One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 367

Chapter 367

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Chapter 367

Chapter 367: Blood and Heart

At the same time, while Yun Shishi was being emotional, her eyes accidentally fell on the girl beside Mu Sheng . Her eyes expression slightly changed, but her heart seemed had flown away .

That girls face seemed very familiar, she felt like she had seen her before .

That girls eyebrows, those pair of eyes, were giving her a strong sense of familiarity .

Familiar, she looks very familiar .

Yun Shishis memory during her childhood has been too shallow, she couldnt remember most of it

In psychology, people who have a dark past, sometimes lose selective memories . They forget some memories because they dont want to remember it .

Yun Shishi has too many dark memories during her childhood, which was the reason she chooses to bury them in her subconscious mind . And she refused to looked back at them .

Additionally, it happened a long time ago, so her memory of that girl has long been buried . And at the moment, she really cant remember where she had seen that girl .

Yun Shishi felt annoyed . Her eyes then fell on the small picture frame on the desk . Her heart couldnt help but feel warm and soft .

Yun Shishi took the small picture frame and looked at Little Yichen, who was handsomely wearing a military uniform . He was standing in an upright military posture . His handsome face was full of radiance, and the whole person looked very spirited .

He was very different from the sickly Youyou . Little Yichen was full of energy and enthusiasm . As if he has inherited her arrogance and enthusiasm . However, at the same time, he also inherited the cold and mature temperament of Mu Yazhe, which made him looked very hard to get close .

The picture was taken during the military training session at the special camp a year ago .

The uniform was specially tailored for him, which perfectly matched his body .

Little Yichens body looked very strong . He has wide shoulders and a narrow waist . He was full of prime, at such a young age . He looked very handsome in military uniform .

Yun Shishi took another photo frame . Little Yichen and Youyou seemed like were carved in the same mold . Yun Shishi slowly stroke the photo with her fingertips, but her heart was somewhat sour!

The two little guys really looked the same .

Yun Shishi pursed her lips .

She missed this child all the time .

Blood and heart, blood is thicker than water, even far distance couldnt cut off the feelings in the heart .

The day after tomorrow will be the first of June .

TheChildrens Day was also the birthday of the two little guys .

She wanted to send the little guy a gift .

Yun Shishi was full of sorrow, she was so immersed in her thoughts . She didnt realize someone was walking behind her, until a pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders . Yun Shishi was startled and turned her head . However, it was only Mu Yazhe, who just woke up .

The mans chin gently leaned on her shoulder . Because the man just woke up, he didnt have his usual fierce behavior . His eyes were not sharp but rather looked lazy .

His messy hair was slightly covering his eyelids, but unexpectedly, it made him looked evensexier .

This man was carved in a perfect shape .

No wonder so many women are rushing to him .

What are you looking at?

Oha photo .

Mu Yazhe took the photo frame from her hand and looked at it: This was taken last year .


The little guy is now much taller than last year .

How tall he is now? Yun Shishi cant wait to ask .

Regarding about Little Yichen, she was eager to fill her empty knowledge about her other son .

140 centimeters .

That tall? Yun Shishi was a little surprised . Hes much taller than Youyou .

Mu Yazhe looked down at her and asked: Hmm? How tall is he?