Solo Farming In The Tower - Chapter 74

Chapter 74

TL: Hanguk


Mom! Im home!

Bill, one of the interns in the distribution department of Sejuns farm, roughly opened his home door and shouted.

Bill youre just now home?

Bills mother, sitting on the sofa, greeted him in a lifeless voice.

Mom! Why have you become so thin?

Bill was shocked to see his mother looking as gaunt as the other people on the street.

Here, eat this for now.

Bill took out the grilled fish that Theo had given him and handed it to his mother.

Bill, what is this? You didnt steal it from somewhere, did you?

Despite not being able to take her eyes off the grilled fish, Bills mother first asked whether her son had stolen it from somewhere.

No, Mom! I got a job. Representative Theo, gave me the grilled fish. You can eat it.



When her son, who had been rotting inside following Oren around every day, told her he had found a job, Bills mother was moved.

Mom, I just stopped by. Im going back.

Bill felt a sense of pride at his mothers happiness and returned to Theo with a light step.

And then

Oh my. Dagons mother, our Bill got a job and brought grilled fish

Bills mother, having regained her energy after eating the grilled fish, began to brag about Bills employment to the other neighborhood mothers.

And because of that, rumors spread that you could get grilled fish if you worked under Representative Theo, and cats wanting to work under Theo began to appear.


The Black Wolf Tribes chief, Hegel, was here

Seeing a 5m tall black wolf with three long claw marks on his left face coming out with Oren, Elka realized that he had been too off guard.

If it werent for Chairman Iona, we could have been in big trouble.

However, just as he failed to predict the enemys power, the enemy also failed to accurately grasp their power. It was clear from Hegels hardened face whether he recognized Iona.


Representative Theo

While pretending to approach Theo, Oren tried to snatch Iona, who was sitting on Elkas head. Elka quickly tried to subdue Oren as she had been waiting for this situation, but

Dont stop him.

A command from an angry Iona came through.

So that rumor was true.

Iona hated being underestimated because she was small. She felt that Oren targeted her because she was the smallest among their group.

Being ignorant can be brave, and Oren had provoked the fiercest beast he should never have provoked. She was the worst and strongest hostage.

As Oren threatened her by pointing his claws at Ionas neck,

Oren, what are you doing, meow?! Put Iona down right now, meow!

Representative Theo, its okay.


Just watch from here.

As Theo tried to stop Oren, Elka quickly carried him on his back and retreated.

And then,

Kyoo-Hegel, what is this? Surely a freelance mercenary isnt trying to kill their client?

Iona, ignoring Orens claw, calmly asked Hegel. She made a very cute sound, Kyoo-, but Hegel froze upon hearing it.

Damn it! Lady Iona has unleashed her wrathful Kyoo-!

LaLady Iona, youre misunderstanding! How could IYou! Let Lady Iona go immediately!

Hegel, brought back to his senses by Ionas words, responded and started shouting at Oren. Currently, Iona was in the first stage of her furious Kyoo-, he had to calm her down at all costs.

If she got more angry and made the Kyoo-Kyoo-Kyoo- sound three times, they would know why she was known as the destructive wizard. Of course, Hegel didnt want to see that at all.

Those who had worked with Iona knew very well. Kyoo- was a gauge to measure Ionas anger.

Level one of wrathful Kyoo-, when Iona makes the Kyoo- sound, at least one building is destroyed.

Level two of wrathful Kyoo-, when Iona makes the Kyoo-Kyoo- sound, at least a small village is destroyed.

Level three of wrathful Kyoo-, when Iona makes the Kyoo-Kyoo-Kyoo- sound, at least one city is destroyed.

And it was said that there was a final stage of wrathful Kyoo-, but no one who had heard it had survived, so no one knew what it sounded like.

Despite Hegels shouting, Oren didnt move. No, he couldnt move. He was already under Ionas paralysis spell.

Mr. Hegel, before we talk about right and wrong, shall we first hear about the result of the mission?

About that Lady Iona, I apologize. We failed.

The reason Hegel came here was to subjugate the eggs of the Prog Queen, who lays eggs once a year. If the progs started to hatch, the aquatic life around them would suffer almost extinction-level damage, hence the annual subjugation.

The Prog Queen goes to sleep after laying eggs, so it was a relatively easy mission to go into the underwater cave at the bottom of the Zenka Lake and deal with the eggs.

However, when Hegel and his wolves opened the massive rock blocking the cave entrance,

Ribbit. Ribbit.

Five thousand hungry progs leaped out from the cave. For some reason, the progs had hatched from their eggs earlier than expected.

Luckily, about half of them were killed on the spot, but the remaining 2,500 progs evaded the wolves and escaped into the Zenka Lake.

Since then, the progs had grown by catching and eating fish in Zenka Lake, while the Black Wolf Tribe had been trying to hunt them while preventing them from hunting.

However, the swimming skills of the wolves, who are not familiar with the water, couldnt match the speed of the progs moving in the water, so they were practically making no progress.

In this situation where the mission was not going well, Hegel found himself in a real bind as he ended up on the side threatening Ionas life, whether he intended it or not.

Even if Iona used this as an excuse to kill all of the Black Wolf Tribe, they couldnt complain.

What the shes a client?

Izrael was taken aback by the fact that the hamster Oren had captured was Hegels client.

Hegel had said he came here on the request of the Wizards Association Chairman.

So that tiny hamster is the chairman of the Wizards Association?!

Come to think of it, I had heard rumors that the chairman of the Wizards Association was a hamster.

Oren, This damned guy!


Lady Iona, I apologize! Ill do anything, so please spare my son and me!

Izrael knelt down, touched his forehead to the ground, and cried out. His instincts were telling him that this was a dire situation where he could die if he made any more fuss.

Kyoo-! Its too late now!


Iona pulled out the Staff of Disaster, intending to blow away Izrael and Oren along with their house.


Iona, wait a second, meow!

Theo stopped Iona.

Kyoo-Kyoo- What?!

Ionas anger level rose due to Theos interruption.


You cant destroy this place, meow! President Park ordered something, meow!

Regardless of Ionas anger, Theo had to carry out Sejuns instructions to get three items from Orens house.

Sejun? Okay. What should I do?

Upon hearing Sejuns order, Iona quickly canceled her magic and started helping Theo.


What is he doing?!

Hegel was shocked to see the cat stopping Iona. It only provoked Ionas anger.

And then,

Oh my God, its the Level two of wrathful Kyoo-!

Just as Hegel feared, Ionas rage gauge had risen. Hegel was in despair as Iona made the Kyoo-Kyoo- sound. Now at least a small village would be destroyed.

And that probably includes our Black Wolf tribe

Just when Hegel was almost certain he was going to die,


Iona easily calmed her anger at the words of the cat named Theo.

Whats with that cat?

How could it so easily quell the anger of Iona, the great destructive wizard?


Whos that cat Theo?

Hegel approached Elka and asked.

Representative Theo is a direct subordinate of the great Black Dragon.

What?! A direct subordinate of the great Black Dragon?!


Representative Theo! Im Hegel of the Black Wolf Tribe! Please accept me as your subordinate!

As soon as he heard Elkas words, Hegel prostrated himself in front of Theo. The Black Wolf Tribe had been worshipping the great Black Dragon, which had the same color as them, since long ago.

Becoming a subordinate of a direct subordinate of such a great Black Dragon was the greatest honor for the Black Wolf Tribe.

Okay, meow! Then, stamp here, meow!

Theo, who never rejects subordinates and firmly holds on to those leaving, handed over a contract.



Hegel stamped the contract with his paw.

Thanks to Orens scheme, Theo was able to take Hegel, the leader of the Black Wolf Tribe, and the entire Black Wolf Tribe as his subordinates.


-Be sure to mention the green alarm, its really important.

Yes. Aileen, Anton says the green alarm is very important. Got it?

[The Towers Administrator says it understands.]

[The Towers Administrator is asking what a green alarm is.]

Aileen is asking what a green alarm is.

-The green alarm is the alert that appears in the tower when a monster at risk of extinction appears.

Yes, Aileen

Sejun was relaying messages between Anton and Aileen, receiving training as a tower administrator together.

After about an hour of administrator training, Sejun came down to the cave for tomato harvesting.

[Master! I can use the flame again!]

Seeing Sejun descend into the cave, Flamie waved its green leaves and cheerfully exclaimed.

Really? Then use the Flame of Purification here.

Sejun took out a blue bead from his pocket. It was a corrupted Ents enhanced seed.

[Yes! Eyaap!]

With Flamies cheer, one of Flamies leaves turned white, and a white flame seeped into the corrupted Ents enhanced seed.


Fortunately, the effect was as Sejun anticipated. The name of the seed changed.

[Corrupted Ents Enhanced Seed (Purification Rate 1%)]

Flamie, good job.


Flames blushed at Sejuns praise, pretending to scratch its head with its leaves.


Sejun put the corrupted Ents enhanced seed back in his pocket.

As he approached the tomato field

[The Towers Administrator says a green alarm has appeared.]

Aileen sent Sejun a message that a green alarm had appeared.

And then,

[The Towers Administrator appoints you as the Towers Mid-level Administrator to prevent the extinction of the Blue Carp in the Zenka Lake on the 75th floor of the Tower.]

Aileen began handling the green alarm as she had learned from her father.

[You have obtained the mark of the Towers Mid-level Administrator.]

A black dragon tattoo appeared on Sejuns hand.

[You will be moved to Zenka Lake on the 75th floor of the Tower in 30 seconds.]

[You can bring your subordinates with you.]

[Please designate who to bring.]

Sejun chose all of his subordinates, including Mpther Crimson Giant Bear, Cuengi, Black Rabbit, and the other Black Minotaurs. As he was uncertain about where he was going, he intended to bring as many as possible for safety.


[The Towers Administrators mana is insufficient.]

[Subordinates will be automatically selected within the limit of the Towers Administrators mana.]



On the left shoulder of the Black Rabbit and Cuengi, the numbers 1 and 2 appeared. It was a relief that at least two were there.

Shortly after,

[You will be moved to Zenka Lake on the 75th floor of the Tower.]

[Your activities cannot exceed the boundaries of Zenka Lake.]

Sejun, Black Rabbit, and Cuengi disappeared.

On the 246th day of being stranded. For the first time since Sejun had been stranded, he left the 99th floor of the tower.



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