Ultimate: Holding Strong - Ultimate: Holding Strong Part 39

Ultimate: Holding Strong Part 39

Even knowing Armie had his back, he checked out every shadow and movement along the busy street. The cool, damp breeze left goose bumps on Cherry's arms. She'd tidied up and even though she wore Armie's shirt inside out, she looked hot.

He figured she could wear a potato sack and he'd still want her because wanting her was about more than just her looks and her sex appeal.

Though she denied it, he could tell by her fast chatter she was nervous. She talked about everything from the rainstorm, to Leese at the rec center, to Vanity kissing Stack.

"I'm pretty sure he kissed her, not the other way around."

"That's not how it looked to me. Do you think Stack likes her?"

Denver shrugged. "Sure. Why wouldn't he?"

"Denver Lewis, you know that's not what I mean. Does he like-like her?"

Why did women always want to analyze things? "He's confused, far as I can tell." Wind shook overhead tree branches, and the wet leaves sprinkled them with rain droplets. Denver stepped her out from under the long branches. "Don't worry about your car. I'll take care of it."

She frowned at him. "I can-"

"No need." A truck drove slowly past, making Denver frown. Then he saw the driver smile and pull over to pick up a friend who stepped out of a building. "I'll take care of it."

Cherry grumbled, but didn't push him. "Are we going back to my place now?"

Absently, he shook his head. "We're going to my house tonight, remember? I need to soak my shoulder for a bit and all you have is a shower."

She did an about-face. "You hurt your shoulder?"

"It's fine." He'd overworked every muscle today in an effort to sweat off tension. It hadn't helped. "It's just sore, that's all."

"There's a bathtub upstairs."

"In Rissy's domain? Yeah, I can't see Cannon liking that idea."

She smacked at him. "It's not like she'd peek in on you." After only a short hesitation, she added, "I don't think."

He grinned, but remained watchful. "Maybe I should just show her the goods to take care of her curiosity." Across the street a group of people laughed as they walked along. Somewhere farther up a car door slammed.

Denver realized Cherry had stopped and he turned to find her standing stiffly, her arms crossed and her face tight.

The grin caught him by surprise. "Just a joke, girl. Don't get all huffy."

"It's not funny."

Reaching out, he caught her elbow and drew her forward and into his arms. There on the sidewalk, with the steady drone of dripping gutters around them, he kissed her. "We made that exclusivity bargain, remember?"

"It covers looking or showing?"

"Definitely." He didn't want anyone else even thinking of Cherry's body, much less seeing it.

Satisfied, she nodded. "Okay then."

He got her to his car and held the passenger door open for her.

As soon as she was seated, she said, "The bathroom door has a lock."

"Buckle up." He closed the door and walked around the hood to get behind the wheel. He started the car, but his thoughts were divided between danger and Cherry in the bath. "You soak in the tub a lot?"

"Often. Rissy doesn't mind."

"Damn." He could almost see her resting back, her blond hair pinned up while the water lapped at her big, soft breasts. He shifted in his seat. It seemed no matter how many times he had her, or what else might be going on-like a few lunatics offering up threats-she got him primed so easily.

"We could soak together," she suggested.

Yeah, he'd like that. But suspicion reared its ugly head.

He pulled away from the curb before asking, his tone as casual as he could make it, "Is there a reason you don't want to go to my place?"

"No. I'd actually like to see where you live."

"Then why all the hesitation?"

The seconds ticked by until they turned into a full minute.


She grumbled again, this time with more irritation. "I'm still annoyed with you."

"Really?" She'd hid it well. "How does that play into going to my place?"

"It doesn't. It's just...I wanted us to talk."

"We're talking." But yeah, he knew that wasn't what she meant.

"You," she said with emphasis, "have some explaining to do, but now we have to worry about stupid Carver, so I'm trying to put it aside for the moment."

So levelheaded. She had reason to be mad. She also had reason to prioritize. "Appreciate it."

Looking very pugnacious-and cute-she glared at him. "On the off chance that creep is hanging around, maybe following us, I don't want to lead him to your home. But I know admitting that to you is only going to fire you up more and I do not want to turn this into you being annoyed with me."

What the hell? How was that not supposed to annoy him? "So because you're still pissed, I can't react to you treating me like a wuss?"


Huh. She didn't even deny the wuss part, meaning she must've still been plenty pissed regardless of how she'd covered it.

Going for the most expedient way to smooth things over, Denver offered his hand and was pleased when, after only a brief reluctance, she took it. "First, I've been keeping an eye out. No one is following us. But even if he did, my house is pretty secure."

For far too long, she mulled that over, then gave a nod. "Okay."

Gently, he squeezed her hand, knowing by that curt answer that he had a long way to go yet. "Second, but more important, I really am sorry about embarrassing you today."


"I've never been such a possessive jerk. Not blaming you, but damn, you leave me half-cocked."

She choked.

"Not just with lust, but...with everything. I trust Armie, I really do."

"Of course you do."

"Pretty sure of that, huh?"

"Of course." She twisted in the seat to face him. "When I was sick at the hotel, it didn't bother you when Armie loomed over me."

"He didn't-"

"He loomed, Denver." She fidgeted before adding, "And he touched me."

Denver frowned.

"No place important," she clarified before he could give himself an aneurism, "but still, it about stopped my heart having two big, gorgeous hunks-"

His body clenched with jealousy.

"-treating me with kid gloves."

Eyeing her amused expression, he accused, "Now you're just trying to piss me off."

And she laughed. Actually laughed-at him. "Misery loves company. But my point-"

"There's a point?" Because it seriously just felt like payback.

"-is that you trust Armie, so it must be me you don't trust."

That put the brakes on his annoyance. Damn, he had given that impression, which meant he'd have to give an explanation, too.

And that would involve baring part of his soul. Shit.


"I trust you. Completely." Since he didn't totally understand it himself, he had a hard time explaining his reaction to her. "It's not about that."

Tipping her head to study him, she said, "Armie is outrageous, no one could deny that." She held Denver's hand with both of hers. "But he's only friendly with the women he won't sleep with. You know that."

"Yeah, I do." Armie did a lot of superficial teasing with female friends. Only Yvette was different. She and Armie had connected on a more basic level, making them beyond mere friends, but nowhere near anything intimate.

"You're not suggesting I stop talking to him, are you?"

"God, no." He liked that she was so well accepted in their group. The other fighters recognized her as someone special, not just a casual hookup. That mattered.

Looking stern, she said, "Good. I adore you, Denver, but-"

She adored him?

"-I won't be bossed around, and I won't let you dictate to me."

Carver had likely done enough of that to last her a lifetime. "I wouldn't want to." He felt ridiculous saying it, but what the hell? "I adore you, too. Just as you are. I don't want you to change."

"Really?" Her smile nearly blinded him. "You adore me?"

Such a stupid word. To blunt it, he added a few he preferred. "Adore, enjoy, respect, lust after-"

She laughed.

After another squeeze, he released her hand to put both of his on the wheel, knowing he'd need them there while sharing a few truths. Just making the decision to tell her everything left him unsettled and raw with unfamiliar emotions.

He didn't want to drag it out, so he jumped right into the telling. "Not long after Pamela and my dad married, she came on to me."

Cherry stared at him slack-jawed. "How old were you?"

Tension sank in to his muscles, making his shoulder hurt like a sonofabitch, strangling him a little. "Twenty."

"A boy."

"No." He wouldn't let her sugarcoat things, especially when she hadn't yet heard the whole story. "I was a grown man. Dad knew it." He hated the memories. "So did Pamela."

"I imagine you were as impressive then as you are now."

He laughed without humor. Impressive? At the time he'd felt like a stud. Young, dumb, full of his own invincibility. "Dad was at the hospital for a long shift. I'd been out late the night before so I was still in bed." Jesus, he hated reliving it.

Cherry's small hand settled on his arm just above his elbow. She didn't say anything, but then, she didn't need to. He felt her silent support.

"She came into my bedroom. Naked."

"Wow." Her fingers slipped up under the sleeve of his T-shirt, touching the bare skin of his upper arm. "What did you do?"

Seeing it all in his head made him feel it again, too. "She was on me before I even realized what was going on. I woke up with her hand wrapped around my dick, her mouth on my neck." Her naked body moving against me, her long hair sliding all over my chest. "She said she'd heard from some of my dates how big I was and she had to find out for herself."

Totally deadpan, Cherry said, "Guess she needed it verified, huh?"

He scrubbed a hand over his face. Clenched and unclenched his teeth. "I had a boner," he admitted. "She carried on, saying a lot of stuff-"

"Denver, you are big."

"I know. But she took that for encouragement, carrying on like I'd gotten hard specifically for her."


Was she teasing him? "Swear to God, Cherry, most guys wake up hard, especially at that age."