The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2 - Chapter 32

Chapter 32

* * *

The next morning.

This car really is comfortable,

Yoon Seah remarked as she buckled her seatbelt, smiling.

Didnt you like the foreign car we rode yesterday?

The car was fine, but Heesu kept worrying about me, saying Seah~ what will you do now? That concern itself felt a bit awkward. I didnt really want to hear it

Seong Jihan seemed to understand what she meant.

When people express concern, saying what will you do~, it doesnt always provide comfort.

From the recipients perspective, it can sometimes feel more like theyre making fun of you.

Lets just use this car from now on.

Come on. Theres no need to refuse when someone offers to give you a ride. Its fine Huh?

While deep in conversation, Yoon Seahs eyes widened a bit.

At the parking spot number 17, where Seong Jihan had parked the day before, now stood a flashy sports car.

And soon, the car door opened.

Youve arrived.

A tall woman, dressed in a suit, came out.

It was Lee Hayeons bodyguard, Lim Gayeong, who bowed her head towards Seong Jihan.

Isnt she Lee Hayeons bodyguard?

Seems so. Wait here. Ill go check.

Me too, I want to go too!

Seeing her sparkling eyes, it was evident she wasnt going to listen.

Seong Jihan nodded slightly, parked the car in the adjacent spot, and stepped outside.

Oh my. Mr. Seong Jihan!

As the group including Seong Jihan came out,the passenger door of the sports car opened, revealing the radiant beauty, Lee Hayeon.

Its unexpected to see you here.

Were you waiting for me?

Oh no, its just a coincidence. Im an alumnus here, so I came to visit my old teacher.

This early in the morning?

Its customary to greet in the morning. Hoho, hello to you too, Miss Yoon Seah.

Hello, Miss Lee Hayeon!

The two exchanged pleasantries, seemingly in good spirits.

Come to think of it, Miss Seah, you were the Student Council President at the academy We share a deep connection.

How so?

I was the academys fourth Student Council President.

Ah~ I see~.

Perhaps Yoon Seahs tone was a bit blatant, as she switched to a more formal manner of speaking. Meanwhile, Lee Hayeon, who had turned her gaze back to Seong Jihan, brought up the main topic.

How about a coffee, since weve met like this?

With me?


You mentioned meeting your teacher.

Ah, I just realized they might be busy in the morning. Theres also a nice cafe in the academy.

Well sure.

Seong Jihan nodded his head amicably.

The purpose was quite clear.

Normally, I would have declined an invitation from any guild, but

He saw the need to maintain a connection with Lee Hayeon, who was a potential candidate for Zero.

Uncle, are you going to have coffee with Miss Lee Hayeon?

Yeah, thats the plan.

Got it. Then lets go together.

Seong Jihan nodded and boarded the elevator with Lee Hayeons group.

* * *

BattleNet Academys cafeteria.

The place, usually deserted in the morning, was unusually full. Those dressed in neat suits were unmistakably working professionals.

Oh its Seong Jihan!

Isnt that Lee Hayeon from Divergent Guild next to him?

As Seong Jihan and Lee Hayeon entered the cafeteria, murmurs began.

Those who instantly recognized them were scouts dispatched from various guilds.

They came up from the student parking lot.

Did Lee Hayeon also graduate from the academy?

Divergent Guild contacted Seong Jihan first.

Anticipating contact with Seong Jihan from the parking lot, the scouts from other guilds couldnt hide their disappointment.

I hope the deal falls through.

If it does, well contact him directly.

Hoping that the conversation between the two wouldnt go smoothly, they sipped their coffee.

Lee Hayeon looked around at them and smirked.

It seems many familiar faces are here in the academys cafeteria.

You mean those people?

Yes, theyre guild scouts They must have come to see Mr. Seong Jihan.

It was a good choice to wait in the parking lot.

Lee Hayeon thought highly of her own decision as she took a seat next to Seong Jihan.

Jihan, I felt hurt, she said with a smirk as soon as she sat down.

Notably, her manner of addressing Seong Jihan had become more informal, dropping the surname Seong.

I even gave you my business card, but you didnt contact me.

Ive been busy and forgot.

I kept waiting for your call, and I couldnt sleep at night. Look, can you see these dark circles under my eyes?

She laughed heartily, pointing at her flawless face.

Right now, she seemed as relentless as a predator in the recruitment industry.

Ill be more considerate next time.

Also, during the broadcast you wanted to give your contact to the person who kicked the soccer ball, right? Do you remember now?

Yes. I remembered after that incident.

Then, share it with me too!

She quickly scanned the surroundings, then brushed her hair back and leaned in, whispering towards Seong Jihans ear, There are too many people around. Just whisper it to me..

A faint, pleasant fragrance wafted from her.

Her side profile was so beautiful that the scouts watching from a distance were utterly mesmerized.

Shes really on a mission Lee Hayeon!

With a face like that, she couldve been a celebrity. Why did she come to this industry?

Its over, totally over.

However, contrary to the scouts thoughts, Seong Jihan was reminiscing about the past.

Thats the same fragrance as Zero.

He recalled the image of Zero, recklessly causing trouble while being heavily intoxicated.

Seong Jihan decided to take this opportunity to test the waters.

Do you want my number?


Then, satisfy my curiosity, and Ill share it.

What are you curious about?

Your gift, Lee Hayeon.

Lee Hayeons once radiant expression turned stern. She leaned back and waved her hand dismissively.

I dont have a Gift. If I had, I wouldve been a pro player.

Is that so?

Yes, I dont have one. Seriously.

You mentioned being the student council president here

Yes, despite serving the school as the Student Council President, they didnt bestow me with a Gift. Its quite unfair, isnt it?

I understand. I apologize. Alright then, about your purpose for visiting today. I assume its a recruitment proposal, Seong Jihan commented.

Upon hearing that, Lee Hayeon gestured to Lim Gayeong, who promptly handed over a piece of paper.

Yes, wed like to invite Mr. Jihan to our Divergent Guild. For that reason, weve prepared a contract that is top-notch in the industry, she declared confidently.

Seong Jihan skimmed through the contract. The word Platinum Rank stood out prominently.

They are offering Platinum Rank treatment.

Platinum Rank.

The Platinum Rank consisted of players who could potentially become national representatives depending on their positions. Players in this league were among the top in the pro scene.

Well what do you think?

The conditions offered by the Lee Sung Guild were indeed staggering, just as Lee Ha-Yeon had boasted.

If he signed the contract with them, he would never have to worry about money again.


Lim Gayeong, who had been sneaking glances, couldnt help but gasp.

Isnt this too generous an offer for a Bronze Rank player?

Its possible because shes from a chaebol family, she thought. Indeed, it was an offer only possible because Lee Hayeon was the golden parachute executive of the Lee Sung Group.

PR/N: chaebol (in South Korea) a large family-owned business conglomerate.

The other scouts, who had been keenly observing the conversation, shared the same astonishment.

A Platinum Rank contract? Are they crazy?

It was hard enough to get a Gold Rank contract

Were done for

The term Platinum carried such immense significance.

Mr. Jihan, we firmly believe that well be great partners with you. Through this Platinum Rank contract, our commitment is unmistakably displayed, Lee Ha-Yeon confidently stated.

Hmm, Seong Jihan hummed in contemplation.

Until now, Mr. Jihan, youve never missed the top spot. But after reaching Level 15, a guild becomes essential. To maintain your top rank, its even more crucial. We promise to provide the utmost care to ensure you remain at the top.

At this, Seong Jihan grinned, Shall we make a bet?

Excuse me? What kind of bet?

Ill play a game without a guild right now.

Tap! Tap!

He tapped the contract with his finger.

Lets bet on whether Ill get top rank or not.

If I cant get top rank, Ill accept this contract. However,


If I get top rank,

Seong Jihans smile grew wider.

Ms. Hayeon, could you show me your status window?

I already told you, I dont have a Gift.

Haha, I just want to see it.

To definitively determine if she was Zero.

Seong Ji-Han proposed a bet Zero would love.

You always rank first as easily as eating breakfast. The odds

No, its different now. Ive reached Level 15.

W-whaaat?! Youre already Level 15?!

Lee Hayeon stood up in shock.

Such a growth rate was hard to believe.

On the other hand, Seong Jihans looked calm.

As you know, after reaching Level 15, the next game is always a dungeon.

Howeve, she wasnt shocked for long.

Remembering Seong Jihans achievements, Lee Hayeon thought, Thats possible, and sat down again.

Well, fine. I see no loss in this for me.

Losing would only mean showing him her status window.

There was no reason for her to refuse such a bet.

Then we have a deal.


Seong Jihan clinked down his cup of iced Americano.

Ill be back before the ice melts.


With those words, Seong Ji-Hans body transformed into light and disappeared.

When they saw it happen, Lee Hayeon and the other scouts were unable to believe their eyes.

What, what?! Did he log in without a BattleNet connector?

During the tutorial phase, playing without a BattleNet connector was considered suicidal.

What kind of confidence is this?

Even though there was no risk in losing the bet for Lee Hayeon, she unknowingly bit her nails.

Oh, miss You shouldnt do that.

Seeing this, Lim Gayeong recalled Lee Ha-Yeons jinx and felt anxious.

Soon, both of them, in fact, everyone in the cafe, started logging into BattleTube.