Ultimate: Holding Strong - Ultimate: Holding Strong Part 50

Ultimate: Holding Strong Part 50

Cherry hung in his grip, shocked still...for about five seconds. Then she tunneled her fingers into his hair, pressed her body to his and returned the kiss full-force.

Denver backed her up to the brick wall, planted one hand flat on the wall beside her head, and deepened the kiss even more. He wanted her. So damn much.

All the time.

The significance of what she'd done today- "This is getting way out of hand," Armie muttered. "Hell, I'm blushing, and I didn't think that was possible."

Denver lifted his head, dazed, astounded actually. He looked around and, thank God, no one else was in sight. But he had Cherry pinned to an outside wall of the rec center near a busy street and the rec center wouldn't close for a few more hours.

Cherry rested against the wall, her lips swollen and pink, her eyes misty, sucking in breast-enhancing breaths that made him even crazier.


"Yeah," Armie said. "If you want to take off, I can make your excuses inside."

"No," Cherry whispered, barely audible. She swallowed, filled her lungs, and pushed away from the wall. "He has to finish his training."

Armie grinned. "Hard to do with wood, doll."

"I'm fine," Denver lied. Hell, he was flattened. Completely leveled by the fact that Cherry had finally, 100 percent trusted him. He glanced at Armie. "I'm sure we're alone, but all the same-"

"I'll loiter," Armie told him, understanding that he wanted to remain cautious. He pointed near the front door. "Over there, okay? But keep in mind I'm bare-assed under this towel, okay?"

"I won't take long."

Nodding, Armie strolled away. He reached the door just as two women approached. "Ladies."

Instead of going inside, their gazes crawled all over Armie. He ended up starting his own conversation, and given the way the women giggled, he'd be hooking up again that night.

Denver shook his head. "He's a glutton."

"Look who's talking." With just her fingertips, Cherry touched her mouth. "I don't know what brought that on, but I liked it."

Yeah, she always liked it when he touched or kissed her.

And more.

From the inside out, Denver smiled. Primal satisfaction was a pulsebeat in his blood, making him feel like the luckiest man alive. He had her now, and he knew it. All he had to do was get things settled with her foster family and then he could cement the deal.

Late sunshine cast a rosy glow over her skin and made her blond hair brighter. "Thank you, Cherry."

She smiled up at him. "For?"

He handed her back her phone. "Giving over to me." Tugging at his ear didn't make the words come any easier. "Trusting me to handle things. But it's more than that."

Cherry smoothed a hand over his chest. "I trust you in every way there is."

Yeah, that about covered it. She was finally, really his, no holds barred, and damn, he loved it.

Until then she'd been holding strong, doling out the acceptance, mixing it with resistance. But not anymore.

No time like the present, Denver decided, to get a few things set up. "I want to get you a new phone."

Her big brown eyes turned wary.

"I don't want Carver to be able to reach you. He'll try," Denver explained. "And hopefully when he can't, he'll have to expose himself. Once he does, we can resolve things."

Slowly, she nodded. "Okay."

"You won't be in any danger. I'll see to that."

"I know." She moved away, but not far. "The contract for my phone plan won't be up for months, though."

Closing in on her again, Denver took her hands. "I'll take care of it." I'll take care of you. "I'll pick up a new phone and add you on my plan. Not a big deal, I promise."

Nibbling her bottom lip, she averted her eyes. "I want to do the right thing, Denver. It's just...it's not easy."

"I know. But it's me, not a stranger who's lending a hand." He bent his knees, lowering himself to meet her gaze. "It's me."

Worry kept her brows slightly pinched even as she gave a nod of agreement. Indicating the rec center, she said, "Everyone here could now be in danger. More so if I'm out of reach."

"I know. Cannon and I talked about it. He's going to add some additional security, guys who'll be at the doors seeing everyone to and from their cars."

"Our friends..."

The way she included herself when speaking about the others in their group further lightened his mood. Little by little, she came to realize she wasn't alone. Not anymore. "Got that covered, too. Cannon's already keeping a close watch on Yvette and Merissa." Nothing new in that. He was always extra vigilant when it came to his fiancee and sister. "Stack's happy to stick close to Vanity. Gage is with Harper."

"And you're with me."

A statement, not a question. He confirmed anyway. "I'm with you." Damn, but he loved her more every second of every day. "Miles, Brand and Leese will pitch in to help with door duty." He said again, "It's covered. No need for you to worry."

A wistful smile flickered over her mouth. "I'm not sure I can keep myself from it. Please don't take it as an insult."

He smiled, too. "All right. As long as you share your worry with me."

Now she laughed. "Like you give me a choice in that?" Going on tiptoe, she kissed him. "We should head in before one of those women steals Armie's towel. I swear, it looks like they're considering it."

Denver turned and saw the truth of that. One woman kept fingering the edge of the towel until Armie caught her wrist and laughingly reprimanded her. "Did I tell you he's advancing to the SBC?" While leading her in, Denver updated her on Armie's career. His friend deserved to be happy.

But Denver had a feeling it'd take more than the elite fight organization to accomplish that. And if Armie didn't stop dodging the truth, he just might miss his chance.

PLEASED WITH HOW things had rolled out, Armie made his excuses and escaped the bold women. Bold, ha! One had suggested he just lose the towel right there on the curb, for every passerby to see. When he'd refused, the other asked for just a peek.

To keep up his rep, he'd considered it, even pretended he might. They didn't bother hiding their disappointment when he laughed and only tightened the towel.

Crazy ladies, but man, he loved a bold chick. The bolder the better.

He smiled as he entered the rec center and headed for the hall leading to the locker room. With his thoughts occupied, he almost plowed into Rissy when she stepped out of the break room.

He stopped short. With her head down, she didn't. She bounced into his chest, then stumbled back.

She made an automatic grab for him-and got his towel.

Armie caught her shoulder to keep her from falling. "Easy, Stretch." At the same time, he turned her so her back was to his front.

His ass now faced the gym and he just knew someone was in the right position to take in his inadvertent show.

Rissy didn't say a single word. She just stood there, frozen stiff, her shoulders slightly raised as if caught in a wince.

Leaning around her, Armie took in her face. Eyes screwed tight. Lips caught in her teeth.

His towel clutched in one hand.

"Mind if I retrieve this?" He pried her fingers loose and quickly rewrapped his lower body. Amused-and oddly turned on-he asked, "You going to faint?"


Grinning, he glanced back over his shoulder and got a titillated wave from Vanity, a wink from Harper. A second later Gage scooped up his wife like a football and, not even bothering to acknowledge Armie, disappeared from sight.

That left Vanity standing there, until Stack stepped in front of her, blocking her view.

Armie laughed. "Thanks to you, I just flashed the masses."

She said nothing.

Sighing, Armie bodily turned her to face him. He waited patiently until she'd peeked open one eye. "You okay?"

Seeing he was now decently covered, she released a breath and opened both eyes. "You may have stunted my growth."

"You're tall enough." While she was willowy slim, she stood only an inch or so shorter than his six feet, and every inch of her appealed to him. "If you grew much more, you'd tower over your brother."

"He's three inches taller than me."

"Doin' the math, huh? Still makes you tall, Stretch. Especially for a girl." While she grew disgruntled from his teasing-as he'd intended-Armie let his gaze drift over her again. She wore a simple, stretchy sleeveless cotton dress that showed the narrowness of her waist, the subtle swell of her breasts and hips. It ended several inches above her knees, showcasing those impossibly long, trim, shapely legs. No jewelry, very little makeup, flat sandals and her hair loose.

And God help him, she was so hot he had to sing a litany in his head to keep his body from reacting to her nearness. Cannon's sister, Cannon's sister, Cannon's sister. In his towel, he wouldn't be able to hide a rise.

"I heard you were signing with the SBC."

Her light blue eyes were the same as her brother's, but damn, they had a very different effect on him.

"Yeah." Discomfort had him rubbing the back of his neck.

With rapt focus, Rissy stared at his biceps, and then his underarm.

He scowled at her as he lowered his arm. "Heard that from your brother, I assume?"

"Was it a secret?"

"No." But it wasn't something he wanted to advertise yet. He needed time to get used to the idea.

Rissy took a step closer, making him catch and hold his breath. "You'll be away a lot now, won't you?"

Since he'd have to exhale to answer, he shrugged.

She stared into his eyes, and he felt her soft sigh on his mouth. "I'm thinking of relocating, too."

It hit him like a liver punch, stealing all his air. "Since when?" he wheezed.

Turning, she leaned on the wall, her arms folded behind her, one leg bent. Looking pensive, she kept her head down. "I got offered a promotion if I relocate to Indiana."

He'd half been hoping she'd say Kentucky, since that's where he'd be dividing his time going from the rec center to the camp where Cannon trained, with Havoc and Simon.

He wanted to say, "Don't go," but instead he growled, "Congrats, then."

"I haven't accepted yet. I have a little time to think about it." Her gaze sought his. "You'll be in Kentucky, right?"


In a rush, she asked, "Why do you have to do that? Go away, I mean. What's wrong with training here?"

"Rissy." She already understood damn near as much about MMA as he did. Every step of the way she'd been a dedicated supporter of her brother's career path. "Different camps make better rounded fighters."

"The variety, I know. But why can't those guys rotate here?"

"Havoc and Simon are a big deal." He choked out the words, saying, "It's an honor to be invited to their camp."

She made a rude sound. "You don't care about stuff like that."

His muscles tensed. "Honor?"


"Oh." Yeah, he didn't much care about that.


Wary, he said, "Yeah?"

"I would never question your honor." As she walked away, she trailed her fingertips over his right shoulder, across his chest, and off his left shoulder.

Stymied, he watched her go, specifically the gentle sway of her ass. Damn it, he had wood after all.

Then he remembered Cherry's sicko foster brothers and jogged to the end the hall in time to see Cannon walking her out.

If they both left Ohio, that could well solve his problem.