The Return of the Iron-blood Sword Hound - Chapter 360: Voluntary (2)

Chapter 360: Voluntary (2)

Thunk! Crash! Clang!

Before their eyes, the BDISSEM shakles crumbled into pieces. Simultaneously, the bars bent like soft clay, warping the entire cell.

With an utterly nonchalant expression, Vikir released all restraints.

Is this the effect of the titles gained within the Abyss tree? Remarkable, Vikir mused. Even he hadnt known moments ago that he could so easily undo BDISSEM shackles.

Titles: Bloodsoaked jade flower lumberjack

Deals significant additional damage to plant-shaped foes.

Provocation, confusion, blindness, bleeding, burning, venom, and various other abnormal conditions have slightly extended durations.

Titles: Executioner of the shadowless king of black sea

Deals significant additional damage to aquatic entities.

Provocation, confusion, blindness, bleeding, burning, venom, and various other abnormal conditions have slightly extended durations.

The surging, unprecedented energy within his body was undoubtedly the power of the titles obtained within the Abyss tree. Although the status window was currently invisible, this power had mysteriously interacted, breaking BDISSEM shackles.

Im not entirely sure what material BDISSEM is made of, but judging by the fact that these two titles allow for pulverization, I can make a rough guess.

Having effortlessly resolved the obstacle that was BDISSEM shackles, which had been the only hindrance to his future plans, Vikir could sense smoother sailing ahead.



As Vikir broke free from the shackles and emerged outside the bars, everyone was astounded. Pedro, Isotrope, Thomas, as well as Isabella, Banshee, Mozgus, and Lovebad, all seemed on the verge of fainting from shock.

W-What!? He broke shackles made with BDISSEM!?

How is that even possible?

I-I dont know. Professor Banshee, wouldnt you know better?

Ive never seen anyone break BDISSEM restraints. Was that even possible?

Unable to use mana, all they could do was watch the confrontation between Pedro, Isotrope, Thomas, and Vikir.

Eventually, Pedro, Isotrope, and Thomas revealed their true forms.

I dont know how you broke BDISSEMs restraints, but even so, what can you possibly do alone?

Its actually to our advantage. A chance to tear you apart and gain recognition from our master.

Until now, youve only faced mere contractees. Today, you meet their masters.

The three unleashed the power bestowed upon them by the demon. Black blood, hidden deep within their hearts, surged through their veins, transforming their outward appearance as demonic blood coursed through their vessels.

Thunk! Clang!

Vikir had witnessed such a spectacle before.

Most recently, it would have been when Vikir encountered Dogma who underwent demonification within the Abyss tree.


[Clang! Clang! Clang!]

Gradually, three massive demons loomed over Vikir.

Whoosh! Clatter! Boom!

The flames and magical fields emitted by the transformed majins wreaked havoc on the deck.


Isabella, Banshee, Mozgus, and Lovebad quickly moved out of the storms path.

Despite being unable to use mana, they skillfully kept their distance from the demons through extreme martial arts.

Crash! Bang!

Isabella skillfully deflected flying debris with her sword, while Banshee kicked away flying ropes and barrels with her unique combat techniques.

Mozgus and Lovebad grabbed onto Isabella and Banshee, preventing them from falling below the railing as they were tossed about in the storm.

Such power just from transformation What on earth is that strength?

This is bad! Demons! Demons have appeared!

Pedro, Isotrope, Thomas, theyre demons!

I cant believe it, from earlier till now. Am I dreaming?

Isabella, Banshee, Mozgus, and Lovebad couldnt conceal their astonishment at the revelation that the mid-level officers of the seven noble houses had been exposed as minions of the demons.

However, whether they acknowledged it or not, Pedro, Isotrope, and Thomas were channeling black flames from their bodies to kill Vikir.

Pedro, who was at the forefront, exposed his gums and teeth as the flames flickered around him.

Withdrawing isnt fleeing, and waiting idly when danger precedes hope isnt wise action. A wise person knows how to seize today for tomorrow and doesnt venture everything in a day.

Was that meant for our master to hear?

Vikirs speech before his final judgment. Isotrope and Thomas also bared their sharp teeth, growling.

Our master heard those words and realized that you havent given up yet. And out of caution, sent us. Something seemed suspicious since you surrendered.

Your reckless tongue led to this misfortune. Because of it, youll meet your end here. Hehehehe!

When demonified, an overwhelming power surges through ones entire body. It fills them with a sense of invincibility, making them intoxicated with the idea that they cant be defeated by anyone.

Perhaps because of this, they momentarily ignored Vikirs presence. And the price was substantial.


Vikir released the mana he had been unable to access due to BDISSEM shackles. The Black Sun, the aura that made the fifth corpse Amudsias kneel emerged.


In an instant, the relaxed and amused expressions vanished from the demons faces, replaced by a rigid tension.

Somethings wrong.

This was the last coherent thought Isotrope and Thomas could muster with their intact bodies.


There was no time to attack, defend, or flee. Like a gathering black sun, Vikirs eight massive fangs coalesced into a sphere and obliterated everything around them.

Amidst the swirling chaos of countless teeth, Isotrope and Thomas were torn to shreds in an instant.

With their limbs severed and only their torsos remaining, Vikir, still devoid of any emotion, asked in his monotone voice, The fact that the three of you are here It means your three masters have also joined hands, doesnt it?



But the only response was the echoing of the empty wind.


Pedro. The moment Vikir raised the Black Sun above his head, Pedro had already turned and bolted away.

A Majin, darting across the surface at lightning speed.

This This cant be happening. I cant handle this.

Until now, he had relied solely on BDISSEM shackles like a rock. While his foolish comrades showed aggression even after it broke, Pedro did not.

Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash!

Fortunately, his frantic sprint across the water was a stroke of luck amidst his misfortune. Unlike the other two wretches, he felt he might just escape with his life.

But soon, reality shattered that illusion.

Its too late. When you saw the shackles break, you should have quietly waited for death.

Suddenly, Vikir was silently behind Pedro.


Pedro felt a chilling cold crawl up his spine. He had dashed across the water at an incredible speed. But how had Vikir managed to arrive here, silently, without a sound or trace?

Pedro turned his head, and immediately, his heart leapt to his throat.

Boom! Crack! Boom!

With each stride Pedro took on the water, Vikir was right behind him, stepping on the foam and droplets propelled by Pedros motion, following in his wake.

It might have been a bit tricky if you blew up the ship. But thats already too late. You shouldve done it before jumping into the water.


In an instant, Vikir severed Pedros legs, then plunged his fingers into Pedros neck, pulling out nerve bundles as if disarming a bomb. Then, as if nothing had happened, Vikir returned to the deck by the same route.


As Vikir landed on the railing, Pedros severed legs flew through the air, and Isotrope and Thomas writhed beneath his feet.

It all happened so quickly.

Isabella, Banshee, Mozgus, and Lovebad, unaware that their aura had returned, simply stood there with their mouths agape. However, despite being their escorts, they dared not restrain Vikir again. What sense would it make to demand shackles now, given the atmosphere?

In the first place, Vikir didnt even bother to pay them any mind. Sitting on the floor, he addressed Pedro, Isotrope, and Thomas.

If your masters knew about this, theyd be quite saddened.

Perhaps three of the remaining upper echelons had sent them, planning to blow up the ship in the middle of the sea by self-destructing.

But now that everything had gone awry, only chaos remained.

As Vikir sent a demanding gaze their way, Pedro, Isotrope, and Thomas flinched.

Just kill us.

We cant betray our masters.

We wont say anything.

The Majins resolute determination.

But Vikir, upon seeing this, merely chuckled lightly.

For the first time since the journey began, the Majins faces showed a momentary flicker of unease at Vikirs smile.

And as if on cue, Vikir spoke with a tone tinged with anticipation.

Yeah, I figured as much.

The stress had been building up since his trial process.

He planned to blow it off before going to prison.