Qingye Supernatural Office - Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: No. 78 - As The Shadow Follows The Body (1)

I suddenly heard noises, it was probably the message stuck on the door, blown by the wind.

I didn't know why, but that sound reminded me of the dismissal bells during junior high that reminded all the students that it was time to go home.

My heartbeat speeded up and I subconsiously picked on the files that I had already taken out, closed the filing cabinet, and hurriedly closed the window and ran to the door.

When I closed the door and I seemed to saw something.


The door was closed and I didn't have the time to see what it was.


My phone was ringing as the phone was vibrating in my hand. The sound was loud and echoed on the 6th floor. The flashlight on my phone was still on and the light was as dazzling as ever, enough to blind someone.

I shooked my head and answered the call. It was the thin man, they were all finished.

I said 'ok' a couple of times and went downstairs holding the files. Turning my head and neck slightly sideways and saw behind the stair railing, Qingye Supernatural Office's sign and their door slowly blocked by the gray reinforced concrete.

"Qi Ge, how was it?" The thin man and fat man waited on the first floor as they looked at me walking down. When I reached the first floor, I shared the files with them.

"I found a living client but...I didn't have the time to find the case they last handled," I hesitated to say.

"Oh, then let's just talk about that next time. From this, next time we should also come here when it's day. It's getting dark and it's a bit dangerous," said the thin man seriously as he applied what he saw in horror films into reality.

That was when I realized that it was already dark and checked the time. I actually stayed in that pitch dark place for two hours.

"Next time, we come, we should let the people restore the power here," the fat man proposed. "Otherwise it would be too dark. Before I saw that the room was dark even a flashlight can't help."

"Yeah, that's why I said that we should come when it's daytime next time."

I absent-mindedly asked: "That time when you guys were searching, did you see the two rooms on the side of the corridor?"

"We searched a bit of it and it was all computers. We actually didn't really investigate much that day," the thin man sighed. "I thought about it and asked about it. That whatever it was called office's people should probably be found soon."

"We asked everyone and none of them knew," the fat man also proceeded to sigh.

These two were like a skit, you scream, I scream. At the end, the thin man patted the fat man's shoulders and the fat man did the same to the thin man's shoulders. It was amusing.

But my mood still wasn't relaxed, "Then, the next time we come, we should search the boxes, maybe it will have some clues."

"Oh, then ok," said the thin man casually and then he leaned on the fat man. "You need to remember to help Qi Ge, ok!"

"And what about you?" The fat man distanced himself from the thin man and he was no longer on his shoulders anymore.

"f.u.c.k the stairs," said the thin man decisively.

The fat man was laughing and crying at the same time, but he wasn't as scared as the thin man and just say yes and called out to me, "Then let's come here tomorrow."

"Ok. Also, the room at the end of the corridor, I didn't have time to check on it, but it is all boxes, too?" I asked.

Both of them stopped.

I looked at both of them strangely.

"The room at the end of the corridor?" The thin man repeated.

The fat man asked in confusion: "The corridor only had two rooms and there was a deadend at the end of the corridor, right?"

I stood there, stunned.

"There was a picture hanging there. Qi Ge, was it so dark there, you didn't see clearly and thought it was a door?" The fat man asked.

"Probably...I just took a quick look when I entered the corridor," I didn't really know what to say.

"You probably saw it wrong!" The thin man said unhest.i.tatingly. "Alright, alright, no more of this. Let's just go back home!"


Event Number 078

Event Name: As The Shadow Follows The Body

Client: Zheng Xiaorui

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Occupation: Student

Family Relations.h.i.+p: Lives with parents

Address: Room x.x.x, Building X, Qingshuiyuan, Huangnan District

Phone Number: 139x.x.xx.x.xXX

Event Process: On December 3, 2013, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 07820131203.wav.

"h.e.l.lo. I am Xiaorui's good friend, Duan s.h.i.+s.h.i.+, we've talked on the phone before."

"h.e.l.lo, Miss Duan."

"This is Xiaorui."


"h.e.l.lo, Miss Zheng. Can you tell me what happened?"


"Aish, I will say it. It's what I told you on the phone last time. These days, Xiaorui feels like someone is always watching her, like someone is stalking her. My dad is a policeman and tried to find the person, but he couldn't find anyone. But Xiaorui still has those feelings and she can't even sleep and eat. Her parents took her to the hospital and I even took her to see a psyhic media. Those people talked nonsense all the time and they didn't even help at all! I saw online that you guys are very powerful, is it true?"

"Little girl, let your friend say it."

"Hey...Xiaorui, you can say it. Don't be afraid."


"Miss Zheng, please also talk about your feelings and the things that you encountered. Don't be afraid of trouble, the more detailed the better, even if you have to guess what happened, as long as you tell us your experience."

"Oh...I...It's just like what s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ said, I feel like someone is staring at me."

"When was the first time you felt it?"

"Um, I can't remember the time. But, but when I was at home, when I wake up, brus.h.i.+ng my teeth, was.h.i.+ng my face and looked at myself in the mirror and went out. It was at the time, I felt....the person in the mirror looking at me..."

"Like the ones in horror films, when the person is gone, but the reflection in the mirror did not move, the head does not move, and it moves their eyes like this and staring at you."

"Miss Zheng, did you tell Miss Duan this or did she guess this?"

"Hey, what do you mean by this?"

"No, s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ did not guessed this, I feel just like that. Once I turned around and at the corner of my eyes, I saw that the reflection in the mirror did not move...and the eyes were staring at me."

"Did you confirmed it later?"

"I did even though I was scared...I was scared at the end anyways, but at that time, I didn't think much of it and just looked back and saw that the mirror was normal."

"I'm just going to ask this, so have you seen any similar horror films like that?"

"What is wrong with you? We're not lying, okay!"

"Little girl, if you don't shut up, you would need to go out."


"s.h.i.+s.h.i.+, it's fine."


"I have seen horror films and I...I was scared. I know what you are trying to say, my family and s.h.i.+s.h.i.+'s dad also asked me this. I also felt that it was because of that, too in the beginning."

"Ok, after that day, did anything happen?"

"Nothing happened, but after two days..that two days whenever I entered the bathroom, I was always cautious and never saw anything like that again. But on the weekends, I went out with s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ to go out and watch movies and in that bathroom, I...I had that feeling again."

"Can you describe it in detail?"

"I just came out of the bathroom stall to wash my hands. The bathroom there had these big mirrors. When I was looking down to wash my hands, I felt that the reflection in the mirror did not move and was just watching me. I was so scared. It wasn't long after and s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ came out of the stall and washed her hands next to me and was talking to me, I looked up at the mirror to see that it was normal."

Start of a new arc, I'm excited for this one since it's actually one of the successful ones from Qingye.

Next chapter: