One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 847

Chapter 847

Published at 22nd of November 2019 02:00:08 AM Please help us improve Trinity Audio

Chapter 847: 847

Little Yichen felt that, with merely a gust of the wind, Youyou already neatly filled in all the answers and threw the arithmetic book at him . I'm done!

You So fast?

He could not believe it .

The younger boy replied matter-of-factly . Of course, these problems are too easy to solve .

His eyes went blank for a while before he hurriedly flipped through the book to check if his brother had done a slip-shod work just to fill in the answers .

However, after randomly selecting the solutions to a few math problems and struggling to calculate them for a bit, each was actually correct!

For a moment, he found it even harder to believe and only thought that his younger brother's calculation speed was simply unimaginable!

How did he do it?

His brother calculated everything in such a short time!

Little Yichen then handed over the English book .

There were still a few incomplete translations left .

Youyou glanced at him with great disdain and then proceeded to sweep through everything with tornado speed .

The older boy's mouth hung so agape two eggs could fit inside .

The younger twin reached out to raise his jaw with the goal of shutting his mouth . I'm done .

That's awesome! he exclaimed in awe, clearly in disbelief .

He was still waiting for his brother to be stuck by these annoying questions so that he would turn into a laughingstock!

In the end, he completed them in just five minutes .

Do you think I'm you?

Youyou wore his pride on his face, and while his mouth curled in disdain, his brother's compliment pleased him immensely his chin lifted smugly .

Youyou is so clever?

Yun Shishi was also surprised by his speedy work . How did she not know before that her precious son was so smart?

Of course!

Her son boasted, I'm much smarter than brother .

Yes, little brother is so smart . I was unable to figure out the solutions after calculating for half a day, but you solved all of them in minutes really formidable! Little Yichen complimented him again .

The boy received so many praises he felt light and airy almost flying up in the sky .

Mu Yazhe pulled his son down in time . Are you hungry?

Yes, yes! He nodded repeatedly . I'm starving; I didn't even eat dinner!

The man gave her a reproachful glance, and she raised her hands fast in surrender . I was wrong; I was wrong, I didn't take good care of Youyou . Boo boo boo

Mommy, you know that, too! Anyway, I don't need you to take care of me . You just need to take care of yourself! The little lad snorted, yet his mouth lifted into a gentle yet loving smile .

Little Yichen hooked his shoulder and patted his chest . Let's go! Big bro shall treat you to a big meal!

Thus, the two little guys chicly walked out of the door with their arms around each other's shoulders .

She was so amused that she fell over in the bed .

How did she give birth to two such clowns?

One was cold and chic outwardly yet was actually funny inwardly .

The other seemed gentle and cultivated outwardly but was actually a bigtsundere1 .

The man sat on the bed and brought this lazy and silly little woman into his embrace . He noticed that, under her clothes, her body was drenched in sweat; she must have perspired a lot .

This woman had probably not taken a shower for two days!

Being hugged like this by him, she suddenly quieted down in a tense manner .

After a few days apart, she could easily feel the deep emotions from his cold and piercing eyes .

It was secretly surging and constantly intertwining .

No matter how silly she was, she could still tell what he was trying to suppress right now!

For a moment, it was quiet in the room .