One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 788

Chapter 788

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Chapter 788: 788

His agent reported about the ban of Yan Bingqing to him .

He impatiently interrupted his words . This kind of thing, you don't need to report .

Who is she? Does her affairs concern me?

Director Yun, it's on your father's order that Huanyu banned her, replied the agent .

This got the boy's attention, so he asked, Why?

That actress bullied a newcomer on a production set . In the name of filming, she slapped this newbie sixteen times .

Bullied a newcomer?

The kid drummed his fingers on the table, his eyes abruptly narrowing . She slapped a new artiste

He got a bad feeling about this .

Sure enough, in a heavy voice, Li Hanlin told him . According to rumors, the new artiste who was slapped sixteen times is your mommy . I heard many people had witnessed that slapping scene, but to protect your mommy, Huanyu forbid the production team from talking, so


He suddenly got up and walked to the window . His fists were clenched as hostility poured out of him .

Why didn't you tell me earlier?

I've only learned of this matter two days ago . I paid little to no attention to showbiz news to begin with . It's only that I found something fishy about this news, so I made inquiries and called you thereafter, but my calls couldn't get through at all . Guilt colored the man's voice .

Youyou harshly bit on his knuckles; his handsome brows locked deeply as he looked out the window . Cold daggers shot out from his originally clear almond-shaped eyes in that instant .

How negligent was he to know of his mother getting hurt only now?

No doubt . That woman had bullied his mother a lot in the production team .

Mild brain concussion;

Conjunctiva bleeding;

Lastly, perforated eardrum

In his mind, each of those frightening words flashed .

Having seen his mother's medical report, he was skeptical when the doctor said that she had accidentally hurt herself during filming .


It was only natural if she got hurt while filming a martial arts scene .

A few times before, he had secretly read the scripts, and there were no dangerous plots indicated at all . How, then, could his mother get hurt so badly from filming a teen flick?

Could filming result in the bleeding of the conjunctiva or the perforation of an eardrum?

He did not believe it .

Alas, his father said so, too; even his mother only glossed about this matter . He repeatedly asked afterward, but she only said that her injury was because of filming .

Never did he imagine that his mother had been bullied in the production team to such a state!

His hand clenching his phone trembled, and his knuckles turned white for a while .

The agent wanted to keep it from him, too, but after some contemplation, he did not dare to do so .

The boy would learn of this matter sooner or later .

Yun Shishi was his reverse scale his soft spot; she was untouchable .

Whoever hurt her would no doubt touch this dragon's reverse scale and incur its wrath .

What's Yan Bingqing's identity? How dare she misbehave in the production team so brazenly?

The production team of 'The Green Apple' has four major investors . Besides Lezhi Holdings, there are three others . One of the investors' backgrounds is supported by Yang Shoucheng, and that actress's biggest investor is that old man .

Yang Shoucheng?

The boss of Euro King Entertainment in Hongkong .

No wonder! The boy sneered . Her background is why she's so arrogant!