The Return of the Iron-blood Sword Hound - Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Episode 22 Morgue Camille (3)

I guess they dont teach you not to covet what belongs to others in the Morgue?

Vikirs words as he entered the chamber changed the mood once again.

Adolfs expression, which had been subtly amused, hardened.

Camus also glares at Bikir with an angry expression.

Hugo, on the other hand, wore the same subtle expression that Adolf had been wearing all this time.



A showdown between two self-respecting geniuses.

The once-in-a-hundred-years supernovae of the two sides stare at each other in the center of the room.

Vikir studied Morg Camus in front of him.

Red hair, sparkling ruby eyes, a sharp nose, chubby cheeks, a few freckles, and an innocent expression.

Is this the Morg Camus I know?

My childhood face and my adult face overlap.

If you take away the baby fat from that face, if you take away the haggardness, if you add a little more age to it, youll see a face that Bikir knows.

The Ironblood Empress of House Morg.

She was known as the undisputed genius of Morg, a magical family that has produced many of the greatest mages in history.

In addition to her magical prowess, she also possessed a stunning beauty that captivated the hearts of every man in her social circle, and she was skilled at using her beauty to her advantage.

With a figure that could go in one place and come out another, Camouflages body could envelope even the highest ranking royalty in a skirt, making her the embodiment of power.

She was no stranger to arranged marriages, and each time, the power of House Morg was greatly enhanced.

In her heyday as a changeling, she slaughtered countless demons and barbarians in the Red and Black Mountains, skewering her enemies and burning them with fire to establish a border of blood and ash.

In her later years, she was referred to by the enormous title of Heavenly Empress.

Dude, what did you just say?

But thats in the distant future. For now, hes just an eight-year-old kid.

The camel turned to Bikir and asked in an angry voice.

Why is the ruby mine yours! Its ours!

Adolf laughed and Hugo frowned at the sight.

But Bikir dismissed Camus protests with a single word.

You must have traveled a long way to smoke this.

Hugo laughed and Adolf frowned at the sight.


The camel gritted his teeth as he realized that his weapon of choice was a child.

So he changed his demeanor and reverted to his logical self.


A chill ran through the girls body.

Dropping her innocent expression, the camel spoke in a cold voice.

Since you seem to dislike tangents, let me logically explain why this ruby mine belongs to Morgue.

Camu took out a map and analyzed the mines topography.

The only surface mines that can produce rubies are within our family, which means that the Baskervilles cant mine them on their own anyway, and it makes good business sense for the Baskervilles to give us the mining rights to the ruby ore beneath the estate in exchange for a percentage of the estates rent.

She is the only child of a prominent mage family who has never been overcome by logic before.

Her logic would make even grown men cringe, much less people her own age.

But Camus pride was soon challenged.

The mineral ruby is commonly used in magic. There is no reason for Baskerville to mine them, and it would be a great tragedy for House Morgue to have a fool in our midst who would open up our lands for rent.

Camu stared blankly at Vikirs rebuttal.

For the first time in his life, he had met someone whose logic didnt make sense to him, and it was someone his own age!

Werent most men his age dull and stupid? Camu couldnt help but feel a little confused.


Camus and Bikirs arguments were not those of mere eight-year-olds.

Both had a firm grasp on the logic of the Morgans and Baskervilles, and Adolf and Hugo could not help but watch with interest.

Camus narrowed his eyes.

Well, thats interesting. Ive never met anyone like you before. I dont know anyone my age who can talk to me.

I go out a lot.

Excuse me. Ive been out a lot already, if you mean inspecting the estate. What makes you think you know anything about my life?

Actually, I have no interest in your life, Ruby, thats the problem. If you want to change the subject, do it alone.

Bikirs nonchalant demeanor is replaced by a glint in Camus eye.

Youre the first guy Ive ever met whos been this indifferent to me! is the classic, clichd, yet timeless sentiment.

Hagar had every reason to be.

Shes a direct descendant of House Morg, and shes been the recipient of countless favors.

Where else would she go to receive such a blatant pat on the back from someone her own age?

Moreover, this is a stage he cannot afford to lose, an argument he cannot afford to lose.

My pride has never been diminished.

Camu asked pointedly.

The mine is in Morg territory, so the mining rights belong to Morg!

The vein runs beneath Baskervilles territory, so the mining rights belong to Baskerville.

I thought Baskerville was not interested in rubies!

Thats right, they only care about their territory, which is why they dont want you to come in. Is that hard to understand?

Morg is interested in the ruby, and Baskerville is interested in the territory. With such different points of view, theres no way they can agree.

The adults standing behind the children didnt see eye to eye with them, so the dispute was far from resolved.


Camus ruby eyes sparkled.

Very well, Ill make sure you know where the ruby ore belongs!

The camel picked up a brush and ink from the desk.

He began to draw on the floor.

A large circle centered on Bikir, and a larger circle centered on Camu.

The two circles were touching each other.

Then Camus made a wall of paper to separate the two circles.

(The wall of paper was so large that two servants had to hold it up on each side.)

Then the camel on the other side of the paper wall said.

This is your land, and this is my land.


Vikir made no reply.

Only Hugo and Adolf watched with interest as the two eight-year-olds argued.



The wall of paper was torn apart.

A camel tore through the paper wall and stuck its arm through.

A white, chubby arm broke through the paper wall and entered Vikirs land.

The camel asked Bikir.

Now, whose arm is this?

Adolfs face lit up when he heard the answer.

Hugos face crumpled.

The camels analogy was clear.

Even though his arm had crossed the boundary, he still owned it, and so did the ruby vein.

It was the wisdom of his ancestors, who, long ago, when the persimmons on their persimmon tree grew over their neighbors fence, went to claim them.


hmm. Who does this arm belong to?

Bikir is not a very likable character.


A strong grip that doesnt look like it belongs to an eight-year-old grabs a white, chubby forearm.

Before the camel can squeal, Bikir is the first to speak.

Hes mine now.

Instantly, an immense sense of power radiates from Vikir.

It wasnt the kind of power that comes from drawing on mana, but the kind of power that comes from being.

It was an overwhelming force that only seasoned hunters from the Age of Destruction could exude.

It was enough to make even Adolf and Hugo cringe for a moment.

Not to mention the camel, who was only eight years old.

mu, what?

The camel tried to swat his hand away, but to no avail.


The wall of paper ripped open, and Bikir yanked Camu by the arm.

The distance between them was now close enough for their noses to touch.


For a moment, Camus gaze wavered.

Its the first time hes ever seen another child this close. Not of the same sex, but of the opposite sex.

On the other side of the wall, the face of the first boy outside of his clan was incredibly familiar and yet strange at the same time.

Dark hair, dark eyes, white skin.

And a body odor unlike any hed ever smelled before, and a breath that was almost too quiet to hear.

For a moment, Camus felt a jolt that seemed to knock the wind out of him.

It was a very foreign experience for the eight-year-old, who hadnt had much experience wandering outside of the clan.

He looks cute.

Camu thought, momentarily forgetting the gravity of the situation.

Is that why?

He made the mistake of blushing and backing away from an important meeting.

My, why am I yours, woo, youre hilarious!

Its hard to tell if the attack landed because hes looking down at the floor.

Adolf and Hugo watched the scene with subtle expressions.


Hum, hum.

Important diplomatic matters mixed with the tender sensibilities of eight-year-olds made for a very awkward atmosphere that was neither theirs nor mine.

Just then.

Bikirs words broke the ice.

Who says youre mine?

At the same time, Bikirs grip tightened.

The camel was pulled firmly back towards Bikir.

Before she could scream in surprise, Bikirs other hand moved.

Your arm is mine.

As he spoke, Bikir pulled a lightning bolt from his waistband.

It was a sharpened dagger.

It was a shocking sight that made Camus, Adolf, and even the ever-poker-faced Hugo hiccup.