Martial Void King - Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Chapter 195


The Sect Master frowned as Chu Shen’s roar echoed out across the Blazing Tiger Sect. “Nice spirit. But this barrier is over a thousand times stronger than the one you smashed before. Not only that, but it has offensive capabilities! It will take more than spirit to survive.”

After he spoke, a red beam of light shot outwards from the formation. Chu Shen activated his armor in expectation of the blow, but none came. The red beam split apart. Multiple red tinted mirrors surrounded Chu Shen, creating a sphere around him.

Chu Shen felt a suppressive force pus.h.i.+ng down on him. Deep down inside, he marveled at the power of the artificers that had created this formation. This formation actually simulated the power of a domain! 

It was not just an elemental domain, Chu Shen could feel soul energy was also a part of the formation. Such prowess in formations! Clearly, whoever 

had made the formation was also in the Universe Realm. They must have been, in order to understand and a.s.similate soul energy into the formation.

The sect master grinned. “Now there is no chance of escape. This is the Blazing Mirror domain. It uses fire Qi and soul energy to suppress whatever is caught inside. It also has the ability to reflect force back at whatever attacks it. Surrender, and we will only trap you. Resist and die!”

Chu Shen had an ominous look on his face. “You think you’re so smart. You think that you have me trapped? Look again! Let me prove to you that nothing you try will keep me from my mom!”

The heat from the domain had previously caused the air to s.h.i.+mmer. Now the air was filled with a black mist. Void Qi billowed out from Chu Shen, dissolving the Blazing Mirror domain. Everywhere the darkness touched, the red light was snuffed out.

The sect master looked on, stunned. ‘H-how is this possible! Is it the darkness element? No, it can’t be! This is too strong an effect for it to be the darkness element alone! Maybe a mutation?!’

The blackness suddenly imploded as Chu Shen absorbed the Void Qi back into his body, forming a black armor. The brilliant red mirrors were gone without a trace. Upon seeing Chu Shen again, the sect master recovered his composure.

“Congratulations, it looks like you do have some power, after all! Unfortunately for you, you still can’t get to us! The Blazing Tiger Flaming Mirror formation only has a minimum amount of offensive capabilities. There is no way that you could possibly break the defenses of the formation!”

The sect master sighed. It looked as though they wouldn’t be able to capture Chu Shen after all. Oh, well. They could keep the formation activated for three years, but he doubted that Chu Shen would wait outside the sect for that long. Their allies and the imperial majesty would hear about their situation. With the imperial forces, Chu Shen wouldn’t stand a chance.

Chu Shen raised his hand. Black Qi billowed out of his palms as his Void Domain came into being. Chu Shen took a few steps forward. When he did, his Void Domain followed and overlapped with the barrier.

There wasn’t any flashy clash. Instead, the red barrier dissolved like snow. Energy inside the barrier surged forth, attempting to fix the hole in the barrier. Chu Shen was constantly absorbing the energy, but he soon realized that there was actually too much energy for him to absorb.

He had never faced this problem. Yet, Chu Shen instantly realized what he needed to do. Multiple large black s.h.i.+elds appeared around him. They didn’t serve a purpose except to waste Qi. If he didn’t, than it was possible that his meridians would burst from the excess energy.

Chu Shen dashed forward, pa.s.sing through the hole he had created. His hammer was fiercely swung at the sect master. The sect master was stunned at this new development, but the intense feeling of danger he felt allowed him to recover.

A s.h.i.+eld of water appeared in front of him. Chu Shen’s hammer smashed into it. The liquid wrapped around his hammer, slowing it down. Surprisingly, that fierce hammer was actually stopped by the thin s.h.i.+eld of water.

Chu Shen frowned. His domain flared to life, causing the water s.h.i.+eld to disappear. The sect master pedaled backwards. He crushed a jake token in his hands, ordering the other elders to come to his aid.

Lucas, Aslo, and Chrissa were all observing from where they had first arrived. This was a private matter of Chu Shen, and all of them knew instinctively to not interfere. 

The elders that were previously in charge of controlling the barrier had realized someone managed to break through. They were continuing to keep the barrier up since they didn’t know how many people were out there besides the one they could detect. Than the order came from the sect master.

The elders all hastened over, and were stunned upon leaving the wall. The sect master was currently fleeing from a young man surrounded by black mist. It was almost comical until they noticed that the shockwave from a single blow of the man’s hammer destroyed a building below them.

Different domains came into being as they rushed at the hammer-wielding man. As they flew into the black mist, their domains dissolved like snow before a fire. 

Chu Shen turned his attention towards them. He appeared beside one of the elders, his hammer already in motion. With a BOOM, the elder disappeared. Chu Shen appeared again and again in front of the various elders. Each time marked the death of an elder.

The only reason Chu Shen hadn’t been able to kill the sect master thus far was because of his soul energy. By infusing it into his Qi, the sect master was fast enough to escape from Chu Shen.

By the time Chu Shen had killed ten of the elders, the last two were finally reacting. It didn’t help them, however. One of them slashed at Chu Shen with his sword, but his hammer destroyed the sword and its wielder together with one blow.

Chu Shen thrust his hammer backwards behind him. His hammer was vibrating and the wind caused by his hammer was also vibrating. This was the Song of the Universe! The vibrating air struck the last elder. 

The force of the vibrations traveled into his body and dissolved his internal organs. The elder coughed up blood as his eyes turned lifeless. His corpse slowly fell from the air.

Chu Shen turned towards the sect master. “Your elders are gone. Your barrier is useless. Even you are of no use against me. Just what are you going to do now, to keep my mother from me?”

The sect master opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He didn’t have a response. He just didn’t know what to say.

Than a loud booming voice sounded. “Junior, I do not know what my descendants have done, but don’t you think it’s dishonorable to bully weaklings like them?”