The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter - Chapter 70: - The Underground Giant (4)

Chapter 70: - The Underground Giant (4)

Underground Giant (4)

What now?!

Its collapsing!

What for?!

Because the main body is gone!

Was that elephant the main body?!

I took the lead and rushed ahead. As I continuously searched for the way back with [Clairvoyance], despite feeling dizzy, I was able to move forward without hindrance.

If I looked back even for a moment, I could see the blood-colored mana chasing after us with the terrifying momentum of a tsunami. Touching it meant certain death.

Kaya was slumped against my back, unconscious.

Kayas usual faint body odor was nowhere to be found. Instead, it was replaced with the smell of blood and guts.

But what are you running for?! Your golem could have carried you! It was so big and fast! Dont you think?!

I barely resisted the urge to shout back.

I couldnt leave Kaya to Eden, who was carrying Ian while running. He had his own limits too, of course. Despite his level increasing and becoming faster, he was showing signs of exhaustion from being drained of concentrated rock mana twice. If I had entrusted Kaya to him, our running speed would surely slow down.

And whats with you? Youre not even within human standards to begin with!!

Argh! Shut up! Summon your familiar or something! Youre not even helpful, so why complain?!

Ah?!! Youve said enough!

Lisetta glared at me, seemingly realizing she had almost slipped up.

[Lisetta Lionheart] Psychology: [Afraid of you.]

Lisetta was a woman whose fighting spirit ignited when she was faced with strong opponents. Her fear of me seemed to stem from the overwhelming sense of powerlessness she had experienced.

Damn it!

Lisetta summoned Jeff, her rock-armored lion familiar.

[Heh! Youre going to drench me in the dreadlocks of a new battle again, master!]

As soon as he was summoned, Jeff roared with a valiant voice.

However, after hearing the commotion, he turned around and was so startled that his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

[Eek!!! Whats going on?!!]

Enough with the small talk! Just carry Kaya on your back!

Man, both the master and familiar are noisy.

Nevertheless, Lisetta had some sense. She could see that I intended to protect Kaya.

I had to run ahead of her. No matter how strong I was, if I ran at full speed with Kaya on my back, I was bound to slow down. Lisetta must have realized that.

I carefully moved Kaya from my back onto Jeffs. The process stopped me in my tracks for about two seconds to adjust. Fortunately, I still had some leeway since I had been running even before the giants body started to collapse.

Ice Generation (Ice Element, 1)

I immediately froze Kaya in place on Jeffs back. We picked up the pace, my body feeling much lighter now.

Lisetta admired my ability to find a path without obstacles, saying, Youre a good navigator! She seemed unaware of the existence of [Clairvoyance].

Soon, we reached the giants throat.

Rock Generation (Rock Element, 1)

I created a stone staircase leading up the wide opening. It didnt reach the top, but it didnt matter since Lisetta and I alternated in building a staircase.

We started running up the rock stairs.


Jeez, dont you have any strength in your legs? If you dont want to die, dont fall!

Do you think its something I can control, you brat?!

The tremors made Lisetta stumble, but I caught her wrist and pulled her up. After I let go of her wrist, I continued climbing up the throat with her.

From the base of the throat, layers of the ground were piled up, making it feel like a burial site.

Just a little further! Were almost there!


At last, we succeeded in getting out and made our way into the mouth!

I then made a trail of rocks in the mouth and stepped on it.

The smell of the giants mouth, the sticky saliva, and even the suffocating atmosphere were all repulsive. It was a thoroughly unpleasant space.

The ceiling!

The teeth formed a tightly sealed ceiling. I could make it out because the reddish-blood mana that flowed around it acted as a light.

Well, it didnt matter. We were safe here.

Its alright.

What do you mean, its alright?!

Before we knew it, the blood-red tsunami, now forming solid ground, was almost upon us. Startled, Lisetta screamed, covering her face with her arms.

The crimson mana engulfed everything, reaching the giants mouth before it turned into dust and disappeared.

Only a massive sinkhole remained where the giants mouth used to beThis sinkhole was made by the giant sticking its head out of the ground to create an opening, so it remained unreplaced by the ground.

Suddenly, I felt a floating sensation. Underneath my feet was the center of a dark abyss.

What is this?

We began to fall in unison.

As far as I could remember, this sinkhole wasnt that deep. Still, falling directly into it would mean certain death.

Its not that high, so quickly make some rocks!

What? Ah!

Lisetta used [Rock Generation] to form a large boulder.


The landing point was higher than expected. Thanks to that, we were able to smoothly land on the boulder Lisetta created.

Huff, huff! We almost died!

Lisetta exclaimed as she caught her breath while sitting on the rock. I felt the same

We really almost died.

Its over

I sat down like her, deeply relieved.

The male lion familiar, Jeff, chimed in with a fascinated tone, Ive never encountered a crisis like this before

And with that, we sat there for a while, breathing hard and collecting our emotions.

Are Kaya and Ian okay?

As soon as my breathing calmed down, I turned to Jeff, the lion familiar.

I glanced at Kaya on his back.

Shes sleeping peacefully.

[Kaya Astrean] Lv: (140)

Race: Human

Elements: Wind, Ice, Plant, Blood

Danger: X

Psychology: [ ]

The [Flower of Evil] that had been crawling from her neck down to her cheeks had long since vanished.

Im glad shes okay, but

Temporary level 140

The side effect of awakening as a blood wizard.

There was a setting that the blood element created a new personality.

This meant that the personality of Kaya the Ravenous, who uses blood magic, was still present within Kaya.

The temporary level 140 displayed was probably because the status window measured the humanized Kaya the Ravenous at that level. She was 10 levels higher than the original scenario, most likely due to her fully awakening as a blood wizard.

In addition, the humanized Kaya was safe. She no longer had the murderous or demonic instincts that Elphelt the Evanescent had instilled in her.

To be clear, her entire personality hadnt changed. There was just a dramatic shift in her character but ultimately, Kaya was still Kaya.

Except that in order to wield blood magic, she had to become the personality of her ravenous form.

What about Ian?

Next, I looked at Ian Fairytale, who was being held by Eden.

The blood on his forehead had dried up. He should be fully healed by now. He had the light element constitution, so his resilience was excellent.

If he woke up along the way, I planned to use [Black Ice] to conceal my appearance. That way, I could buy enough time to hide my true identity. The real question was whether Lisetta could keep her mouth shut.

[Notification from the Academy]

Just then, the voice of Professor Fernando came through from the bracelet.

It seemed that the communication magic had finally activated, now that the interference from the giants shell was gone.

[The Hunting Evaluation has been urgently terminated. We are currently conducting rescue operations, so please remain in place and report any unusual occurrences immediately Re-transmitting]


Lisetta called out, sitting up in a pseudo-slouch as she rubbed her sore shoulder.

Can I say something?

Since when did you need my permission to speak?

Lizetta furrowed her brow with irritation, but she didnt lash out at me. She took a deep breath to calm her emotions.

It surprised me that Lisetta managed to control her temper. Perhaps that was the power of logic.

I wont ask for details. If its something that someone like you cant reveal, it must be something big. A demon must have brainwashed the second seat. Its all so strange.

Youre the black monster, arent you? You must be hiding your identity on purpose.

I nodded in agreement.

I have reasons. Ill reveal everything when the time comes, so keep it a secret for now.

Then what are you going to tell the academy? Its ridiculous to brag that weve defeated a demon of this magnitude all on our own. Theyre probably tracking our location in real-time, and the second seat is covered in blood, so theyre bound to realize that weve been involved with a demon.

What else can we do? Well just say the black monster appeared.

With a determined expression, Lisetta her eyes and then, grasping onto a rock, stood up from her spot.

Soon, she opened her eyes again.

For now, lets organize our thoughts and actions. I know which side youre on.

Her demeanor had changed.

But tell me one thing. Why are demons appearing so frequently? Is there some hidden secret within this academy?

I cant tell you that either.

It was a fact that I had kept to myself, fearing the complications it might bring.

Especially when it came to Kaya, with whom I felt a sense of camaraderie with. I didnt want to burden her with this knowledge, much less Lisetta.

Do you always bear this weight on your own? Ha, how amusing. Even if I knew, I wouldnt be able to help, fool. Even such an absurdly strong bastard like you has been struggling. So, what could I do?

She laughed softly before sighing.

I didnt have anything to say, so I didnt bother answering.

People like you I wish I hadnt known. It would have been better.

[Lisetta Lionheart] Psychology: [Feels a strong sense of inferiority towards you.]

It was a clich for someone who thought of themselves as a genius to become frustrated in the face of a true genius.

I wasnt a genius, so I couldnt fully understand, but right now, Lisetta might be feeling something similar.

I dont care.

Of course, her feelings are none of my business.

Lets go back, now, I said, rising to my feet.

If I used elemental magic to create stairs and ladders leading from here to the sinkhole above, we would easily escape to the outside.

Lisetta, along with Eden and Jeff carrying Ian and Kaya respectively, followed me wordlessly.


The situation outside the sinkhole was quite dire. The earthquake had caused the cave to collapse, blocking the path.

The effects of the giants outer shell must have left the wizards powerless.

The Imperial Knights would have had a hard time clearing away the rubble. They hadnt yet dispatched anyone who could easily clear such rocks.

However, now that the giant had vanished, everyone would be able to easily use magic to deal with things such as rocks and debris.

Lisetta and I made our way towards the exit while we cleared debris with elemental magic.

We were safely rescued by an exam proctor who was rushing over from the other side.

The academys staff was fully engaged in rescue operations, using wind magic and makeshift carriages to transport the students. We boarded a makeshift carriage and headed towards the dock.

The students gathered at the dock were speechless as they saw Lisetta, Ian, Kaya, and me. The awkward silence hung in the air for a moment.


Suddenly, a female student with long, rose-golden hair rushed toward me. Her complexion was as pale as a corpse, and she looked utterly terrified.

It was Luce Eltania.

[Luce Eltania] Psychology: [Deeply relieved that you are safe.]

Luce stopped in front of me and Lisetta, and immediately turned her head. It seemed as though she was assessing the surrounding situation, other than only me.

There was Ian, unconscious with blood flowing from his head.

Kaya was also unconscious, and her school uniform was drenched in red.

The normally feisty Lisetta looked exhausted.

As for me, there were traces of damage on my school uniform from Roses attack during the day.

While the healers rush to help Ian and Kaya onto a stretcher, Luce chewed her lip with a stern expression on her face.

Top seat?

Her azure eyes, as deep as the ocean, turned to Lisetta when she called out to her.

After seemingly organizing the thoughts in her mind, Luce suddenly bowed deeply to Lisetta, expressing her gratitude.

Thank you.


Lisetta was taken aback. All the onlookers were equally bewildered.

The top seat had always been suspicious of anyone who approached her, and had always shown a cynical attitude to everyone other than Isaac. She never cared about anyone else. So this sincere expression of gratitude surprised the onlookers.

You protected Isaac, didnt you? Thank you so much

Lisetta was supposed to go along with my story.

Though Lisetta must not have been expecting this situation since she was the one who had been protected. However, she managed to remain silent while breaking out in cold sweat.

Thank you for keeping your promise.

Then, Luce raised her head and approached me. No, she ran towards me.



Suddenly, she hugged me tightly, burying her face in my chest and feeling my warmth.

She wrapped her arms around my waist, refusing to let go. It was as if she never wanted to be separated from me ever again.

Im so glad youre okay, Isaac. Im so, so glad.

Her voice, as soft as the moonlight, sounded as though she was on the verge of tears. I could feel her struggling to keep them from falling.

My heart tightened. The sight of someone genuinely caring about me to shed tears for me was both precious and beautiful.

I gently held her shoulders, pulled her away from my embrace, and looked into her eyes with a soft smile.

Dont worry about me, Im fine. Thank you, Luce.

After a while, Luce locked eyes with me before giving me a wry smile as she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Isaac, stay with me from now on. Dont leave my side, okay?

Sure. I dont mind.

Well, put this on then.

Suddenly, as if she had prepared it in advance, Luce pulled out something resembling handcuffs.

What is this?

What is that?

These are handcuffs. I bought it at an unmanned shop.

Wait, seriously? Theyre actually handcuffs?

Here, lets put this on our wrists. Then, we can stay close to each other.

I cant help it. It might get dangerous again You need to stay close to me, Isaac.

Her expression showed sincere concern. I knew she was genuinely worried about me

However, Luces judgment, stemming from her emotions, was twisted in a rather wrong direction.

[Luce Eltania] Psychology: [Feeling a strong instinct to protect you.]

Ill protect you, Isaac. So, from now on, youll be safe by my side Ah! Isaac?!

I instinctively backed away from Luce, fleeing for my life.