One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 1416

Chapter 1416

Published at 2nd of May 2020 07:30:43 AM

Chapter 1416

Chapter 1416 The Intimacy between Siblings

Yun Shishi was stunned for a moment before a gentle smile graced her lips . Xiao Jie, is that you? I didn't recognize your voice earlier! Sorry about that!

Sis, where are you right now? Let me treat you to some tea .

I'm at my company .

Gong Jie asked for the address and told her that he would be there soon .

In a short moment, a Porsche was parked at the entrance .

He opened the car door and got down from the vehicle . Walking over to his sister, the man bowed elegantly like a gentleman before kissing her on the cheek . I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, beautiful lady!

The woman chuckled at that . She examined him and remarked, Your etiquette is rather decent! Where did you learn it from?

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His lips curled into a pure and warm smile . I was taught by an etiquette teacher at home when I was young .

Not long after his return to the Gong family, he was introduced to the etiquette of the high society .

As one of the successors of the family, he was required to have excellent inculcation on aristocratic etiquette .

Sis, let me treat you to some tea . Do you have any places to recommend? he asked gently .

His words were overflowing with love and indulgence .

It was as Youyou commented; even his uncle himself did not notice that he was actually a complete siscon .

Abundant tenderness was hidden behind his gaze as he lowered his head to look at his sister .

If his subordinates were here to witness this scene, they would be flabbergasted!

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In their eyes, he was an extremely cold and two-faced figure . He rarely smiled, and if he did, his eyes had a calculative glint, which was bone-chilling and could cause one to tremble in fear .

No one had ever seen him directing a loving and gentle smile to anyone . The moment when his cold and deep-set eyes curved a little, it was as if billions of broken stars were hidden in them .

His handsome eyes were really like stars .

Yun Shishi could not help but be dazed as she gazed at him .

She remembered when they were young; many people claimed that they were extremely alike, as if cast in the same mold .

The adults said that it was extremely rare to see a pair of fraternal twins looking so similar . Especially their eyes, they were truly identical .

At that time, she wore her hair short and donned the same clothes as her brother . When they stood next to each other, people could not tell them apart, and this caused quite a few humorous jokes to be thrown .

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She recalled their mother bathing her once, only to bathe her again when she returned from receiving a package at the door .

She only realized afterward that she had mistaken her daughter for her sontherefore, bathing her again .

Repercussions like these were not rare as they really looked too similar . Even now, after many years, she still felt as if she were standing before a mirror at times when she stood next to her brother!

The only few differences now were that he had an arrogant and fearsome aura, a different hairstyle, and a distinct body shape . However, their faces were still extremely alike .

Therefore, she could see a resemblance to her twin sons from his face .

Genes were truly marvelous things .

Seeing how his sister was staring, riveted, at him, Gong Jie unconsciously touched his face as he raised a brow in question . Why are you staring at me?

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Nothing much .

The woman paused for a moment before she chuckled . I just realized something fascinating .


Your eyes are so pretty!

She pressed the tip of his nose with hers affectionately before rubbing their them together gently .

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