One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 118

Chapter 118

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Chapter 118

Chapter 118: Flesh and Blood

Somehow, his pair of deep eyes unexpectedly turns Ai Luns mind in mess!

Ai Lunsuddenly got uneasy . And due to his guilty feelings, he couldnt even look up .

The man that was in front of him is now standing in the pinnacle of power . With just one wave of his hand, he can overturn any situations and businesses . His intimidating aura is like an ancient emperor .

And he betrayed this intimidating man

Even now, Ai Lun was still in shock . If the president found out that the investigation report he said is not complete, he will personally clear him

When he was still preoccupied with his own thought, Mu Yazhe raised his eyes and said: Ai Lun .


Mu Yazhe smiled and asked, How long have you been working with me?

President, if I may say its four years already . Ai Lun knitted his eyebrows and obediently answered him .

Mu Yazhe faintly said: I did value you because you have excellent skills and you said that you wont let me down .

Yes, I did not only trained myself to serve the President but also to pledge my allegiance to the President for life .

Mu Yazhe nodded his head and raised his eyes to look at Ai Luns tall and straight figure . Then suddenly, he showed a photo that he was holding within his fingers .

Ai Lun carefully took the photo and saw a child that was carrying a small bag in the kindergarten school .

Although there was some distance, but due to its proper angle the childs facial features are clearly presented .

At first glance, the child looks very similar to Mu Yichen with almost ninety-nine percent .

Whether its their facial features or gestures are look the same as if the two children were carved out from the same mold .

Is there two identical person that was born in different parents in this world?

This photo was sent to Grandfather Mu Sheng by his private detective . As soon as Grandfather Mu Sheng received the photo, he rushed to Mu Yazhes office and pointed out his finger while glaring at him: Bastard! You even dare to have an illegitimate child . Are you rebelling on me?No wonder you have always been reluctant to marry Wanrou . Do you really have another woman?

Mu Yazhe got also shocked when he saw the photo . Grandfather Mu Sheng got furious because the child looks exactly the same with him .

Especially those pair of eyes that was perfectly engraved just like his eyes .

Flesh and blood are very magical things in this world . You wont be able to hide it from anyones eyes .

So, there is no doubt that this child is truly his own flesh and blood . But, he didnt even bother to verify his existence before .

Even though there was this magical sense between them as father and son . His heart cant exactly explain, but he knows that blood is thicker than water .

Did that woman hide this child for almost six years?

Why would she?

Could it be to get rich and marry into a wealthy family when she decided to show him?

But, she doesnt look like a despicable woman .

Mu Yazhe didnt personally investigate the womans background . But, Ai Lun gave him an investigation report and there was no problem . Unless someone deliberately manipulated the report .

Who could it be?

No doubt that his personal assistant help that person .

Could it be that his closest personal assistant has changed his heart?

Mu Yazhe looked at Ai Luns eyes with deep meaning . Ai Lun felt a cold sweat on his back with his stare .

There is no way that he doesnt understand the meaning of the presidents mercilessly stare .

He didnt even dare to imagine, how would he end up if the president learns that he betrayed him .

Ai Lun, Ill give you another chance, so give me a satisfactory answer .

Mu Yazhe expressionlessly stared at him and slowly said: Go and investigate this child .