One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 1422

Chapter 1422

Published at 2nd of May 2020 07:30:16 AM

Chapter 1422

Chapter 1422 Threatening Letter

In this war without smoke, whoever had better support and stronger influence would get a chance to appear in the drama .

This was a cruel and practical world .

She suddenly realized how formidable her agent was .

She was a newcomer who managed to clinch a major role in 'The Green Apple', and now, there was 'Lethal Beauty' . Putting aside the topic of her ability, she knew, deep down, that she would not have appeared in these two top shows if not for Qin Zhou's resources .

Without the support from her agent and the director, she might not have appeared in that upcoming movie .

Similarly, her manager was so good that he almost got her the lead role in the drama .

Alas, she preferred the role of the supporting character with a villainous personality and wanted to tackle the challenge of depicting it . Her agent was, thus, a little disappointed with her decision .

She knew very well that this was what she wanted and would never regret it!

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Acting was more than a job to her; it was her interest .

She looked forward to challenging every terse role .

After the cast for 'Lethal Beauty' had been selected, the kickoff ceremony would be held, and thereafter, she would have to get ready for the production .

However, before that, she would have to prepare for 'The Love Diary', a reality show where she had a major appearance .

It was a live reality show on Chengguang Channel, which featured imaginary love .

In the show, famous celebrities would form pairs of fictitious lovers to go through imaginary dates .

Within a week of broadcast, the first pair of fictitious lovers had quickly topped the charts for reality-show appearances .

She and Gu Xingze had been arranged to be the second pair . The program team held high hopes and ambition for this pairing and saw them as a guarantee for high viewership rating .

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The script for this reality show was sent to her inbox two days ago .

To prepare her for this reality show, Qin Zhou made her cram the script and whipped up last-minute bootcamp training to cultivate her entertainment quotient .

In a reality show, it was not enough to look pretty . The participants had to be entertaining, such as generating a buzz, gimmicks, and jokes . Hence, a show like this would test the spontaneity and artistic ability of an artist .

She felt unwell the moment she got the script in her hand .

The thick binder was enough to make her go numb .

Flipping through the pages, she could see the attentive details highlighted by the team for her reference .

There were four segments in this program starting with the one on first love .

In here, the program had arranged the first meeting between the two imaginary lovers; this was where the two artists would kick-start the process of knowing each other .

The script for this segment was especially thick and heavy .

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Although this was called a reality show, the characters were already pre-set by the program team . In this show, she was to act as an innocent campus bellesweet and kind

In other words, she was to be a silly and cute girl .

Like a dumb blonde

Goodness . She was already a mother of two yet was given a role like this from the team; it felt like a joke gone wrong .

She took a look at the character design for Gu Xingze . His character followed the trope of a sensitive new-age man .

A SNAG[1]?!

Her face was void of expression by now

The image of his typical, aloof look sprang into her mind .

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This Just take this as a young idol drama!

However, something terrifying happened before the production .

She received a threatening letter .

This was not new to her, though . Once rumors about the superstar and her started circulating on Weibo, she started receiving a number of threatening letters from his fans .

In fact, there were too many .

While she could only bow in amazement to his uber-popularity, she could not help but be astounded by all the weird and fanciful threats his fans sent .

[1] SNAG is an acronym for sensitive new-age man

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