One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 720

Chapter 720

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Chapter 720: 720

I thought that I am infertile, so I didn't take any precaution! Her face was flushed as she gritted out these words .

You don't have any congenital infertility . He laughed . That's no more than a trap set up by my nephew .

At his words, her expression froze, and the corner of her brows twitched severely .

You are saying

That the infertility report from six years ago was forged by him . I guess you don't know about this at all!

Like a thunderclap, she stared at him with incredulity and shock in her eyes .

That's impossible

You're no more than a pawn to him . What infertility? It's all fake .

I pity that you're full of affection for him while being played by him all along . Mu Wanrou, how pathetic you are .

She clenched her fists tightly .

Every word of him was steadily destroying her psychological defense .

She took in a deep breath, closed her eyes, and then opened them again . This time, they were cold and boundless .

Fourth uncle, it seems that I still have some use in your eyes .

Not wrong .

Is it because Mu Sheng dotes on me?

Yes . He slowly stood up . This old man, even though his body is deteriorating, the power of the Mu family is still in his hands . You're the only one who can get close to him in the Mu family!

If I help you, what benefits do I get?

He answered, I'll give you a lifetime of inexhaustible wealth and glory .

Not enough! She suddenly smirked . Before I help you, I want you to get rid of two people for me .


Yun Shishi and Yun Tianyou! She gnashed her teeth as she dragged out each word .

Special Care Unit .

Yun Shishi slowly opened her eyes . The moment she did so, her left eye stung at the corner a patch of blood was before her .

Startled, she shut her eyes tightly and slowly sat up from the bed . Her half-opened right eye swept across the ward . She suddenly realized that, at her bedside, Little Yichen was tightly clutching her hand as he lay on the bed seemingly fast asleep .

Meanwhile, Mu Yazhe was on the right side of her sickbed . His warm palm was tightly holding her hand as his firm arm propped his head . His eyes were closed; it seemed that he had fallen asleep as well .

His black fringe hid his eyelids . A few stray strands dangled at his slightly furrowed brows, highlighting his fair face .

The father and son were holding each hand of hers on either side; the warmth from their palms spread from her fingertips to her heart and seemed to chase away the coldness in the ward .

She was originally having a severe headache; however, seeing the father-son pair at her sickbed as soon as she opened her eyes, even this most severe pain of hers subsided a little .

The corners of her lips could not help but curve into a gentle smile .

The door to the ward suddenly being pushed open slightly from the outside startled her . Following which, Youyou walked in while balancing two heavy hot-water kettles in his hands . His mouth had a shopping bag full of bread .

Lifting his eyes, he saw her sitting upright with her back leaning against the headboard . He raised a brow in her direction and then his eyes widened in relief . Putting down all the things on him, he was about to speak when he saw her mouth for him to be silent .


Seeing her careful expression, his hand movements also softened . He lightly crept up to her bedside and softly called out to her . Mommy, you're awake!

Yes .

When did you wake up? He had just stepped out to get hot water and buy bread and snacks from the convenience store below the hospital for a bit .