One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 766

Chapter 766

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Chapter 766: 766

Yichen heard the commotion and gazed in the same direction, only to see that his brother was in danger . He dashed desperately toward him without further ado .

Another ferocious wave hit and caught Youyou without warning .

The little boy gulped a mouthful of saltwater with this sudden assault .

The wave sent him tumbling deeper into the sea . He did not know how to trap water, so after struggling a few times underwater, his body started sinking .

The sea water flooded his facial orifices despite his best attempt to shut his eyes and mouth .

The saltwater tasted bitter in his oral cavity as it steadily gushed through his ears and nose .

He flailed as much as he could to get his head above the sea level, only to be hit by another wave, which pulled him toward the seabed . He could sense that he was drifting farther from land .

Yichen speedily rushed to where he had last seen his younger twin, but halfway there, he was stopped by his father, who pushed him aside with a bellow . Go back!

By the time he regained his composure, Mu Yazhe had already dived headlong into the sea .

Startled, he wanted to run over and dive in as well, but his mother hurriedly came to his side and carried him to the shore .

Mommy, what are you doing?! He knew how to swim and wanted to save his brother .

Don't go there; it's too dangerous . Your daddy is there to save Youyou . His mother attempted to stay calm . Don't worry; your brother will be fine!

She glanced anxiously in the direction where her son had disappeared after saying that .

Guilt flooded her heart as she blamed herself for her other son's predicament . She was too engrossed with Yichen earlier she had failed to notice that her other child had drifted away from safety .

Youyou is so small and fragile; isn't it dangerous with the large swells out there in the sea?

She would not forgive herself if anything were to happen to him .

Mommy, look! It's daddy! Little Yichen screeched happily out of the blue .

She gazed at where his finger was pointing and saw the man, soaked from head to toe, walking toward the shoreline with Youyou in his arms .

The huge tides continued to assault him from behind . Unlike others who would easily be overwhelmed by these ferocious waves, his steps remained firm and steady as he cut across the seawater toward the safe zone .

The boy was unconscious in his arms .

She and Yichen rushed over to the two .

The man planted his ear on the little boy's chest and caught a faint heartbeat . Shallow air fanned him when he checked his nose next .

The mother and older son stood at the side watching anxiously . Daddy, how's my brother?

His father ignored his question as he placed the unconscious boy sideways to force the fluids out of his nose while pressing his knee against his abdomen .

He then laid the boy supine and started a cycle of cardiopulmonary resuscitation without a hitch .

With one hand on the lad's forehead and another on his chin, he performed a head-tilt-chin-lift maneuver to open the latter's airway for emergency rescue breathing .

Cough The boy gradually came around . He slowly opened his blurry eyes and hazily saw his father's handsome face looming on top of his .

The man was still giving him emergency breathing using the head-tilt-chin-lift technique when he opened his eyes just in time to catch him aiming his mouth at his; he immediately let out an undeterred scream .


His shrill scream deafened his father's ears .

The boy was thoroughly awakened by what he saw . Pushing his father aside, he crept away at once .