Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman - Chapter 1218: Ask Long Hui To Apologize

Chapter 1218: Ask Long Hui To Apologize

Chapter 1218: Ask Long Hui To Apologize

"What if your next opponent is Brother Zin Fang?" Dian Shu Xian made an a.s.sumption.

"Can you not joke like that?" Qian Ren Qi s.h.i.+vered at that thought.

"Why? Just fight me like others." Dian Zin Fang lifted up his right eyebrow.

"Yes... Yes... I will." Dian Ren Qi nodded.

"What a coward." Dian Qi Qi laughed.

Yu Qi and Long Hui approached Qiu w.a.n.g after the compet.i.tion. He was sitting at the corner drinking some water. He noticed that someone was approaching him. He looked over and saw Yu Qi and Long Hui.

Even though he did not know Yu Qi but he could guess that this woman was Long Hui's beloved fiancee.

"Mr. Qiu, do you have time?" Yu Qi asked politely.

"What is it?" Qiu w.a.n.g was taken back by Yu Qi's politeness.

"I would like to ask you about your sword technique." Yu Qi said.

"My sword techniques?" Qiu w.a.n.g became guarded after hearing this.

Yu Qi noticed that.

"Is the technique's name Sky Sword Changing?" Yu Qi asked.

"You know about that." Qiu w.a.n.g was surprised when hearing the full name of his sword technique from Yu Qi.

"I see. May I know where do you learn that technique?" Yu Qi asked again.

Qiu w.a.n.g became more alert. "Why do you ask that? Why do you want to know about that?"

"Actually, I also have the guide of the technique. I also learn the technique. Actually, I get that from someone but he went missing after that. So, I am looking for him. I have no ill intention." Yu Qi explained. Well, with a few lies.

Qiu w.a.n.g was silent for a moment. He looked at Yu Qi.

"I don't know. I found the guide when I was cleaning my house. I found it interesting. So, I learn it." Qiu w.a.n.g told Yu Qi.

"I see. Do you have it with you right now? May I look at it?" Yu Qi said.

"I don't have it with me right now. I leave it in my room." Qiu w.a.n.g told her.

"I see. Can you bring it tomorrow? I will also bring mine too. We can see whether it is the same technique or not." Yu Qi said.

Qiu w.a.n.g seemed interested to hear that. "Sure, I will bring it tomorrow."

Qiu w.a.n.g felt that Yu Qi could be trusted. Yu Qi and Long Hui left after exchanging a few more words with Qiu w.a.n.g.

"Why do you interested to see his?" Long Hui said.

"I don't know. But if the technique is the same as Qiu w.a.n.g's, meaning the previous owner might be from this place too. If it is more believable that way." Yu Qi said.

She was interested to know more about her s.p.a.ce since she knew that there was another world that might be related to her s.p.a.ce. Like she said earlier, her previous owner might be from this world.

"I see." Long Hui understood.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat some?" Yu Qi looked at her watch.

The next round would be started at 2 p.m. They still had time to grab some lunch if they wanted to.???????o?el.c??

"Well, I did hungry but not for food." Long Hui licked his tongue.

"You... It is still daylight." Yu Qi glared at Long Hui.

"Oh, so, I will need to wait until night right?" Long Hui teased Yu Qi.

Yu Qi was speechless. That was not what she meant. Yu Qi rolled her eyes and walked away.

Long Hui smiled as he watched Yu Qi's reaction. He rushed to Yu Qi's side.

"I will grab some simple food. Do you want some?" Yu Qi asked Long Hui with a serious look.

"Okay. I want some." Long Hui became obedient.

So, they went to grab some sandwiches. While they were there, they saw a group of people. Bucong Family members.

Bucong Shuye was also there. He observed the couple.

"You are strong."

Yu Qi and Long Hui heard Bucong Shuye's voice. Then they heard again.

"I hope that I can fight with both of you."

Yu Qi turned and looked at Bucong Shuye. "If we fate to fight each other, let's fight."

"Arrogant." Bucong Jiye snorted.

"I am indeed arrogant. But I knew my place. Not like Miss Bucong. But to see Bucong Jiye already heal from yesterday's fight means, c." Yu Qi chuckled.

"You!!!" Bucong Jiye glared sharply at Yu Qi. "No wonder Dian Qi Qi loves you so much. You are the same as her."

"Of course, we are the same. I am her sister." Yu Qi smiled.

Bucong Jiye was angry. Yesterday she thought that this woman was a soft one since she did not say anything when she accused her of Cuan Xi's matter. Never thought she was horrible as much as Dian Qi Qi.

Bucong Jiye glanced at Long Hui. She wondered what this man saw in Yu Qi to be in love with Yu Qi. And she knew that he insulted her in his match this morning.

"You!" Bucong Jiye pointed at Long Hui. "You better apologize to me after what you said before during your match."

"Why should I? I am just telling the truth." Long Hui said without changing his expression. Then he turned to Yu Qi. "Qi Qi, let's go. I am hungry."

"I am sorry, Miss Bucong. My fiancee is hungry. As for the apology, I also don't think you deserve it. Excuse me." Yu Qi said with a smile before pulling Long Hui away from that place.

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