The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2 - Chapter 80

Chapter 80

`- Isnt that just a skeleton, not a Death Knight?

Yeah, no way its a Death Knight lol.

You need to be at least level 80 as a warrior to barely manage against such a mob

Damn, isnt that Seong Jihan is crazy powerful?

Anyone who watches Seong Jihans channel knows hes powerful.

Since his first stream, the performances he has showcased always seemed to mock conventional wisdom.

If theres a reason the viewers are continually amazed, its because the scale of his conventional wisdom-defying performance was unpredictable.

Just like now.

In the defense game Lone Bridge, a map used from Gold to Diamond Ranks.

Not only has Silver Rank Seong Jihan joined the fray, but hes also vastly outperforming the other players in the scene.

Especially the way he stands alone against hordes of Death Knights, carving through them.

The performance Seong Jihan is currently showing would be a feat even for a Platinum player.

After his top 100 promotion match, Seong Jihans fandom began to buzz.

Jihan is so cool! Why cant he just be selected as the national representative right now?

Right? He seems to be performing way better than the current national team.

The League will end up last again if this goes on, right?

Well, its already last lol.

Geez; ever since the Sword King appeared, this deluded Fan Club has emerged; please, know your place.

Though the idea of him being a national representative seemed far-fetched and the Fan Clubs comments were met with backlash from other viewers.

However, there was no denying Seong Jihans prowess was unparalleled.

As viewers debated, Seong Jihan, who had annihilated the Death Knight squad, waited for the next wave.

The thud of hooves heralded the approach of a Death Knight cavalry unit, all riding skeletal horses.

Unlike the previous Death Knights, these wore white armor with a black bird engraved on their chests.

They charged with massive lances.

The sight of hundreds of cavalry units charging with their lances.

LANCE CHARGE!!! Dodge it!!! Move to the side!!!!!

Its over!!!!!!!

The viewers thought this might be the real danger for Seong Jihan, but then, lightning crackled as Seong Jihan leaped towards the cavalry with his blue staff enveloped in lightning.

Ill maximize my Force in this chance.

Almost as if they had planned it, sharp lance tips raced towards Seong Jihan.

The simultaneous attacks, precisely spaced, reminded one of an iron maiden torture device.

A perfect encirclement. A seemingly inescapable crisis.

Yet, Seong Jihan welcomed this situation.

Using the Force, Ill create an opening.

Some attacks came faster than the enemies intended; others slower.

In the midst of these converging attacks, a time lag occurred.

Their lances tangled, creating gaps where there were none.

Just like this.

Seong Jihan lightly stepped on the tangled lances as if they were stairs, closing the distance between him and his enemies.

By the time the Death Knights tried to draw their swords as their lances were rendered useless by the close proximity, Seong Jihans blue staff was quicker.

With a thud, a Death Knights head flew off, and Seong Jihan began tearing through the cavalry.

The Death Knights tried to resist, but to no avail.

Their bad luck wasnt over.

[The relic Shinjos Toe Bone detects a corrupted species of Shinjo.]

[The bone begins to burn true to its original purpose.]

At some point, the blue staff Seong Jihan held ignited with a brilliant white flame, incinerating the Death Knights effortlessly.

That black bird symbol on the armor was there a connection?

This isnt helping my training.

Though Seong Jihan momentarily harbored a complaint seeing the toe bone act up,

[You completely understand the Ortherwoldly Religion.]

[Divine power increases by 1. Integrated into Force.]

[Grade of the Otherworldly Relic Shinjos Toe Bone decreases to B-grade.]

[The Otherworldly Relic Shinjos Toe Bone has fulfilled its destiny.]

[Divine power increases by 3. Integrated into Force.]

[Grade of the Otherworldly Relic Shinjos Toe Bone decreases to E-grade.]

[The relic fails to overcome the power of faith and disappears.]

Divine power 4?

Other A-rank relics only increased it by 1 each.

Once he learned its true use, the toe bone increased the Divine power by 4 and had fulfilled its purpose.

With that, the force stat he wanted to increase naturally increased as well.

[Force increases by 2.]

[Force and Martial Power stats are shared. Martial Power increases by 2.]

Both Force and Martial Power increased.

Ah, no need for practice.

The dissatisfaction he felt moments ago vanished.

Seong Jihan looked affectionately at the toe bone, which turned to dust and disappeared.

Farewell dear Toe Bone

[From now on, you can only absorb Divine Power from relics of SS rank or higher.]

Although the system put restrictions on continuously benefiting, Seong Jihan decided to enjoy the moment.


Replacing the vanished toe bone, Seong Jihan took out Phoenixs Arrow and continued to suppress the enemies.


Seong Jihan smashed the head of the last remaining Death Knight.

[Normal Quest, 1st Bridge Conquest Cleared.]

[You have earned 1,000 achievement points.]

[Hidden Quest, One-Man Army Cleared.]

[You have earned 10,000 achievement points.]

It was a good thing that the map changed.

There were no more achievements to earn in the Valley of the End map.

By just dealing with the likes of Death Knights in this new map, they gave away so many achievement points.

A satisfied smile crept on Seong Jihans face.

Did you have fun?

Thump! Thump!

Bijang, who just a while ago was belittling Seong Jihan, now approached with a relaxed expression.

Thundercloud keeps nudging me to recommend you as the Imperial Gatekeeper. It seems he wants to serve you.

As Bijang said that,


As if responding, lightning flashed from the seven spears that made up Thundercloud Spear.

But that cannot happen.

Bijang pointed beyond the bridge.

Although the Death Knight squad had been annihilated,

On the other side of the massive bridge, flags bearing the emblem of a black bird with its wings spread fluttered.

Soldiers in black armor were lined up tightly.

The best of Wind Empire, Phoenix Corps has arrived The position of the Imperial Gatekeeper will soon be over.

The Undead Legion was just a vanguard.

The real main force of the enemy, incomparable to the Undead Legion, was the elite of elites.

The Black Cavalry, Phoenix Corps.

In this bridge map, the toughest 2nd wave was about to begin.

Thud! Thud1

Between the enemy cavalrymen, a giant, much larger than the mounted soldiers, walked forward.

Not only was he large in stature, but his twisted face also resembled Bijangs.

As expected, the giant opened his mouth toward Bijang.

Big Brother Bijang.


Phoenix Corps leader, Hojo.

He glanced at Seong Jihan.

Youve got a good disciple.

This guy isnt my disciple. How could I have someone who looks like this as my disciple?

That may be so. His face looks rather weak. Someone with a face like that cannot become a true warrior.

Thats regrettable.

The sincere conversation between the two giants left the viewers in disbelief.

They, with ruined faces, are judging appearances HAHA!

Right, its not the face of a true warrior. Seong Jihan should join them.

Are they crazy?

If his face turned like that, I wouldnt watch;;

That playful banter was short-lived.


Hojo drew a massive sword from his back.

Big Brother Bijang. As a fellow giant, let me advise you for the last time. Are you considering becoming a naturalized citizen of the Wind Empire?

I cant. The Emperor of the Cloud Empire is like my sworn brother. I cant betray the loyalty between us.

What kind of brother leaves his younger sibling so alone like this? Big Brother Bijang, youve been used.

No! Thats not true My sworn brother will come to guard the bridge.

Bijangs voice, as he said this, lacked strength.

It seemed he didnt genuinely believe that reinforcements would come.

Hahaha! Big Brother Bijang! Do you truly not understand why the Emperor of the Cloud Empire asked you to guard the bridge with such a ragtag group?


Hojo pointed to the other side of the bridge with the tip of his sword.

The 50 players summoned to this game and the soldiers supporting them.

He judged them to be a mismatched bunch.

Look at this!


The wind gathered at the tip of his sword.

When the giant swung his blade, a gust swept through.

This wind was not just any wind.

It was a fierce wind-blade, cutting through everything it touched.

This is it.

Seong Jihan suppressed the wind with the power of his force, easily deflecting it. However,



From the backside of the bridge, screams of various kinds echoed.

From such a distance, he slaughtered the enemies across the bridge with his wind-blade.

Hes strong.

While Seong Jihan was admiring Hojos blade, he suddenly furrowed his brow.

It seemed there were too many screams from behind.

It cant be the game isnt over, is it?

In this defense game, when half of the survivors remain, the game ends.

Suddenly, that basic rule came to his mind.

Nah, it cant be.

Just because they couldnt block that casual wind-blade, the game cant be over, right?

Especially when Gold Ranks are here?

Seong Jihan tried to think positively, but then,

[Only 15 survivors remain.]

[The game is ending.]

His ominous hunch became a reality.

Hahaha. Isnt it pitiful? Not even half remained!

Hojo smirked, pointing across the bridge with his blade.

Your sworn brother has no intention of helping you. In fact, he probably wishes for your death here!

Hojo! Dont insult my brother!

Do you really think you can guard this bridge with that ragtag group? You should know the meaning behind such an order

You bastard!

The Thundercloud Spear retracted, and as the Thundercloud returned to Bijangs hand, Seong Jihan stiffened at the sight.

This is

An event that happens when a bridge map game ends.

Big Brother Bijang! Why not join the Wind Empire? The Emperor will value you highly. Look at me, a giant, he even made me the leader of the Phoenix Corps!

I cant. I cant betray my brothers trust.

It was he who betrayed first!

At Hojos words, Bijang bit his lips hard and didnt respond.

Instead, he gripped Seong Jihans shoulder.

You will live.

With a swift move, unlike the initial rebound from the bridge, this time he couldnt resist.

As Seong Jihan was flung far behind the bridge, Hojos blade aimed at the flying Seong Jihan.

A sprouting problem should be nipped in the bud!

Not on my watch!

As Hojos blade, aiming to cut down Seong Jihan, was blocked by Bijangs spear, the two began to clash fiercely.

A moment later, Bijang thrust his Thundercloud Spear into the bridge.

True. Alone, I cant stop it.

If thats the case

If I cant stop it, Ill destroy it.

With those words, the massive bridge began to crumble.

Huh. Breaking the bridge!

Hojo, who had clashed with Bijang, stepped back with a click of his tongue.

As Bijang fell along with the collapsing bridge into the abyss below, the Lone Bridge game ended.

It was a suicide event that occurs if the players survival rate drops below 50% before 2nd Wave starts.

Seong Jihan, hovering in the air, recalled the epic quest he had just received.

[Epic Quest]

[Earn the recognition of the Imperial Gatekeeper and prevent his death.]

This Its not something I can achieve just by doing well alone