Martial Void King - Chapter 164

Chapter 164

Chapter 164

Demon King

After they saw the fight, it was unanimously decided that finding a village was top priority. Seeing all those monsters and the mysterious blue tables made them realize that this was a completely different world than the ones they had visited before. At least there, everything was similar. Here, everything seemed completely foreign.


, Chu Shen carried Lucas into the sky. From there, Lucas was able to use his telescopic vision to find a town close by. Large stone walls surrounded the town. The soldiers that had retreated could be seen flowing into the town through the large iron gate.

They quickly decided against going to that town since it seemed as though it would facing an invasion soon. Instead, they decided to go to a town a mile away from that one. It was about half the size of the first one and had a wooden wall made from logs around it.

Since they had chosen their destination, Chu Shen and his friends quickly departed for the town. At first they were only walking. However, Lucas saw the monster army was starting to march towards the stone walled village. Upon seeing that, they decided to hurry to the village they chose since they weren’t sure if it would be caught up in the fight.

In about ten minutes they saw the village. Two anxious guards could be seen standing on a hidden walkway. Their lower bodies were below the wooden wall but their upper bodies from the shoulders up was visible. Below the two guards was a large copper door that was currently closed.

When the guards saw them, the one on the left immediately called out to them. “Halt! What is your business in Altar!”

Lucas turned to Chu Shen. “Hold on guys,  I got this.” He stepped forward. “We’re traveling and just wanted to spend the night at one of the inns.”

The guards conversed for a little bit before turning back towards them. “We need to ask our commander before we let you in. Please stay there.”

One of the guards left while the other nervously gripped his spear. Soon, a man clad in metal armor appeared on the wooden wall. The knight, for that was what he looked like, called out to them. “You say you are travelers, but there is a war going on. We can let you in, but you must agree to an inspection first.”

They all glanced at each other before nodding. “Agreed.” Lucas called out. Soon after, some m.u.f.fled noises and a dull thud came from the gate. The gate swung open slowly. There was a smaller wall made of stone just past the gate with an iron gate.

Two soldiers were pus.h.i.+ng the gate open and three more soldiers with spears gripped tightly were inside the gate. The guards looked more than a little shocked when they saw them. “They’re just kids!” One of the guards exclaimed, but he was quickly hushed by an elbow from one of his fellow soldiers.

A man in official looking robes was behind the soldiers. In his hand was a crystal globe. While they were studying them, the man stepped forward. “Please step forwards guests. I will confirm you are not a threat with the status crystal.”

Lucas shrugged. As he was about to step forward, Aslo rushed past him. Turning towards Lucas, he stuck out his tongue. Facing the robed man, As...o...b..came serious. “What do you want me to do?”

The guards had relaxed considerably once they saw the ages of Chrissa, Aslo, and Chu Shen. They still seemed wary of Lucas, but that was because of the older look his muscular body gave him.

The robed man was also relaxed because of Aslo’s age. “Just place your hand on the status crystal. Then I can read your status screen and confirm you aren’t a spy sent by the demons.”

Aslo nodded and put his hand on the crystal. “So are the demons who you’re fighting? Why are you fighting them?”

The robed man looked at Aslo funny. “Well yes, we are fighting the demons. They want to take over the kingdom because of our fertile land that we use to grow our crops and numerous dungeons that populate our country. I thought this was common knowledge though.”

Aslo shrugged. “We’re from pretty far away.”

The robed man nodded before glancing down at the status crystal. A blue screen had appeared in front of the status crystal. The robed man was at first only glancing over the information. The robed man suddenly stopped reading and blinked a couple times. Rubbing his eyes, he brought the crystal, along with the blue screen, closer to his face.

Suddenly, the robed man turned to Aslo and fell to his knees. “I am sorry great fire mage! We had no idea who you were! Please forgive us for suspecting you!”

Everyone, the guards included, were stunned. The guards were glancing around at each other, but one of the quicker-witted soldiers fell to his knees as well. Soon, all five soldiers were kneeling to Aslo.

As...o...b..nt down next to the robed man. “Why did you call me a great fire mage?”

The robed man kept his head down, not daring to look up at Aslo. “Because you are at level one hundred. Such a level has not been seen for so long that only the legends speak of it. To have dared to be impudent enough to ask for inspection, please have mercy upon us.” Some of the guards gasped as they understood the implications of this news.

Chu Shen decided to speak up. “So, can we enter the city now?”

The robed man got up and nodded desperately. He backed away, repeatedly bowing. Approaching the iron gate, the robed man knocked on it. A slot in the door opened, revealing a soldiers peering eyes. The robed man hurriedly whispered sentence, which caused the soldier to exclaim in surprise.

The iron gate was quickly flung open and the soldiers on the other side kneeled in respect. Chu Shen and his group pa.s.sed through it quickly into the city. Chu Shen did ask the robed man for directions to a library. The robed man quickly offered to take them but he refused.

Following the robed man’s directions, they found the library. Upon entering, Chu Shen, Chrissa, and Lucas started researching the power levels in this world. Soon they found that they had a very systematic system that was dictated by the laws of this world.

The people here had all their meridians unblocked when they were born. However, their soul was lacking. They couldn’t control their energy and was limited in how much Qi they could have. Whenever they killed things in this world, they would absorb part of the soul of whatever they defeated.

Soul parts were called xp. Whenever they had enough energy to synchronize their meridians with their dantian, they would level up. However, due to the amount of xp needed to level up, they would reach a bottleneck and couldn’t level up. These people had studied their system for a long time which was how Chu Shen’s group could find the information in the library.

People could still strengthen their soul by growing up and learning like Chu Shen could. As a matter of fact, this was part of the system in this world. That was why farmers could level up, though they would usually only reach level 10 if they were lucky. Battling would always be more effective though and soul growth through experience was far limited compared to absorbing monster souls in this world.

Of course, this fact wasn’t inside the library. Instead, Chu Shen a.s.sumed it based on how they should have been stronger if they could grow their souls through life and death battles like he did.

Aslo was bored to death with researching. He refused to even glance at a library book. Instead, he wandered around the town and enjoyed the sights. Everytime he saw a guard he would hurriedly hide. It was too embarra.s.sing having the guards bow to him last time. 

After an hour, Aslo had wandered close to the city walls. Quickly scaling them, Aslo looked over at the walled city that seemed like it was going to be attacked. Smoke could be seen billowing where the city had previously been. The monster army was just leaving the walled city and was marching towards them.

Aslo jumped off the wall and hurried to tell Chu Shen about it. Before he could get far though, a translucent barrier surrounded him. Without a sound, he disappeared from this world.

A/N: Sike! Just cause it took 2 chapters to describe the world, don't mean they staying!