One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 350

Chapter 350

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Chapter 350

Chapter 350: Game

At this moment, how can she not knowwhat Qian Shaohua was thinking?

That look, that unscrupulous desire on his face . Illustrates the middle-aged mans deliberate ideas at this very moment .

Li Lan secretly align herself to his sight, in fear of the middle-aged man sudden attack on the beautiful girl behind her!

According to the rules, if she brought an artist out and encountered such a situation, she can hand over the artist to Qian Shaohua .

After all, if the artist in their company blinded this man, it will be a great fortune!

The artist can climb up high in just one night . The sparrow will fly high like a phoenix, which was a very good thing!

And also, who will refuse?

Inevitably, those girls who like to be famous and wealthy will be happy!

It was a hidden rule to send female artist to big bosses for vanity fair .

However, today, his goal was Yun Shishi, so it was impossible!

Therefore, Li Lan subconsciously blocked Yun Shishis face . Not only to guard her, but also to blocked Qian Shaohuas eyes .

However, the middle-aged man didnt come back to his senses . He was still staring at Yun Shishi on her back . His face was showing a deep smile!

President Qian, why do you keep staring at people, stop scaring us! Li Lan said half-jokingly .

Before she became Mu Yazhes assistant, she worked as a manager in a public relation company . So in the center of communication, she had dealt with and negotiated with a lot of customers . Naturally, this situation was very easy to handle for her .

In terms of speaking, she was particularly good . With this funny sentence, it will slightly calm down the stagnant atmosphere .

Qian Shaohua was also a veteran businessman .

He had been mixing with people all the year round . He had spoken face to face with many people, so his heart was not worried, that his mask on the face will fall off .

Naturally, his communication skill and reading facial expression were also first class .

He can see it . This Li Lan seems to be protecting the beautiful young lady . So, he couldnt help but think:Is this girls identity was different?

Could it be she came from a noble family? A lady of an upper class?

However, she doesnt seem to look like it .

No need to ask, this young lady didnt have the pride of publicity in the public . On her body, there was a trace of arrogance .

But this arrogance, that was carved on her bones was only stubbornness and perseverance .

Moreover, the clothes she was wearing doesnt have the appearance that came from a noble family . The style looks very simple .

Everyone knows that all noble ladies dressed in lavishness .

And so, he denied this idea!

Since there was no noble backing, there was nothing to worry about!

He was fascinated by this girl!

This girl looks so beautiful!

Qian Shaohua praised Yun Shishi sincerely and then smiled . He looked at Yun Shishi again with the eyes of the inquiry, then asked, This who is this young lady again? Hmm, but I think I have never seen her before!

Oh this young lady

Li Lan smiled a little, although she was having some difficulties, she still smiled and introduced Yun Shishi . This young lady is personally recruited by President Mu . She is a very talented newcomer . However, she hasnt officially debuted . President Qian, you must also take care of President Mus artist!

Li Lan deliberately emphasized the words President Mu and personally . So by now, the meaning of her words must be clear .