One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 821

Chapter 821

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Chapter 821

The call went through, but despite ringing for some time, it was unanswered .

Right now, the incessantly vibrating and ringing phone was on the seat inside his Porsche, which was parked at the carpark .

No one answered the call, his assistant explained, and this is Xingze's work phone . He puts it aside once his work ends .

Can you please try again? Mu Xi clasped her palms together in a pleading gesture .

All right, Ruo Bing agreed .

She made several calls, which all went unanswered .

Seeing how disappointed she was, she consoled smilingly, Don't worry; Yun Shishi is an adult and not a child . You can't be blamed for losing her, can you? You needn't be so anxious .

The younger assistant furrowed her brows disturbingly .

When I first became an assistant, I was just like you . I tried tugging closely behind Xingze like he's my kid, but in reality, our role as an assistant doesn't mean that we take over everything . The artistes need their personal space, too .

Lin Fengtian thought for a while and told Mu Xi with a frown, You go back first . I'll send someone to look for them .

All right . Thank you, Director Lin . The assistant could only listen to his suggestion .

Inside the elevator at this moment .

Yun Shishi retreated into a corner with a blanket wrapped around her wet body . Unfortunately, this could not stop the onslaught of damp and heavy gust of cold wind .

The ventilator inside the elevator was blowing cold wind continuously .

She started feeling cold with her wet clothes sticking on her body . After being drenched for a long while under the man-made rain earlier, coupled with the cold air steadily blowing, she was wet and cold now .

She could not tell how long it had been since they got trapped in this lift . All she knew was that time seemed to have stood still . Gradually, she started feeling light-hearted .

She slumped in the corner with much lethargy .

Gu Xingze continued pressing the alarm bell for help until its battery ran flat . No alarm went off after that .


Muttering a curse under his breath, he turned around and saw her shivering and burrowing into the blanket .

His heart tightened into a knot, and he hastily approached her . Squatting, he placed his hand carefully on her shoulder and felt the coldness and wetness of her skin with his fingertips .

His heart ached as he tapped her shoulder lightly .

Shishi, what happened to you?


She was getting drowsy by the second . Her eyes, without focus, peeked out from the blanket .



So cold

He looked up to see the mist of cold air from the ventilator bellowing directly at her .

No wonder she's cold!

She would really catch a cold if the cold air continued blowing on her while her body was soaking wet .

He told her gently, Shishi, don't sit here; you'll catch a cold .

She shifted her body, frowning slightly, and tried to get up while gripping his arm for support; her legs wobbled . Eh .

When he touched her hands, he felt her palms covered in cold sweat while her fingertips were hot . With a start, he reached out his palm toward her forehead to test her temperature .

He could feel a burning sensation under his palm .

She's running a temperature now!

He was full of anxiety as he bit his lower lip in frustration .

As he fretted over her, he cursed this hotel for not having an emergency kit on standby .

Worried that she might be freezing still, he brought her over to another corner . He then took off his outer coat to cover her back in hopes of providing her with more warmth .

She barely had any strength left to thank him .

Her head was spinning and hurting like crazy as her temples throbbed hard . It was as if her head would split open anytime!