd done his workout at home that day. And now, as he watched the sway of her hips, he wondered if they had time to fit in a quickie before they needed to leave. He wasn't crazy about the trip back home, and Cherry-with her very sweet ass-could provide the perfect distraction.

When he reached for her, she laughed and danced out of reach.


"I'll make it up to you tonight, I promise."

She seemed to be settling in, and that gave him hope that when he told her he wanted her to stay forever, she wouldn't argue with him. "Come here." He caught her before she could get away again, then tugged her resisting body between his legs.

"Denver," she protested with a smile. "We have to leave here in less than five minutes and you haven't finished dressing yet."

All he needed was his shoes and a T-shirt. He'd told Cherry to dress casual, and while no one would call her outfit dressy, she looked amazing. Her white sundress with blue flowers fit tight to her waist with the top low enough to show off some tantalizing cleavage. The full skirt fell softly around her hips and thighs and ended at her knees. She wore heeled blue sandals that made her legs look incredible.

She laced her fingers into his hair, still damp from his shower. "I look okay?"

"You look so good, I could eat you up," he whispered, his hands now on the backs of her legs urging her closer.


He slid his palms up her bare thighs until he reached her bottom. His abs tightened as he explored her naked cheeks. "Damn, girl. What type of underwear are you wearing?"

"A thong."

He stepped her back. "Let me see."

Grinning, she slipped away from him. "You can see tonight."