Strong Waist - Chapter 847

Chapter 847

Chapter 847 Avoiding Injuries

The relationship between Ronaldo and Real Madrid is currently considered a mess, and I don't understand how to calculate it.

It is impossible to make an accurate judgment in the future.

For the Premier League, all this has not caused any impact. For many clubs, they seem to believe that Ronaldo will not leave Real Madrid.

Manchester United also sent some "return" signals to Ronaldo, hoping to bring Ronaldo back to Old Trafford.

Arsenal's current situation is thriving.

With an undefeated record in the league, the Champions League has entered the knockout stage ahead of schedule, and everything is moving in the best direction.

And the intensity of the game shown by Arsenal this season has also amazed many people.

Even if they are as strong as Manchester City, they can't make Arsenal taste failure at home. It can be said that Arsenal has always maintained this state, and almost no one can shake them.

Of course, the more careful you need to be at this time, any small problem will affect the overall state.

For this reason, the team manager is the busiest person in recent times.

He must not only pay attention to the overall situation of the first team, but even observe the state of each player.

Among them, the absolute main force such as Lucky is naturally the top priority.

In the medical room, Lucy came out just after the physical examination.

Lucky put on his coat while walking towards the team doctor and team manager Martin Hughes.

The two were staring at the experience report without blinking their eyes.

"How about it?"

Lucky asked.

The team doctor looked up first, he glanced up and down at Le Kai, and said, "How do you maintain it?"

Lucy was stunned for a moment.

"Maintenance? I'm not a machine!"

The team doctor grinned and said: "Yes! You are not a machine, but your physical injury rate is too low, almost exactly the same as at the beginning of the season, as if the competition these days did not cause too much consumption on you."

Hearing this, Lucy laughed and said, "The main thing is to practice and eat. You have to practice well, and you have to eat well. Mrs. Coty's healthy diet is very helpful."

Martin Hughes raised his eyebrows and said, "Coty? Will anyone love her dark dishes?"

"Except that it's tasteless, but it's healthy, isn't it?"

Lucy shrugged.

Martin Hughes: "It's tasteless, you can eat it."

Lucky laughed and said, "You just think it's filling your stomach, so what if it tastes good? Anyway, it's the same after eating."

Martin Hughes shook his head, Lucy's brain circuit was beyond his comprehension.

Furthermore, Le Kai's daily diet is also very monotonous, which is also the key to his ability to adapt to Mrs. Coty's 'dark cuisine'.

Mrs. Coty, despite being Arsenal's diet expert, has no taste in her food other than nutrition.

This is why Arsenal players hate it so much.

"How is everyone else doing?"

After Le Kai finished asking himself, he also asked about the situation of other teammates.

Regarding this, the two were silent for a moment and said:

"Not particularly optimistic!"

Lucy frowned slightly.

"Is it serious?"

The team doctor sighed; "After the European Cup, their physical condition was not at its best, and the fierce schedule of the subsequent league and the Champions League continued to wear down their physical resilience. Now the injury rate is very high. We need to prepare for it." Prepare for the wave of injuries!"

Le Kai said; "Is it unavoidable?"

Martin Ness shook his head: "It's unavoidable. We can only hope that the injury is not a one-time outbreak, but a phased appearance."

Regarding this issue, Martin Hughes has already responded to Mourinho.

The latter is also a huge headache.

But this time period is really afraid to let the players rest.

At this time, how much Mourinho hopes that the Premier League can have a winter break so that they can get a certain amount of rest time.

But obviously this is not possible.

Even if the state is not good, Arsenal can only bear it.

Just like Martin Hughes' words, they can only pray that there will be no wave of injuries.

In Arsenal's locker room, everyone has a copy of the medical report.

Everyone carefully watched their physical examination reports and injury predictions.

Their expressions became extremely serious.

Obviously, the predictions in the report are not friendly to them.

For players, injuries are commonplace. Everyone will have injuries, but for the team, the most important thing to avoid is the wave of injuries.

And Arsenal's previous overly dense game situation still had a great impact on them.

Especially in the UEFA Champions League death group matches.

Although they won five consecutive victories, it took a lot of damage to their bodies.

With such an intense schedule without enough rest during the holidays, it is naturally difficult for their bodies to adapt.

"These reports are given to you to let you know what you know. At the same time, you need to avoid injuries as much as possible. No one wants to get injured. Therefore, in the next game, you need to protect yourself better."

Paused, Le Kai said; "Also, in the league, the coaching staff plans to adopt a rotation system, and the substitutes need to be ready to play at any time!"

Hearing this, the substitute players became excited one by one.

Their physical condition is much better than that of the main players, and they have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

After the disbandment, the players left one by one.

Le Kai was the last one to leave. He took the initiative to lock the door of the locker room. As soon as he walked out, he found that the sky began to drizzle.

The weather in London is always so unpredictable. It was sunny one second, and it may be cloudy the next.

Light rain fell in the sky, and lightning shuttled through the dark clouds from time to time, and a rumbling muffled sound came like the low moan of a giant dragon.

"It's going to be big!"

Lucky hurriedly set off towards the underground garage, and when he drove out in his car, it was pouring down with heavy rain.

The rain was so fierce that even the front windshield could not see the road ahead. Even with the wipers turned on to the maximum power, they still could not see the road clearly.

For the sake of safety, Lucky could only park the vehicle aside.

While waiting boredly, Le Kai suddenly heard the sound of knocking on the glass.

Turning his head to look over, he found someone lying on the window of his co-pilot, anxiously said: "Let me hide from the rain!"

The other party put the clothes on top of his head, and the whole person has become a drowned rat.

If Lucy doesn't open the door for him, it will probably be miserable all the time.

Lucy picked up the hat and mask from the side and put it on before opening the door.


The moment the door was opened, the sound of the outside wind blowing the treetops and the dense movement of rainwater falling on the ground instantly entered the ears.

The man quickly got into the car and closed the door, and the car suddenly became quiet.


Man thank you.

Lucky didn't say a word, but took out a clean towel from the sports backpack behind him and handed it over.

The man froze for a moment, then thanked again


Lucy looked at the other party.

Mediterranean hair type, looks not very old, about 30 years old.

Wearing a brown vest and black short sleeves, and a pair of jeans on the lower body.

The man wiped off the rainwater on his body, but the seat was still soaked. He could not help apologizing; "Sorry, I made your car dirty."

Le Kai waved his hand and said, "It's okay."

Man: "Kate! Bourne Kate!"

Lucky nodded: "Hello, Kate."

Kate looked at Lucky, but the latter didn't seem to want to introduce himself, but he didn't force it either.

"I'm from Turkey and I thought I'd see Arsenal players here, but I've been waiting and I haven't seen a single one."

Kate's expression was a little disappointed.

Lucy was silent for a moment and said; "If you want to meet the players, you should go to the entrance and exit of the underground garage, not the main entrance!"

Hearing this, Kate froze for a moment: "No one told me this."

Lucky couldn't help laughing; "Yes! No one will tell you, because players don't like to be disturbed."

"Oh! Damn, I said I didn't see anyone. It turned out that I went to the wrong place. Can I still make it in time?" Kate asked.

Lucky; "They're off work!"

"Then I can only come back tomorrow!" Kate sighed helplessly, and immediately asked: "Are you a staff member of Arsenal? You seem to know this place very well!"

Lucky nodded; "I work here."

"Working at Arsenal, it's pretty cool!"

Kate gave a thumbs up, this is a cheerful man.

The rain gradually became lighter, Kate said: "I'm leaving, thank you for letting me hide from the rain."

After finishing speaking, Kate got out of the car and left.

He didn't know until the end that the one chatting with him was the captain of Arsenal.

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(end of this chapter)