One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 95

Chapter 95

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Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Family orenemy

January 9, 2017Ai Hrist

But, even if he is his biological father, he will not allow his mother received any injustice .

Even if in this life, he and him become enemies!

Mu Yazhe got stunned for a long time .

Yun Tianyous words are few, but he stated his position clearly .

And those few words seems simple but has a hidden meaning .

Mu Yazhe at the moment got shocked!

The child is still young, but has an extraordinary courage and very mature, unlike the other children who has the same age .

His desire to protection his mother is very strong . In front of Yun Shishi he pretends to act cute and innocent . But his other side is like a powerful god, who wouldnt allow anyone to bully or belittle Yun Shishi .

What even more shocking is his last sentence, what does that mean?

Family or enemy?



At the moment, there are too many strange and unclear thoughts in his mind .

This womans son looks five or six years old and very smart .

Whether his voice, temperament, height and facial features are exactly the same to Little Yi Chen .

Little Yi Chen is his son, but this woman gave birth to him .

People said that like mother like son and like father like daughter . But, Little Yi Chen looks like him .

And this Youyou is also six years old

Mu Yazhe got a bit scared .

He didnt read the investigation about this woman, he only heard a few information and the information was not about this womans son .

This son is her own flesh and blood . If so, who is his father?

He suddenly recalled Youyous warning to him on the phone, which is: Family or enemy, you choose!

To his great shock, Mu Yazhe suddenly remembered that according to this womans pregnancy test report before, she was pregnant with twins .

For the meantime, there is an incredible suspicion that loomed in his mind

Inside the apartment, Yun Shishi anxiously sitson the table . Her shoulders are still trembling .

She regarded that man as her nightmare . She couldnt imagine how he will cruelly take away this child from her if he will know Youyous real identity .

Dont Youyou is her everything .

Li Hanlin was sitting on the side, he quietly looks at her eyes with full of pity .

Although Yun Shishi is already twenty-four years old, she looksyounger than her actual age and looks so beautiful . Li Hanlin cant take away his eyes off her .

God, please dont be stingy and watch over this girl .

Li Hanlin was still staring at her when suddenly Yun Tianyou cleared his throat and coldly looked at him .


Li Hanlin quickly turns away his gaze and look at Yun Tianyou . He saw him prepared a bowl of brown sugar with water for Yun Shishi . Yun Tianyou squint his eyes and reluctantly ask him: Do you dare to hit on my Mommy?

Li Hanlin quickly makes a gesture to ask for mercy and his lip uttered immediately the words: Yun Tianyou, dont get me wrong!

Why would he dare to hit on Yun Shishi?

Not to mention, she may not even get interested in him and also there is this small angel that is blocking his way, so how can he have the opportunity?

Mommy, drink this bowl of brown sugar with water, then go to bed early! Youyou immediately restored his gentle eyes when he turns his gaze on her .

No matter how much he shows his indifference to others, he will always be gentle and sweet in front of his Mommy . He knows that in these past few days, her body felt uncomfortable because of all the problem she encountered . So, he cooked in advance this brown sugar with water for her nourishment .

Yun Shishi looked at the brown sugar with water in his hands, she got emotional and said: Youyou is really a good boy ah!