The Return of the Iron-blood Sword Hound - Chapter 190: Attack Exam (1)

Chapter 190: Attack Exam (1)

Chapter 190 Attack Exam (1)

The final exam of the midterms had begun. Students and golems faced each other on the vast circular training ground. On the opposite side of the training ground, a professor stood alone.

The golem that each student faced replicated the professors movements precisely. Swishthud! When the professor swung his right arm, the golem mirrored the motion. If the professor leaped, the golem leaped alongside.

In this way, the professor controlled his distant avatar golem to confront the students. This added a handicap, as the sense of distance became crucial in this scenario.

Soon, the practical test commenced, and students in the training ground faced the golems. Students had to exert all their strength against golems mimicking the professors martial arts.

Meanwhile, the attack exam divided sections based on the attendance list. A specific professor was assigned to handle Zones A and B, and each professor faced around a hundred students.

Naturally, various professors controlled golems, resulting in diverse golem combat styles. Professors with a calm disposition directed golems defensively, while those with a quick and aggressive temperament operated golems aggressively.

Therefore, students memorized their position on the attendance list and identified the professor in charge, studying their combat style in advance.

This testing method was devised by the Academys founding headmaster, emphasizing that knowing and analyzing the person who would teach you before learning increases educational effectiveness.

On the other hand,


The first time Tudor stood on the exam stage, he vigorously wielded a spear. Paat! A shimmering aura exploded from the spears tip. If this were a real human-to-human duel, even the strongest professor wouldnt be able to unleash such a lively attack.

However, the opponent was a golem, and the real professor controlled it safely from a distance.

Thus, Tudor thrust his spear without hesitation.

Kwak! Wujik!

The golem, which had been exuding magical energy, retreated backward as Tudors aura struck it. However,

Its still far.

A familiar voice flowed from the golems mouth.

Professor Banshee Morg, a prominent candidate for the Academys vice headmaster, was far away on the training ground, yet he accurately gauged the distance to Tudor and controlled the golem.


As the golems fingers moved, thorny vines grew rapidly around Tudor.

Huh!? The moment Tudor lowered his head,

The vines are fake.

The golem controlled by Banshee immediately sent a giant fist flying.

Tudor barely twisted his waist to avoid it, but

The fist is also fake.

The sole of the golems foot, kicking backward, was unavoidable.


Tudor collapsed on the spot.

As Tudor, covered in dirt, was thrust out of bounds, the shadow of the golem loomed eerily over him.

The sound of Professor Banshee licking his lips echoed through the golems mouth.

Did you think, just because Im a magician, I wouldnt use my fists and feet?

Uh yes.

The purpose of combat is victory. Just because Im a magician doesnt mean I pursue victory with magic. To win, you should be able to use anything, whether its a fist, a foot, or teeth.

Thank you for the lesson.

Although Professor Banshee was a disagreeable character, the content of his teachings proved to be immensely helpful.

Tudor politely nodded his head and left the arena.


The scores have been calculated.

Gradually, Tudors scores appeared on the status window due to the magic effect.

[Cold Department Class A-001, Freshman Tudor Donquixote]

[Assigned Professor: Banshee Morg]

-Effective Hits: 12 times (1 point each)

-Effective Evasion: 20 times (1 point each)

-Effective Defense: 3 times (1 point each)

-Critical Hits: 0 times (10 points each)

=Total Score: 35 points

A total score of 35 points, an outstanding achievement. Among the first-year students, it was undoubtedly the highest score.


Tudor raised both hands high and shouted in triumph. Successfully landing 12 effective hits on the golem controlled by Banshee and elegantly dodging its attacks 20 times, along with blocking the golems attacks three times, contributed to his score.

Although he didnt manage to land a critical hit against Banshees adeptly moving golem, it didnt matter. After all, professors, masters of combat, wouldnt allow critical hits from students.

Tudor bowed in greeting to Dolores, the student council president, who was watching from afar. The information Dolores provided about the combat style of Professor Banshee, Tudors assigned instructor, proved to be a significant help.

Although he didnt know about the kick until the end, it was still helpful.

Still, its fortunate that my score is better than those triplets from Baskerville.

Tudor chuckled as he looked towards the opposite side of the arena. There, three figuresHighbro, Middlebro, and Lowbrostood with their fists raised. For reference, Highbro scored 34 points, while Middlebro and Lowbro both scored 33 points, dominating the top two positions until Tudor appeared.

Tudor provocatively taunted the triplets, saying, Hey, how does it feel to be overshadowed by me?





For some reason, the triplets from Basketville showed no reaction to Tudors provocation. They simply stood still, like wooden chickens. Confused by the lack of response from his peers, Tudor awkwardly stuck his tongue out.

Whats up with those guys? Theyre always ready for a fight, but now they wont even respond to a challenge?

Although Tudor couldnt figure out why the Baskerville triplets had suddenly become like this, he thought it worked out well, anyway.

But, Tudors provocation was misunderstood by someone unexpected.

Damn it! That Tudor is irritating!

Bianca. She was rolling her eyes while glaring at Tudor.

[Cold Department Class B-001, Freshman Bianca Usher]

[Assigned Professor: Banshee Morg]

-Effective Hits: 7 times (1 point each)

-Effective Evasion: 24 times (1 point each)

-Effective Defense: 0 times (1 point each)

-Critical Hits: 0 times (10 points each)

=Total Score: 31 points

As an archer, Bianca was at a disadvantage in one-on-one combat like this, especially against a golem that felt no pain.

Ugh! To be surpassed by Tudor! Its all because the exam structure is messed up. Its unfair for archers. The balance is a mess!

What? Why didnt you bring up the balance issue when you were getting points here and there in the defense exam?

Why bring up the defense exam now when theres nothing to say?

Maybe its better to have nothing to say.

Tudor and Bianca began bickering over their scores once again.

And around that time,

Wahaha! How about that, you fools!

The vice leader Hot Department, Granola, emerged triumphantly after finishing the exam.

[Hot Department Class A-001, Freshman Granola de Libaiordon]

[Assigned Professor: Banshee Morg]

-Effective Hits: 11 times (1 point each)

-Effective Evasion: 22 times (1 point each)

-Effective Defense: 2 times (1 point each)

-Critical Hits: 0 times (10 points each)

=Total Score: 35 points

He finished the exam with the same score as Tudor, the top scorer in the Cold Department. It seemed like he received higher scores than expected, probably because the original instructor, Professor Banshee, was in charge of the exam.

So, luck was on his side.

Granola, amidst cheers from his Hot Department peers, looked at Tudor.

Is it a tie now? Our midterm scores are quite similar, right?

Where are you comparing? We set a new record in the defense exam.

Individual scores were neck and neck. And dont forget, my written exam score is higher than yours!

Tudor chuckled in response to Granolas boastful attitude.

1:1 showdown. If its in a one-on-one martial arts battle against a golem, even I might not be as strong as a certain someone.


Finally, Granolas expression stiffened at those words.

Indeed. Even the arrogant Granola had to be wary of talents beyond Tudor and Bianca. There were more threatening individuals than Tudor and Bianca.

Specifically, Sancho Barataria from the Cold Department.

Tudor cheerfully exclaimed, Sancho is a Northern warrior who can defeat bears with just his bare body, even without a bit of mana! Moreover, with unlimited mana and unlimited killing power in an attack exam, what do you think the result will be? It will be on a different level than when he used to beat up bears!

At that, Granola and the other Hot department students made uncomfortable sounds and averted their gaze.

They acknowledged it as well.

Among the Cold Department and Hot Department, Sancho was expected to have the highest score in this attack exam.

As expected, Sancho will be the first in the Cold Department, right?

Thats right. Have you seen his build? His fist is bigger than my head.

He can probably tear apart golems with sheer strength, right?

Maybe hell set a record for individual scores.

All students were murmuring with similar opinions.


The subsequent event shocked all students in the Cold Department and Hot department.


Sancho, covered in blood, weakly dropped to his knees. Then, the status window reflecting the harsh reality appeared.

[Cold Department Department Class A-172, Freshman Sancho Barataria]

[Assigned Professor: Sadi]

-Effective Hits: 8 times (1 point each)

-Effective Evasion: 9 times (1 point each)

-Effective Defense: 0 times (1 point each)

-Critical Hits: 0 times (10 points each)

=Total Score: 17 points

The score was absurd. He managed to land only 8 effective hits and evade just 9 times. Moreover, there was zero effective defense, meaning he was directly hit by almost every attack. A total score of 17 points was well below average. Even students capable of achieving scores in the late 30s received much lower than expected results. Sancho, who could normally achieve high scores, barely managed to score this low. After completing the exam, Sancho immediately collapsed, his body badly battered.

The bruises and bloodstains scattered across him added to the already grim atmosphere of the examination site.


Seeing his injured condition, Dolores rushed over. She supported the staggering Sancho and began to cast healing spells.

Immediately, students gathered around Sancho and Dolores. Leading the group was Tudor, Sanchos roommate and close friend.

S-Sancho! Are you okay!?

Im fine. President cast a healing spell. Its okay.

Sanchos deep sigh revealed his disappointment for failing the exam and his guilt for not upholding the honor of the Cold Department.

A vein popped on Dolores forehead. After patting Sanchos back a few times, she stood up and glared at the professor standing on the other side of the arenathe controller of the golem that had just attacked Sancho.

A sinister laugh echoed, hiding beneath it an intense decadence and world-weariness.

Sadi de Sade, also known as Ms. Sadi, the young professor rated as the worst at Colosseum Academy.

Ho ho ho, how boring.

Her laughter was raspy, but beneath it was a deep sense of contempt.