One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 332

Chapter 332

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Chapter 332

Chapter 332: I miss you

Yun Shishi hasnt finished her words when Mu Yazhe pulled her wrist and dragged her into his arms . His slender fingers pinched her chin . Mu Yazhe couldnt wait any longer to kiss her, so he kissed her lips .

He was kinda, missing her!

When he was in the United State, he was thinking of her all the time!

He missed her shy and annoyed look . He missed her angry look . He missed her beauty that blooms like a flower .

Very charming .

Whenever he thinks of her, he felt like he was poisoned .

And she was the only cure to this poison inside his body .

She was his poison, but also his antidote .

When Mu Yazhe kissed her, the scent of the cigarette was still lingering in his lips and teeth .

Yun Shishis heartbeat suddenly increased, and her cheeks redden .

In the beginning, when he just started kissing her, he seemed had the intention to attack her . So, Yun Shishi moved back and back until she could no longer move another step on the sofa .

However, gradually, his kiss slowly became gentle . As if he was trying to conciliate her feelings .

Mu Yazhe supported her body with one hand and hold her waist with his other hand . Then, he sat her up halfway in his body . He moved up slightly and leaned his back to the sofa lazily . Mu Yazhe kept holding her in his arms, but the next moment, he held the back of her neck and hold her thigh with his other hand . In this position, he was able to deepen his kiss .

He gently ate her lips .

Yun Shishi felt like an inexplicable faint current rushing inside her body .

An instinctive reaction that was hidden in the depths of her body was easily excavated by him .

Yun Shishis breathe become unstable, and she was a bit panting . His kiss always has this terrible magic .

Mu Yazhe smiled, and then, he moved his left hand and slyly pulled up her skirts . He casually removed the knots of her clothes . Mu Yazhes cold fingertips seemed passing to a place he shouldnt have .

Yun Shishi was shocked, she reached out and held the mans hand .

What are you doing?

Im hungry .

I dont understand you! Yun Shishi said as if she really couldnt understand the meaning of his words . But, she was feeling hot .

Mu Yazhe smiled, then pulled back his hand that was being held by her .

His fingertips solved the button of his shirt . Yun Shishis face even reddens by then .

It seemed the man in front of her has become more shameful after a few days .

But with a simple kiss, her face redden all the way to her ears .

She really looked so cute .

Mu Yazhe said: Didnt I said I was hungry?

If youre hungry, then go out and eat!

Yun Shishi who was full of shame, angrily cursed: Even if youre hungry, what does it have to do with me?

Her angry face looked very lovely .

Which was the reason he loved teasing her .

Woman, dont you really understand or you dont want to understand?

Mu Yazhe kissed her lips and poked her nose . Then, he whispered: What I want to eat is you, dont you understand?

Yun Shishi really understood this time .

But, she didnt swear at him .

This man, how can he say those words confidently?

Doesnt he feel ashamed?

Yun Shishi took a deep breath and swallowed her anger . Then, she put her hands on his chest .

No .


Yes .

How can I not sleep with my woman?

How can this man be so bully?

Yun Shishi was a bit annoyed . She was very tired now . She wanted to eat a full meal, but her body was aching . She also wanted to sleep or take a nap .

Life can be so biased

Why didnt God grant one of her wishes?

When Mu Yazhe saw Yun Shishis dodging eyes, his heart felt unhappy .

So, he pinched her chin and covered her thin lips with his mouth again .

And while his lips were against her soft lips, he whispered: I miss you .