One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 216

Chapter 216

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Chapter 216

Chapter 216: Mu Qingcheng (2)

Other dance hall manager wanted to get her, so they offered a large sum of money as her salary .

After all, who wouldnt want such a money tree ah?!

During that time, only a few people can encounter such an opportunity .

But, Qingcheng is a kind of woman that values friendship . So, even if she was promised a big salary . And even if other bosses promised to treat her well . She was still unmoved .

Qingcheng was recognized as the first singer in the capital . And her popularity didnt surpass by anyone .

The Paramount Hall business becomes prosperous more and more . And other dance hall businesses become deserted .

Later on, the other dance halls shut down . Leaving the Paramount Hall shining brightly alone in that kind of business .

The dance hall manager was very nice to Qingcheng . And he never treated her unjustly .

Well, that is natural, because if it wasnt for her, his business will not bloom . So, he should worship her like a Buddha .

However, after being together for a long time, his heart slowly began to change .

In ancient times, which man didnt fall in love with a beauty? Not to mention, she was such a charming and enchanting girl . So, who can stop himself to fall in love?

At that time, Qingcheng was only eighteen years old . She was still not a fully bloomed flower, but her beauty was like a lotus flower . So, any person would be tempted .

So one time, when he sent her home, he suddenly rushed to her when she was about to open the door .

Qincheng didnt expect him to act this way, so she got very shocked .

Qingcheng might be a singer, but she was an aloof person . So, out of desperation, she pushed him hard . He didnt succeed in his plan, so he bitterly left after that .

However, Qingcheng didnt know that some tabloid journalist has photographed them and published it in a newspaper .

Qingcheng who was a clean and untainted singer suddenly was rumored .

So in just one night, her life drastically changes .

Originally, in the eyes of those customers, she was a sacred and a noble lady . She was inviolable, but with her scandal that suddenly spread all over the capital . Her image immediately fell .

The customers began to make fun of her . And they become more and more bold in their actions . But, whenever she asks for help, the manager and the guards only turn a blind eye .

Qingcheng felt tired with their wronged doings and debauchery . She felt at lost with the sudden change of her life . So, she even felt tired to continue to live .

Rumors about her turn harsh day by day . So, the customers become more arrogant and unreasonable . It was very difficult to survive, so Qingcheng forced herself to ask a mans protection .

At that time, in the capital, there was only one man that has enough ability to protect her . But, that man also has the ability to keep her from this bullying .

That manis Mu Liancheng .

Mu Liancheng is Mu Yazhes father . He is Mu Shengs legitimate son . That time, Mu Liancheng was still young, but hes already very talented and promising . Hes not more than 20 years old, but hes already worth hundreds of millions .

At that time, he was already married to the daughter of the famous Jiang Family .

Later on, who knows what happened, but Qingcheng was adopted by Mu Sheng . And Mu Liancheng keeps saying that they were brother and sister . Theres no blood relationship between them . They were a complete stranger, but Mu Liancheng enjoys the idea of her being his sister .