The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2 - Chapter 111

Chapter 111

In the Daegi Guild office.

Lee Hayeon greeted Seong Jihan with an excited look on her face.

Boss. The guild effect has suddenly changed! All options increased by 4 levels Did you do something?

Yes. BattleNet gave me a guild-related item as compensation for the last incident.


Lee Hayeons eyes sparkled.

Now we can accept 20 more guild members. Should we start right away?

Since the growth rate effect has also increased, lets charge extra for it.

With the guild member expansion level increased, the Daegi Guild can now accommodate 20 more members.

With the enhanced Stat Increase and Growth Rate Increase effects, they could now raise the rental fee and bring in more players.

I understand. Then, lets start with a valuation of 7 billion, and well proceed with an auction.

All twenty spots?

Hehe Word has already spread among the rented players who experienced benefits.

Players like Barren, Wang Lin, and Sophia, who paid hefty rental fees, were quite satisfied with the results.

Through the Growth Rate Increase, they gained additional stats ranging from +2 to +4.

Word of mouth spread, and many renowned guilds had already been inquiring, offering more money to accommodate their players.

Even top-tier players are showing interest.

How top-tier?

Diamond rank.

Seong Jihan was slightly surprised.

Diamond rank meant they were among the top league players.

To survive the fierce competition of the Diamond League, an all-stats additional effect from the guild option was essential.

And yet they would give that up to join the Daegi Guild?

Are they fine with not fully benefiting from the all-stats effect?

Yes. They said that even without the all-stats effect, if they can hold out in the league and enjoy the growth rate buff effect, theyre content.

To hold out in the Diamond League without the all-stats effect, one would need an unparalleled gift.

That would mean they are top-tier players who dominate the league.

Maybe the first-generation rankers will gather in the Daegi Guild.

First-generation rankers.

Apart from the Sword King, Seong Jihan didnt know much about them.

This was because most of them died shortly after the tutorial ended and the Space League opened.

They were severely trapped by the scheming of the World Tree Alliance.

The elves were the main culprits behind the near-extermination of the first-generation rankers.

The void left by their death was so large that Earth suffered continuous defeats until the rise of the second-generation rankers like Barren.

Earth, having suffered too many defeats, was unable to move up from the bottom of the league.

We need to keep as many first-generation rankers alive this time.

For that to happen, the Daegi Guild needed to accept not only promising rookies but also rankers.

Even if they were from the Diamond League, they still had potential to grow.

If Diamond players are coming, please accommodate them as best as you can.

Understood. Boss, about the auction schedule

You can decide, Hayeon. I have some work to do.

Oh, a date with Miss Sophia?

Lee Hayeon teased with a sly glance.

Lucky you~ I work day and night without a break while you date a blonde beauty~.

Lee Hayeon openly jeered.

Seong Jihan had a trump card to silence her.

Youve earned a lot from working hard, right? This time was quite profitable, wasnt it?

What- what are you talking about?

The bet I advised you on.

He knew she didnt bet on him, but he pretended not to know.

Oh. Uh, the bet? Well yes? Hahaha!

Lee Hayeon quickly averted her gaze and changed the topic.

More importantly, Boss! BattleNet management keeps contacting me. They want you to accept a commendation

Theyre still on about that?

Yes. They even offered a date of your choice. The new Director really wants to meet you They were quite insistent. They even said theyd wait for you today, and apparently got scolded for sending that message!

If we put convenience aside for the date, there was time to utilize before entering the Gold League.

Still, he wondered if there was a need to go and receive a commendation.

I should discuss using the penthouse more during this opportunity, he thought.

The most important thing right now is for Yoon Seah to safely spend time until she becomes a Gold Rank on October 25th.

Being in the thoroughly guarded penthouse of Sword Palace was advantageous in many ways.

Besides, it wasnt bad to participate in such events to request security personnel from the government.

Understood. Please convey that I will attend the commendation ceremony. Any date works for me, so ask them to call me at their convenience.

Oh, really?! Yes! Ill convey it right away!

How tormented the new Management Director might have been was evident as color quickly returned to Lee Hayeons face.

While Seong Jihan and Lee Hayeon were discussing guild-related matters, Lee Hayeons phone buzzed.

Ah, Sophia. Have you landed? You dont know Bosss phone number?

Wasnt this pre-arranged?

How can she not know the number?

Can I give it to her?

As Lee Hayeon moved away from her phone and whispered to Seong Jihan, he shrugged.

Since shes already here, give it to her.

Wow. Easy decision. You didnt give it to me like that before.

Back then, I genuinely couldnt remember the number.

Still on about that

Lee Hayeon still didnt believe Seong Jihans truth.

Is it even conceivable for someone not to know their own phone number?

Her reaction was very logical.

Sophia, the number is

After giving the number to Sophia, Lee Hayeon ended the call and looked at Seong Jihan.

Where are you heading?

A restaurant in a nearby hotel.

Hey, youve come to Korea! I should take you to a unique local restaurant!

Then, lets go to the traditional restaurant in the adjacent hotel.

Seong Jihan had no intention of going far.

There was a luxury hotel right next to Sword Palace, so they decided to go to its traditional restaurant.

I like it there too.

Is it good?

Huh? Youve never been?

I cant recall.

Why is it that hes a genius in BattleNet, but cant remember the simplest things?

Its really delicious. You should treat me sometime.

Shouldnt you treat me, Hayeon, given how much youve earned?

Well, okay. Thanks to you, I didnt lose anything. Ill treat you!

She didnt lose anything.

She didnt bet against Seong Jihan, but thanks to him, she got the BattleNet rewards and wasnt left penniless.

Seong Jihan chuckled.

Never mind. How can I take from the poor? Well go for a guild dinner next time.

Calling me poor? Im Lee Seonggas daughter, you know?

If you keep betting, even if youre the daughter of the Gates family, youll soon become poor.

Wait, you knew I bet against you?

Of course, I knew. If you had won, you wouldve boasted about it.

Lee Hayeon looked away, scratching her cheek.

Ah I trusted you, but the system was such a big variable From my expert perspective

I can hear Gayeong laughing behind you.

What? Why!

I unintentionally laughed at the word expert. I apologize.


Thank you, Mr. Seong Jihan. Thanks to you, I earned enough to retire.

Lim Gayeong, who had been silent, sincerely bowed her head to Seong Jihan in gratitude.

You when did you bet?

Miss, I realized too late. If I bet against whatever youre betting on, its like printing money.


But, having realized it late, I earned my retirement fund. Thank you, Miss. I will still work, though.

You Oh my

Lim Gayoungs opposing bet left Lee Hayeon speechless.

You both sort it out then.

Seong Jihan gave them space to settle their disagreement.

Not long after,

Ring! Ring! Ring!

A call from an unknown number came to the phone.


[Jihan! Im here!]

It was a call from Sophia.

* * * * *

At a traditional Korean restaurant in a Gangnam Hotel.

Oh, you brought your niece? Thats great!

At first, Sophia warmly greeted Yoon Seah, but soon after,

Seah, how do I eat this?

Oh, you wrap it like this.

Ah, its delicious!

The two of them, being of the same age, naturally got along well and had a great time.

As the meal was coming to an end, Sophia, with a beaming smile, spoke.

Jihan! Arent you curious about the story I told you last time?

It was a story about an Otherworldly Relic.

Even though he had heard it in detail from Sophia in his previous life, Seong Jihan pretended not to know and asked.

Of course, Im curious. But I didnt expect you to come to Korea. Especially without notice.

Hehe, wasnt our promise in the game enough of a notice?

Sophia, sticking out her tongue, then spoke seriously.

This is a secret. You know, right, Seah?

Ah, the reason you didnt use your stat points? What is it?

Theres this thing called an Otherworldly Relics in BattleNet

As if she was sharing the most crucial secret, Sophia lowered her voice to tell about the Otherworldly Relic.

Seong Jihan just pretended to listen because he already knew everything.

Wow, really? So, we can gain divine power with that?

Instead, Yoon Seah was excitedly reacting on the side.

However, noticing Seong Jihans lack of reaction, she asked,

Why arent you surprised?

I already knew about the Otherworldly Relic.

Oh my, really? I thought so. I saw an old video of you holding a weird weapon. Was that the Otherworldly Relic?

When did she watch that?

Seong Jihan nodded.

If youre talking about the video from my Bronze League, yes, it was.

I knew it! My brother said he thought Jihan had the Otherworldly Relic.

By brother, do you mean commentator Christopher?

Yes, thats right. He mentioned it while watching your video.

ESPNs BattleNet commentator, Christopher.

Although he mostly used vague expressions during broadcasts related to Seong Jihan, he was renowned in the industry as one of the top experts.

He said hed analyze Jihans gameplay in-depth, even if he has to use his gift.

Gift? Was commentator Christopher a player?

Well, its a secret

Sophia, not sure if its just to Seong Jihan or if shes always like this, easily spilled the beans.

My brother has a supporting gift.

What kind of supporting gift?

Well Its Exploration.

She gestured a zipping motion across her mouth.

You really shouldnt tell anyone. I dont know why, but he hates mentioning his supporting gift. Im only telling you and Seah because I trust you. Its a secret!

Who else did you tell?

Um Diana, Jane, Emma

As Sophia continued counting on her fingers, Seong Jihan responded with disbelief.

Youve told quite a few people. Is it really a secret?

Theyre all trustworthy! Itll be fine!

Sophia seemed to have no concept of a secret.

Seong Jihan immediately asked,

Anyway, Exploration do you know its functions?

He didnt tell me, just said I shouldnt mention it to you. Although, he once got drunk and complained he only sees item names clearer with it and doesnt know what else to use it for.

Whats the gifts rank?

Mine? SS!

No, Christophers rank.

Oh, I think it was B

Sophia tried her best to share what she knew, looking a bit awkward.

Listening, Seong Jihan recalled a conversation he had with Ariel in the past.

I cant understand it. This world should also have dungeon portals. Dont you need a player with the Exploration gift to eliminate them?

Supporting gift Exploration.

It seems useless now.

But in reality, it was the key to eliminating dungeon portals.

If he had known about Explorations capability back then, the world wouldnt have collapsed so easily in his previous life.

And Christopher had that important gift?

He had unexpectedly obtained crucial information.