One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 306

Chapter 306

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Chapter 306

Chapter 306: Dark Youyou

Li Dongqiang was not afraid to publicize his rude actions . Because right now, all the other patients and their family had fled in fright .

In the doorway, YunLiqins legs soften and softly cried . She didnt dare to cry out loud because she was scared to be found out . She just hides and clutters her hands .

Yun Tianyou gave her a cold look .

In a time of danger, this mother and daughters relationship was only a so-so .

Yun Na cause this tragedy upon herself, so she had to bear it . The evil came to catch an evil . The wheel of life just turn .

After thinking like that, Yun Tianyou wanted to leave .

However, he just took a few steps, when he heard Yun Nas screaming in pain: I really dont have a money! Brother Qiang, my sister is very rich! Shes rich, just go and ask her for money ah . I am her only sister, she will definitely help me!

Yun Tianyous footstep immediately halted . His eyes become cold and sharp in irritation . His body exudes a very dangerous and terrible atmosphere .

Yun Tianyou turned his head and looked at Yun Na . He saw her crying and holding LiDongqiangs trouser . And as if this was her only hope in life, she added to say with swelling eyes: My sister has money! You go and look for her . She will definitely help me . The money I paid to you before also came from her! She will also help me this time!

Yun Tianyou stared as he squeezed hard his little fist .

Mommy paid for her?

When did

Why I didnt know this?

Yun Na, Yun Na, you still didnt understand what I said to you that day? The last time you said this to me, didnt I ended up miserable? You said your sister was a pure and lovely creature! But in the end, what? Your sister was not only unclean but also has a bastard son . And the most important thing is, there was someone taking care of her! I havent even touched a finger of her, but I was almost killed! So this time, do you think I will listen to you? Do you think I will cause her trouble again? Even if my courage is big, I dare not! Why not? Because I dare not provoke that man again!

Yun Tianyous knitted eyebrows tighten and his face became pale .

Dont blame me, Brother Qiang Yun Na cried helplessly . I really didnt know there was a man taking care of her!

You dont know? But, now you know! Damn, I havent seen such a heartless sister as you! Your elder sister has eaten quite a lot suffering because of you . Listening to the flow of that story, when I sent people to her on that day, it seems it was not the first she clean up your mess . And if they didnt use her son to threaten her, your sister wouldnt care about you!

At the door, a childs incomparable voice suddenly came .

When did that happened?

Li Dongqiang looked back and saw Yun Tianyou standing in the doorway with a pale face . His beautiful eyes look deep and empty .

Where did this little baby come from? Li Dongqiang frowned while asking .

Forget about me, just explain what you said just now! Yun Tianyou paid no attention to his rude words . His tone sounds gloomy . His voice sounds childish but has a chilling and dangerous atmosphere .

Li Dongqiang was stunned .

The child in front of him looks surprisingly mature, despite looking like a six or seven years old kid .

The strong atmosphere of the child almost covered his shadow .

And because of this little kid, his limelight fall .

Seeing him only groaning, Yun Tianyou unhappily urged: Speak!