One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 251

Chapter 251

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Chapter 251

Chapter 251: Youyous scheming

Li Hanlins eyes almost rolled out .

This kids

Scheming plans are too extreme .

His plans always make him feel helpless .

Earlier, when he received his phone call, he was crying in pain and asking for help . So, he put aside everything he was doing and rushed over to him . And as soon as he opened the door, he saw him lying on the floor, and so he immediately rush inside to hold him up . He had seen a lot of fainting scene in the TV, so seeing him unconscious, he ready himself to give him a CPR . But, he didnt expect that, as soon as he pinched his cheeks, he would wake up .

Youyou woke up and slap him in the face, then he said: Disgusting!

Li Hanlin felt wronged, but when he sees the little guy leaning weakly on his arms with a red face and in shortness in breath .

He promptly asked whats going on . Youyou immediately pointed his finger to the cabinet and forcefully said: Meds Bring it over .

Li Hanlin immediately brought the medicine and gave it to him . Youyou struggled hard to turn the bottle and eat a pill . But, his condition didnt improve a bit .

So, Li Hanlin rushes him to the nearest public hospital . After receiving a first aid treatment, Youyous condition finally improved .

But then, Youyou requested something and put him in a shame spot .

Wait a minute, if my mommy calls you, make sure you exaggerate my condition, got it?

When he heard his words, Li Hanlins eyes almost rolled out: Chief Yun, arent you the most feeling distressed whenever your mommy was worried? Are you not anymore?

Isnt she also supposed to worry about me? Youyou complained, blocking his speech .

Li Hanlin thought for a long time and realized that what Youyou said is a bit reasonable .

She left me all alone at home for a couple of days and nights, so shouldnt she blame herself?


Therefore, just this once, let her feel distressed more than I am to her . When Youyou finished, he lowered his head and clenched his fist to the blanket . His knitted eyebrows made him look a bit helpless: A person will only know how important someone is once they have lost it . But, once lost, they will never come back .

And soon after that, they received her phone call .

He has always been distressed in every detail about his mommy . He can take care of himself, so he never had too many demands on this stupid mommy of his . All he wanted is for her to take care of herself .

But, he found out that the more he acts fragile and dependent on her . The more his mommy become devoted to him .

Hmm, Youyou knitted his eyebrows and slightly sighed: I think youre not serious enough in this . You shouldnt have said unnecessary stuff .

Youyou stayed silent for a moment, but then, his eyes suddenly turned cold and said: You should have said that I almost died .

After he finished, Youyous lips curve and smiled like a devil . So at that moment, Li Hanlin who was staring at him, felt chills on his back .

This kid is really something ah .

Is he really six years old?

However, Youyous words are not exaggerated .

Because if he didnt arrive in time, with the kind of disease he has, Yun Tianyou was indeed in a dangerous state .

Li Hanlin understands the meaning of his words .

The childrens world is very simple . They dont take a detour in their actions because they dont know how the adult world works . And although Yun Tianyou is an extraordinary child and he is doing an extraordinary business that other children would never achieve .

Deep inside him, he is very simple like those ordinary kids . He believes that if he showed how fragile and weak he is, his mommy will take care of him more .

Yun Tianyou slowly lies on the bed and murmured: I cannot lose to that man, I must win my mommys heart once again .

Seeing the curled up body of his little boss due distressed, Li Hanlin couldnt help but shook his head .