My Mr.Mermaid - Chapter 35

Chapter 35

After securing the knot, he called the police.

The man was still unconscious. By the light of the moon, Yun Duo could see a pool of blood on the ground β€” the blood was flowing out from the back of the man's head. Her heart sank and she asked Tang Yi-Bai in a small voice, "Will he die?"

He should die β€” but when she thought that she might become the one to end his life, Yun Duo felt a chill from the very bottom of her heart. She had never even killed a chicken before in all her life, and now she was going to have killed a man?

Tang Yi-Bai bent down and checked for signs of breathing under the man's nose. "Don't worry, he's not dead." He was concerned that Yun Duo would feel bad waiting here, so he said, "Go wait for the police on the main road. I'll be fine here alone."

Yun Duo shook her head resolutely. "No."

Her complexion was still deathly pale, but at least she had finally spoken. There was also some life in her eyes now, so Tang Yi-Bai was slightly rea.s.sured. Honestly, he was truly afraid that she would faint or something out of fear. Still, even though she was timid, she had had the courage to attack the culprit. This decisiveness made her even bolder than some people more daring than her.

Tang Yi-Bai understood Yun Duo's concerns β€” no normal person would be willing to have another person's death on their conscience. He consoled her by saying, "Whether he lives or dies, Yun Duo, you've saved more people today. He wanted to kill us just because we saw him. If anyone else saw him, he would also kill them without any hesitation."

Yun Duo nodded and said, "Why do you keep saying it's me? It was actually the two of us."

Tang Yi-Bai smiled. "Yes, it was the two of us."

The police responded surprisingly quickly. In no time at all, they heard the sound of police sirens coming from right outside the alley. A large group of people including some armed police officers rapidly charged into the alley. When they came closer, they saw two young people standing together, and there was a half-naked man lying on the ground. The man's hands had been bound together behind his back. When they turned the man over and saw his face, it was the face of the murderer who had been eluding them for so long.

The policeman in the lead was very surprised, and then he felt extremely grateful. He walked up to Tang Yi-Bai and Yun Duo and shook their hands, thanking them as he did so.

After handing over the man to the police, Tang Yi-Bai and Yun Duo still had to go back with the team to the police station to give their reports. Only after hearing what the police had to say back at the station did Yun Duo know how horrifying this murderer actually was. He had previously attended a martial arts school, and he also had a certain level of courter surveillance ability. Based on the a.n.a.lysis of police's criminal psychologist, he had an antisocial personality disorder, so he found it particularly effortless when killing others.

Yun Duo was chilled after hearing all this.

Tang Yi-Bai was also left musing. If he had not chosen to take them through that alley as a shortcut home, they would not have b.u.mped into the murderer. When he had asked Yun Duo about the dark shadow behind her, it was completely meant as a joke. How was he to know that this joke would truly draw out a sinister alligator? What if he hadn't made that joke back then? That man might have just let them pa.s.s through, or he may have perhaps ambushed them from behind and killed them off.

In line with his antisocial personality, the latter possibility was much greater.

After they listened to how the entire incident played out, the police began to respect the two young people, especially the boy. Not even 22 yet, and without any combat experience, he had been able to face the knife-wielding criminal without any fear. Furthermore, he had been able to keep calm and make plans, first helping his companion by buying time. His mental fort.i.tude was certainly as hard as diamonds. In a fight between men, sometimes it all came down to that one streak of boldness. This young man's courage had earned him the respect of the tough men of the police department.

That gentle and adorable girl had also been impressive. The average girl would have been frozen stiff in fear in such a situation, but this girl had even been able to find an opportunity to attack the criminal. It went without saying that she really had guts!

After taking down their accounts, the police asked the two young people to leave their home addresses and a way to contact them. When a policeman saw that the handsome young man and the pretty young lady had the same address, he laughed and said, "So you two are husband and wife!"

Yun Duo's face turned red. "No."

"I get it, I get it." The policeman patted Tang Yi-Bai chummily on the shoulder. "You all can only T/N: I didn't get this part, and I couldn't find anything online about why this cop is specifically mentioning September.get a marriage certificate in September, eh?"

Tang Yi-Bai did not know whether to laugh or cry, but he did not try to explain; he merely led Yun Duo away with him.

Outside the police station, Yun Duo gently drew her hand out of his grasp and said with her head bowed, "I'm fine now. I'm not scared anymore."

However, Tang Yi-Bai took her hand in his once more. He spread out her hand to take a closer look at her palm β€” after he was done with one hand, he moved to the other.

There were multiple small cuts on her palms. That concrete block had been too rough, and it had caused these small wounds when it had scratched against her hand as she had used it to knock out the criminal.

His eyebrows knitted together. "Why didn't you say something? Put some disinfectant on it when we get back."

His palms were very warm β€” Yun Duo felt as if her hand had been put on a small stove. She felt rather awkward, once again pulling her hand back. Her fingers were slightly curled as she ducked her head and said "Why didn't you say anything yourself? You're injured too. Remember to put some medicine on it when we get back."

Tang Yi-Bai was silent for a moment before suddenly saying, "Yun Duo, I'm sorry."

Yun Duo was surprised. "Why are you apologising?"

"I was the one who led you into that alley. We actually didn't have to walk through it. If something had really happened to you, it would all be on me."

"It's not like that," Yun Duo looked into his eyes seriously, "Even if we had taken another route, it's not like it's certain nothing bad will happen. Who knows if we could have been in a car accident then? Some things just can't be predicted, so don't take it all on yourself. Besides," She suddenly smiled, her eyes curving up into small crescent moons, "Thank you for not abandoning me at that critical moment, braving danger to save me instead. Tang Yi-Bai, thank you."

Tang Yi-Bai flicked her forehead with a finger, smiling. "Moved so easily by this? How could I have left you behind?"

It was very late by the time the two of them arrived home. The Tang parents were already asleep. Yun Duo wanted to go take a shower. Tang Yi-Bai said, "Don't go to sleep yet after showering. I'll help you put on some medicine."

The bathroom was a place full of fresh memories. It was here in this place where she had just seen Tang Yi-Bai's naked body this morning. A 360 degrees, actual scale, uncensored image ... how was she to shower in peace?! As soon as she turned on the showerhead, it was as if she could see a hazy image of Tang Yi-Bai's damp figure. Every time she turned, she recalled that moment he had turned around. And whenever her head dipped down, she would once again see his thingy in her mind's eye ... she had really had enough of it all!

This was her fastest shower ever, and when she stepped out of the bathroom, she saw Tang Yi-Bai in the living room with the first aid kit. He opened the first aid kit and took out the disinfectant and circulation cream to place them on the coffee table. Er-Bai had already been startled awake by this time. He peered at Tang Yi-Bai's first aid kit curiously, seeming very interested in its contents.

Generally, anything which catches Er-Bai's eyes would inevitably end up tragically dissected. Therefore, Tang Yi-Bai cast a warning look and shook his finger at Er-Bai.

Yun Duo went over to take the disinfectant. Tang Yi-Bai said, "Wait for me for a little while. I'll help you put it on." Then he went to take his shower.

There really wasn't any need to trouble others for a wound as small as this. After Tang Yi-Bai left, Yun Duo smeared disinfectant over the wounds on both her palms with a cotton swab. By the time Tang Yi-Bai re-emerged damp from the shower, he could see that both her palms were light brown with disinfectant. She waved her hands at him. "I'm done. No need for your help."

Tang Yi-Bai smiled softly. "Oh, then you can help me with it."

Yun Duo: =.=

He walked over and sat down beside her. Pus.h.i.+ng aside the flap of his s.h.i.+rt brought a large bruise on his abdomen into view. Frankly, his body was bruised in many places, but this area was the most heavily affected. Still, it was fortunate that he had not been injured by the knife.

Yun Duo had wanted to refuse, but when she saw how hurt he was, she swallowed her words of refusal to ask instead, "Does it hurt?"


She was still rather worried. "Should we get it checked out at the hospital? What if β€”" What if there was some internal injury?

"It's fine. If he were that strong, we would have been dead already." So saying, he shoved the tube of ointment into her hands.

Yun Duo took some ointment with her fingers, and then gently applied it to the bruises on his abdomen. There was not a trace of fat on his belly β€” it was truly envy inducing. The lines of his muscles on the unharmed areas of his abdomen were clean and defined, like plaster models sculpted by a perfectionist. For a man, his waist was really slim, and yet it was not too thin that it would be considered feminine. Instead, it was flexible but strong, like that of a mermaid's.

She had seen his perfect abdominal muscles many times before, but this time, she was suddenly able to touch them. It was a very strange feeling, like finally being able to try on a priceless jewel one had been coveting β€” she was surprised, and also sincerely fl.u.s.tered.

She gently rubbed his wounds, using very little strength and being very careful, as if she were handling a piece of art. Her gaze was pure without a trace of ulterior intentions.

Tang Yi-Bai felt the kneading of her soft and delicate fingers. Her tender fingertips brushed against the skin and muscles of his abdomen, stroking β€” it felt extremely comfortable. The comfort he felt was not just at the physical level β€” it was an indescribable pleasure which penetrated through to the bottom of his heart. Like the joy of a seed as it sprouted from the earth, like the exhilaration of a baby swallow at the very moment it learns how to fly, like that spark of enlightenment when a fish swimming under the water hears the wind's song twining between the mountains ...

His eyes narrowed; he could not explain what was happening.

Yun Duo was still focused on rubbing the ointment onto his wounds. She was sitting beside him β€” it was much too tiring to keep her waist twisted, so she could only settle on the sofa in a half-kneel. Seeing this, Tang Yi-Bai leaned back to lie flat on the sofa, his hands s.h.i.+fting back to pillow his head. He bent his knees, arching them over Yun Duo's legs, leaving her ample room for movement. It was fortunate his legs were long enough to leave plenty of room.

This way, Yun Duo could sit comfortably on the sofa as she helped him with the ointment.

He laid back on the sofa and looked up at her face from below. Due to their height difference, he very rarely got to see her from this angle. The pallor had finally receded from her face, and her face was now a healthy rosy colour. She was peering intently at his abdomen with lowered eyes. Her lips were a natural pale pink, and they were raised slightly at the corners in a soft smile. Her hair was still damp from the shower. It was draped casually and messily over her shoulder, and several strands had slipped pa.s.s her ears to hang down about her face. Tang Yi-Bai wondered if he had suddenly contracted OCD, because he really had a strong urge to help her push those strands of hair back into place.

Seeing how quiet she was, Tang Yi-Bai searched for a random topic and asked her with a smile, "Does this big brother have a nice body?"

Yun Duo found this person quite narcissistic, but what was annoying was that he really did have reason to be narcissistic. In the spirit of being truthful, she replied, "I really envy you. You don't have a single bit of fat around your waist at all."

Tang Yi-Bai was very satisfied with this answer. He replied with a smile, "You can become like this too. Just swim regularly."

"I don't know how to swim."

"I'll teach you."

Yun Duo shook her head. "I don't want to learn."

He was rather surprised. "Why?"

"I'm afraid of the water."

Tang Yi-Bai was shocked. "So you really are afraid of water?"

Yun Duo said with a laugh, "What's there to fake about that? Is it that fun to lie to others?"

He looked at her thoughtfully. "Why are you afraid of the water?"

"I almost drowned before, nearly dying, and after that it has become a psychological trauma." As she said this, her expression was pained. It was clear to see that the mental trauma from then was still very impactful.

Tang Yi-Bai stopped pursuing the topic. He said, "When you're done applying the ointment, help me ma.s.sage it a little. Use a little more strength."

Yun Duo rolled her eyes. "You're really not treating me as an outsider."

Tang Yi-Bai smiled but said nothing else. He stared up at the ceiling with narrowed eyes as he felt the fingers on his abdomen press down a little harder, actually making his bruises ache a little. He sucked in a breath and said, "Good. You can put in a little more strength ... hiss ... why are you using less strength again, Yun Duo? Harder."

Madam Lu pushed open her bedroom and heard her son's voice coming from the living room. "Yun Duo, harder."

Alarm bells rang in Madam Lu's head. She tiptoed into the living room and saw her son lying down on the sofa with Yun Duo on the other end of the sofa. Yun Duo was facing down, looking at her son's ... lower half?

Although she could not see what the two of them were doing, judging by her son's excited tone of voice shot through with traces of strain, what else could they be doing?

Madam Lu was instantly enraged. "Beast!!!"

This sudden roar startled Yun Duo greatly. The medicine bottle flew out of her hand, and unfortunately just so happened to land right on the front paw of Er-Bai lying beside them.

Er-Bai howled and scrambled off to his kennel with his tail between his legs.

Tang Yi-Bai also shot upright in shock. When he turned his head and saw that it was his mother, he grumbled, "Are you sleepwalking?"

Madam Lu did not go any closer, worried that she would see something indecent. She only sneered and said, "Don't you two have any shame? Go into your rooms if you want to do something!" As she said this, she threw a cold look at Yun Duo, thinking that she had truly misjudged the girl. She hadn't known her rascal son for that long, had she? Sleeping with him just like that?

Yun Duo was truly baffled by Madam Lu's glare. She was just applying medication. Was it really necessary to go indoors?

Tang Yi-Bai finally realised why his mum was so angry. He did not know whether to laugh or cry. "Mum ..." He stood up as he said this, showing the bruises on his abdomen to her. "We're just applying some medicine ..."

Madam Lu saw that he was injured, and she was instantly both worried and angry. "What happened? Injured again?"

"It's just a minor wound. We b.u.mped into a little thug on the way back and got into a fight." Tang Yi-Bai did not dare to tell her the truth. If he told his mum that he had grappled with an antisocial murderer, she would probably give him a new fight to worry about.

"Only knowing how to fight! Not being proper!" Madam Lu scolded him, but after seeing that he was truly fine, she went back to her bedroom to sleep.

Leaving Tang Yi-Bai and Yun Duo behind to stare at each other. Yun Duo was no idiot β€” by now, she had also figured out what Madam Lu had a.s.sumed. Her face turned red and she turned her head away so she couldn't see Tang Yi-Bai anymore.

Tang Yi-Bai observed how red she was up to her ears, and then his gaze travelled down to rest on her hands. Out of embarra.s.sment, she was fidgeting with her fingers. Her slender white fingertips were like onion buds β€” those were the fingertips which had been stroking across his belly earlier. His mum had even mistakenly a.s.sumed that those fingers had been stroking him down there ...

d.a.m.n me! Stop now! Don't think about it!

"Um ..."

She had barely said anything when Tang Yi-Bai hurriedly chipped in to say, "Alright. Good night. Let's go to bed ... Uh, no, you go to your bed, and then I'll go to my bed. Thank you for helping me apply the medicine. Good night!" After saying that, without even waiting for her reply, he had stood up and dashed off towards the study.

Yun Duo was stunned for a moment. "Good night."

After the night's excitement, she was indeed tired. So after wiping her hands clean, she went off to bed.

In the quiet living room, Er-Bai, who had been faking sleep all this while sneakily opened his eyes. When he saw that no one else was around, he jumped up and happily pranced over to the sofa, chomped on the first aid kit, and dragged it back with him into his kennel.



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