Ms. Doctor Divine - Chapter 2252: Dark Dungeon 4

Chapter 2252: Dark Dungeon 4

Chapter 2252 - 2252: Dark Dungeon 4

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Then we are saved! exclaimed the Head of the Undead Race, his initial sadness replaced by exhilaration. He now felt invincible.

Gu Chaoyan lightly tapped her own head.

Of course!

Every member of the Undead Race was now on their knees, certain that

salvation was at hand.

What was I thinking? Gu Chaoyan berated herself. I must be out of my mind.

Go and fetch your manager. I need to inquire about the situation here, Gu Chaoyan declared, adopting an authoritative tone.

The two Undead Race individuals greeted her respectfully and kowtowed several more times.

Gu Chaoyan heaved a sigh of relief.

Surprisingly, the authority token had proven effective and saved her at this crucial juncture.

It was a stroke of luck.

Based on your appearance, youre the Elder Man of the Undead Race? the white deer inquired, clearly astonished. It had braced itself for a fate of being skinned, but Gu Chaoyan had turned out to be exceptional.

If that were the case, perhaps it could consider her as its master.

The magical white deer began to contemplate this possibility.

Gu Chaoyan knocked gently on its head instead of scolding it.

The white deer didnt respond with anger; instead, it regarded Gu Chaoyan with a serious expression. It found her strangely amiable.

Before long

When the amba.s.sador of the Undead Race arrived, the Squad Lord of the Undead Race from the Second World greeted Gu Chaoyan with courtesy, addressing her as Elder Man.

Greetings, Elder Man. I am the Squad Lord here. How may I a.s.sist you, Elder Man? The polite inquiry from the Squad Lord left Gu Chaoyan feeling somewhat uneasy. Nevertheless

The matter at hand was a question of life and death, and Gu Chaoyan had a duty to offer her help regardless of her reservations.

She maintained a composed demeanor.

What is happening here? Why are we attacking those people? Gu Chaoyan asked, her confusion evident.

Elder Man, the Undead Race is expanding, and these individuals are considered wicked. Our aim is to bring them into our fold. Please heed my command, the Squad Lord explained without delving into specifics.

In his view, Elder Men should be informed of Tribe Chiefs decisions without requiring an extensive explanation.

In this circ.u.mstance

Gu Chaoyan wasnt concerned.

This was the mystical realm, and perhaps the Patriarch of the Supreme Sect had observed the situation and left it in the hands of those within the mystical realm.

She had no desire to become entangled in any of this.

At this moment, the utmost priority was to escort those people out of here.

Gu Chaoyan cleared her throat.

She made a decision to disclose her intent.

She couldnt afford to reveal any more information; after all, she wasnt the real Elder Man of the Undead Race, and further elaboration could expose her and lead to dire consequences.

With a calm demeanor, she stated, Release them. I will take them away.

Very well, the Squad Lord replied without pressing for additional information.

Before him stood the Elder Man, granting him unrestricted authority.

Gu Chaoyan wasnt accustomed to such immediate compliance, so she offered a somewhat awlvard smile.

They were now safe, and they expressed their grat.i.tude directly to Gu Chaoyan.

The disciples of the Three Pure Ones also expressed their thanks, though they appeared somewhat embarra.s.sed.

They hadnt realized that Gu Chaoyan was the Elder Man of the Undead Race; otherwise, they wouldnt have attacked her when she was vulnerable.

If she chose to confront them now, it could lead to an inescapable situation.

At that moment, Gu Chaoyan also noticed the disciples from the Three Pure Ones.

These individuals

They had reneged on their promises and attempted to take her life..