Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart - Chapter 729

Chapter 729

Chapter 729: Chenans Plea



Regardless of how he felt, Ye Cheng was least bothered about it. It did not change how he had stalked his wife and for that, he was very possessive and wanting of her.

I know she doesnt know, to you. Maybe not a lot but she does to me. However little, that is something to me and I know she is a smart lady.

Ren bit back the words threatening to spill out of his lips as he waited for any hope to get Chenan out of there.

Answer me! Who put you up to this Ren? Who put you two up to this?

There was no answer from either of them, just a whimper of her lips as she stared hard against the tiled floor. Seeing Rens stubbornness, he turned over to face Chenan and glared down at her.


I would give you just this one chance and you can answer me. However, if you lie to me, I would not spare him the torture that is to follow. Understood?

She did not answer and kept her gaze fixated on the tiles.

Okay, I would ask. Who is behind all of this, Chenan?

I do not know honestly.

Wrong answer. Ye Cheng turned his gaze at one of his men then he nodded at him.

The young man bowed his head and walked away. A few minutes later, he came in rolling an iron trolley with some devices on top of it.

Hearing the sound of the wheels and the inside the iron trolley made, Chenan lifted her head to have a good look when her eyes met with the electric charge conductors.

Her breathing hitched a beat and she brought her gaze to fall on Ye Cheng. The look in his eyes held perfect rage and anger and she could tell he was past forgiving now.

Ye... Ren who had not yet seen the device, gaze up to look at Chenan. From the look of shock marring her beautiful face, he could tell it wasnt anything good.

Ren tried to move his head to the side and get a good glimpse at what she was looking at. Sadly, for him, the ropes holding him down were strong enough for that purpose

Resigning himself to his fate, he waited patiently for it to come to him.

Thank you, Ye Cheng greeted and closed the gap between himself and the trolley. He rolled it forward, bringing it front to the side, in front of Ren to give him a good view of his next torture equipment.

Okay. I guess you are benefitted one last chance and this time, it is to you, Ren. I hate lies so lets try this again, shall we?

With the wicked grin plastered on Ye Chengs cheek, Ren knew it was wishful thinking for him to ask Ye Cheng to not do it without giving him a useful answer. Yet he could not bring himself to betray his boss.

Last chance, who are you working for?

Rather than answering, Ren shut his eyes, leaving his fate to his captor as he prepared for the worse.

Okay. Charge it out, he ordered and the men went to work.

Within minutes the electric device got working and was handed over to him. He talked over to Ren at the side and glared daggers at him.

As much as he knew he had to be careful to keep clean records, Ye Cheng was so angry now with what happened to his mother thus making Ren a scapegoat for his wrath.

Chenan eyes widened but remained glued to the scene.

There was much she did not know and the only thing she could attest to was that Ren was good. However, she had no idea what his past was like and she did not have any other way of helping him.

To her, his true motive for why he was out there that day remained a mystery and even she wished to know but not true torture.

Fine. She averted her gaze to Ye Cheng and watched him hit both teasers together creating that electric spark before using it to touch Ren at his exposed chest.

He gritted his teeth while the ele?tric charge courses through him and trembled in the chair.

Ye Cheng pulled it away and fell silent. If you werent tough, my expectations would have dropped to zero. Thanks for not disappointing. However, the next shock, I promise you, it would be painful.

He gestured to his men and they increased the voltage. Once again he made a trial, showing Ren and Chenan his next attempt.

The years that clouded her eyes, threaten to break free for a while finally popped free from their sockets.

She watched in horror as Ye Cheng brought the teasers closer to his body again and this time pressed both against his chest.

Ren shook from current pa.s.sing through him and tore out a half yell, managing to keep his pain under control.

Ye Cheng let it drag on for another three seconds and at this time Chenan was past carrying as she screamed her plea.

Ye Cheng please.... No stop, dont hurt him. Please. I beg of you!

Ignoring her plea and the silent tears and flowed in a current down her fave, he dipped his head in, giving a slight nod at his men and they increased the voltage again.

Cold sweat broke out on Rens face as his chest heaved, trying to breath and hold in the pain.

His body felt light, his brain buzzed in his mind but he could not bring himself to do anything.

What pained him lost wasnt his injuries or his mishap. He ached deep down in his heart that she was made to watch him suffer and every tear drop that flowed down her cheeks, broke his heart into a million pieces.

He looked up, his eyes locking with hers as he parted his lips to speak. Her lips pressed together, her palms held close to her chest as she shook her head.


Chen... he had not gotten the chance to complete her words when Ye Cheng closed the gap between them again d brought the teasers close to his chest.

Her breathing hitched, her jaw falling open as her eyes flickered wide. Time seemed to stop for her but she knew she needed to stop this.


She dove right in without a second thought, pus.h.i.+ng Ye Chengs hands bit as she blocked Rens body.

Her hand had move and held on to one of the teasers by mistake in a bit to stop Ye Cheng without thinking.

All eyes fell open, watching her body spasm under the force of the curre?t.

Quickly, Ye Cheng yanked his hand away, pulling the teaser from hand and throwing them to the floor.

Her breathing stopped briefly and she collapsed, face forward on Rens body.


He wriggled his body, trying to break free but could do nothing other than holding her with his body frame.

Chenan, wake up love. Please. Please. Please... H called out to her and got no response still.

Feeling frustrated, he snapped his head to the side to see a bit of a dazed Ye Cheng starting down at them.

Do you see what nonsense you have done, huh?! He quake with rage.