One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 275

Chapter 275

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Chapter 275

Chapter 275: Hug

Yun Tianyou coldly said: Telling me that you love my mommy is not enough . You have to show it .

Mu Yazhe knitted his eyebrows, and somehow, he felt overwhelmed by the childs powerful words and arrogance .

This child is his son, but every action he makes reveal a power, just like an emperor!

Yun Tianyou suddenly smiles, his lips curve into a polite smile .

Mu Yazhe, youve got to be clear about something . Maybe in your head, you think that receiving your affection is the greatest gift to any woman! But for mommy, she only wants one true love . My mommy is very beautiful and gentle . Plus, she has a son like me . So, if you want to be with my mommy, you two must have mutual feelings . Do you understand?

Huh? So, you mean to say, I still have a chance? Mu Yazhe asked .

Yun Tianyou gave him a cold hum: Well see!

So now, Mu Yazhe suddenly spread out his arm and gently look at the delicate face of the little guy: Can I hug you?

The mans voice is very gentle and soft, revealing a fathers love .

Yun Tianyous eyes suddenly become watery . His heartbeat slowed down .

*Bdump, Bdump*

Seeing the little guy hesitating, Mu Yazhe uttered Hmm, and wait for his response .

A hug

While hesitating, Yun Tianyou sticks out his tongue and moistened his dry lips . Looking at Mu Yazhes wide and warm chest, his eyes showed a trace of desire .

Any child cant resist a fathers warm embrace .

Yun Tianyou is the same .

His eyes suddenly felt sour and become blurred

Inside his heart, there were actually some excitement and yearning .

When he was younger, he watched the other children in the kindergarten, jumped into their fathers embrace . Those fathers will carry their children with their strong arms . Those pictures always stung his eyes .

His mommys arms are soft, but her strength is too small . She always has a hard time carrying him .

If his daddy will carry him, it must be very fun!

Strong arms, warm chest, strong heartbeat . If he sits on his arm, he might be able to reach the sky!

That thing must be fun, right?

With some yearning in the heart . Yun Tianyou cannot help but stretch out his hand . And as if his body got wrapped by an irresistible magical power, his yearning increase .

Mu Yazhe felt warm when he took the little guys hand .

However, his tiny hand, that was supposed to bewarm and pinkish, was a bit cold and pale .

The little guys hand is small, but his fingers are long and round in shape . His nails are clean, neat, and beautiful, just like his hand . Holding the little guys hand, Mu Yazhe gently grips it .

Mu Yazhe found out, that inside his heart, he really like this child .

He is smart, sensible and matured . Which people couldnt help but feel affectionate .

Yun Tianyou suddenly shrinks and he felt a bit awkward .

Looking at the mans face, his cheeks flushed and heated .

As if he doesnt want the man to misunderstood something, Yun Tianyou repeatedly emphasized:Ill give you a hug . But, Ill imagine my mommys face

Mu Yazhe was stunned, but then he smiles: Okay .

Ill give you a hug, but it doesnt mean that I approve you! It still, depending on how you will behave! The little guy said, but his face becomes redder and redder . Obviously, he is shy!