One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 155

Chapter 155

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Chapter 155

Chapter 155: Astronomical penalty

I dont!

No? Mu Yazhes charming eyes look at her with doubt . Then, rub her stiff and cold lips and said: I thought you know yourself very clear .

I know it very clear . Its you who dont know yourself! You obviously have a fiancee, but why do you still keep teasing me again and again?

Im teasing you?

Mu Yazhe sneer, then slightly turn her face to the side and gently move his tongue to her earlobe . Then, evilly said: Woman, it seems you dont really know your identity?

Its you who dont know! So, let me go! Dont touch me! Yun Shishi took a deep breath and tried her best to push away his face near her red ear .

Arent you hiding something from me?

With his sensitive sounding question, Yun Shishis heart got panic and said in confusion: I dont

Hmm? You dont? Then, Mu Yazhe slowly took out his mobile phone and show a photo .

When she saw the photo, Yun Shishi got flustered and her heart immediately sunk from the pits of hell

On his mobile phone, Yun Tianyou (Youyou) was standing under the Ferris Wheel with Yun Yecheng .

The two of them were standing close together and their smile looks so warm and charming . ,

You Yun Shishi was about to call out Youyous name, but she tightly covers her mouth immediately and looks at him with her panic eyes .


Then, Mu Yazhe slowly said: At first, you got pregnant with twins . But, the doctor said that the younger twin was born breathless . So, my assistant only took the older twin . However


The momentshe doesnt want to come finally happened .

She wanted to keep denying Youyous identity to him, but because of their resemblance . She couldnt deceive anyone .

In the photo, Youyou looks so handsome and lovely . He perfectly inherited this mans handsome face .

So, no one will believe that they are not father and son .

Moreover, Youyou looks exactly the same as Little Yichen . And that alone is enough to prove their relationship .

Oh my God does he want to take him away? Is he really going to take him away from me?

The doctor only said that the younger twin was born breathless . But, he didnt declared that the baby was dead . Then, Mu Yazhe laughed evilly: Dont you think its a bit suspicious?

Yun Shishi tightly bites her lips and her chest keeps going up and down . Obviously, she was extremely in panic . And under the moonlight, she cannot help but cry .

The baby was still alive . Yun Shishi took a deep breath and said with a trembling voice: I took him

Why did you took him?

Mu Yazhe pinches her chin forcefully so that he could see her in pain more .

Because I couldnt bear it .

Didnt we signed a contract before?

Mu Yazhe looks at her dangerously: You already breached the contract, but you still want to deceive me?

Yun Shishi slowly turns her head and shed her tears . Then, she leans back against the door, unable to fall .

She said: I know I am being selfish . But, Youyou is also my flesh and blood . I couldnt bear to lose him . So, I selfishly

So, you took away my son for almost six years . Is that what you wanted to say? Dont you think I should be punishing you for doing this?

Yun Shishis face turns red . She could only tightly bite her lips and didnt dare to say a word .

Miss Yun, do you still remember the condition if ever you will breach the contract?

Yun Shishi hugged her shoulders and her face turns solemn: If the performed violation cause any trouble to the custody of the child the offender must pay one hundred million as compensation .