God Of Life And Death - Chapter 1993

Chapter 1993

"At that time, the original pill refined by the ancient Fang brothers, on behalf of the World Association, I can decide to divide the original pill equally between five and five. The original pill that the ancient Fang brothers divided can also be purchased at a high price! In short, my world will do things upright, absolutely not. Brother Gu Fang will suffer!"

Chen Shi made a promise.

Fang Yue also sold nine original pill to the World Association!

The value of Tianxiahui's acquisition of the source pill is indeed high!

With nine original pill, the world will directly prescribe a 100,000-year-old medicine as a bargaining chip in exchange!

One hundred thousand years old medicine has become refined, and the concoction in it can even extend the life of the true fairy.

This is the first time that Fang Yue has come into contact with medicinal materials of this level. From this, it can be seen that this time the world will definitely be spent!

Fang Yue even had the urge to sell all the remaining Origin Pills to the World Association.

However, this was after all an impulse and was quickly suppressed by Fang Yue with reason.

It's not that this world will not be able to buy it, but that the years to come will be fierce, and Tianjiao will come out in large numbers. These original pill are stockpiled. As long as he can stand his temper, he should be able to sell it at a higher price!

Nowadays, many people in the cloud gods are whispering in secret, they want to draw Gu Fang into their family! Even if you have to, you can marry a jewel of the clan to the ancient party!

Because whoever can get the ancient prescription is tantamount to a drug spy who has guarded the future. It can create a huge number of talents for the ethnic group, and even make a ethnic group prosper!

Fang Yue and Chenshi reached an agreement, and eventually they walked out of the cave.

As soon as he walked out of the cave, Fang Yue was taken away by a bad old man! This bad old man probably has the level of a spiritual fairyland, and even his hair is about to fall out!

But the aura in his body is very strong, as if there is an ancient beast dormant, once it breaks out, it can destroy the world, and the 100,000 heavenly soldiers may not be able to stop him!

"My little friend, do you have the will to marry my Wu family? My Wu family is the bloodline of the human race, and the roots are red! Although the ethnic group is not that strong, but it is safe to provide your little friends with your lifetime glory! The future will be holy, big Saint, and even the various resources of Xuxian, my Wu family can get what they want!"

The bad old man patted his chest to ensure that his eyes were warm, as if there was a blaze.

Fang Yue was dragged away by him, but it was not because of the old man, his gaze crossed the old man of the Wu family and fell on the girl behind him.

"Is Wu Siyu you?"

Fang Yue's eyes were very complicated. He didn't expect to be able to return to Wu Siyu in the underworld.

"you are?"

There was a sense of confusion in Wu Siyu's eyes.

She could vaguely feel a familiar smell in Fang Yue's voice, but she couldn't think of who the owner of this voice was.

"I am Fang Yue!"

Fang Yue's spirit swept across, and there was no one around, his body changed, and he took the initiative to reveal his original appearance.

"Fang Yue! It turned out to be you!"

Wu Siyu showed a surprised expression. Who would have expected that the young hero who dominated the galaxy would actually appear in the underworld.

"Huh? That wasn't your deity just now? It's such a powerful change technique that you even concealed it from the old man for a while!"

The old man in the Spirit Fairyland was surprised. He didn't expect that the uproar in the World Meeting almost attracted the attention of thousands of people, the young Alchemist Tianjiao was actually another person.

"Wu Siyu, did you fall here just now when your true body fell and your soul returned to the underworld?"

Fang Yue simply ignored this bad old man, and the attitude of this old man was not important to Fang Yue!

"No! My Wu family originally originated in the underworld, and the line of the ten thousand realms is just a branch. I just came to the underworld Wu family because I mistakenly broke into the nine-fold trial of the clan, and it happened that the old man Wu Haoren took him as a named disciple! I came to the world with my master for a second time, just want to see the world's heroes, but I did not expect to meet you!"

Wu Siyu also lamented that she had a chance in life. She originally thought that coming to the underworld would be a break from the past, and she would never encounter someone she was familiar with again. Who would have expected that she would encounter one shortly after coming to the underworld. Familiar faces!

This Fang Yue can dominate one party in the galaxy, even if he comes to the underworld, he can still rise up!

"What? Do you know my disciple?"

When Wu Haoren saw the familiar appearance of Fang Yue and Wu Siyu, his eyes rolled, and he couldn't help thinking!

"It used to be an old acquaintance, from the same universe, I didn't expect to meet here!"

Fang Yue didn't perfuse, but just told the truth.

"If this is the case, it proves that you have a relationship with my Wu family. How about a few days as a guest at my Wu family?"

Wu Haoren was quite moved in his heart, but he didn't expect to accept an apprentice from another universe, but he found a chance to approach the ancients.

"Okay! When this world meeting is over, I will stay at Wu's house for a few days!"

Fang Yue did not refuse, he also wanted to know what Wu Siyu had gone through these days! From the original point of view, Fang Yue felt that there was some love between him and Wu Siyu.

A slight red glow appeared on Wu Siyu's cheeks, she lowered her head slightly, and said no more!

"In fact, after I came to the underworld these days, the elders in the clan treated me very well. They taught me some powerful secrets and formulas that are hard to find in the universe of Ten Thousand Worlds!"

Wu Siyu and Fang Yue started talking, this is something Wu Haoren likes to hear!

If you can really use this girl to fish away an alchemy arrogant, this will be a great event for their Wu family!

"What techniques and formulas? Is there any superior immortal skill among them? Or is it the three thousand treasures of the last civilization era?"

Fang Yue asked casually, Wu Haoren was almost sweating.

What is the origin of this ancient prescription? The opening is the heavenly power of the supreme level.

As for the Three Thousand Treasures in the last civilization era, it is even more unattainable!

Not to mention that an outsider like Wu Siyu, even if they were the real arrogant, little heavenly king of the Wu family, could not easily obtain that level of inheritance!

"Well, it's a heritage called Yanyu Sword. There are nine layers in total, and each layer is very delicate. I just finished the first layer, and I feel that my attack power has been raised to a small step, and it has increased by almost one. Success!"

Wu Siyu was very excited, she was content!

In the Ten Thousand Worlds Universe, most of the inheritance of this level is incomplete, and few have such a complete magical power as the Yanyu Sword!

"Yanyujian? What kind of broken heritage is that?"

Fang Yue frowned when he heard this sword technique.

This swordsmanship is bad in the underworld! Fang Yue had heard of it before and bought a set.

He also cultivates ten thousand methods, no matter what kind of exercises he must practice!

The Misty Rain Sword is just a very common secret martial arts of the Great Sacred Realm level that is passed down in the underworld, but because of its relatively high degree of integrity, it looks more advanced than the inheritance of the Ten Thousand Worlds Universe! But this kind of scum inheritance is nothing in Fang Yue's eyes!

"Little guy, don't provoke! Wu Siyu is just coming to the underworld for the first time, and his cultivation level is not very high! To practice the Yanyu Sword for her is in line with her identity and foundation! So high-level may not be able to go long on the road of cultivation!"

Wu Haoren was immediately unhappy when he heard Fang Yue's evaluation!

This Misty Rain Sword is really bad, but Wu Haoren feels that such a secret method is already right for a little girl who has just entered the underworld!

"Forget it! I won't break with you! I have a practice method that is more suitable for you! Dao Aquarius Seal! Hand pinch the Seal Art, you can condense the Dao Aquarius, swallow all things, refine the world! This Dao Aquarius The seal is the carrier of Tao. It has evolved from runes and can have different changes. From the roughest time, thirty-six runes can condense the rudiment of Tao seal, 72 runes, 108 A rune, the more runes there are, the stronger the power of the Aquarius Seal of the Great Dao!"

Fang Yue took out a blank jade slip at will, and he engraved a set of ancient secret methods on the jade slip with his divine mind.

When Wu Haoren heard the five characters printed on Dao Baoping, his eyes were almost straight! This ancient recipe is really not particular about it, and even the secret technique of the level of the Dao Aquarius seal is dared to give it away at will!

"The Great Avenue Aquarius Seal, what secret is this?"

Wu Siyu is a little confused, she has not been in the underworld for a long time, and she has never heard of this precious technique!

"An okay secret technique. In short, you can practice it! If it is not enough, I will find you a few more secret techniques!"

Fang Yue said with his chest.

It's a man who always has some desire for expression, especially in front of girls who are a little bit tempted by him.

Fang Yue was caught in this strange emotional impulse now.

But Wu Haoren came next to Wu Siyu and whispered: "Keep the aquarium seal on this road! This secret technique is really precious, and it can be comparable to the secret technique of the true fairyland level when you reach the fifth floor! The origin of the ancient prescription is not simple, even this secret method can be obtained, and there is no relevant record in my Wu family!"

Wu Haoren realized that Wu Siyu had met a noble man this time!

That was the mark of the Great Dao Aquarius, an opportunity he never encountered when he was young! The secret method of this level says to give away people! This ancient recipe is no longer what can be described with lavish words!

This is simply a prodigal behavior!

"You two young people get along well, I will meet an old friend first!"

Wu Haoren felt that it would be easier for two young people to get along with each other to develop a relationship, so he smeared the soles of his feet and went straight away!

After Wu Haoren left, Fang Yue felt that the surrounding air had become a lot fresher. He chatted with Wu Siyu in a way, and he didn't even care about this so-called world meeting!

Fang Yue thinks this Wu Siyu becomes more attractive as he looks at it! The figure is exquisite, the front is convex and the back is warped, the curve is a little exaggerated, and it is exceptional!

She is dressed in a black gauze, hiding her perfect figure, with a mysterious sentiment!

Wu Siyu's frowns and smiles are very attractive, making Fang Yue feel like his heart is bumping!

Suddenly, in the distance, a huge boulder shook, and suddenly a demon spirit rose to the sky.

Someone was laying stones next to him. It was a strong man at the pinnacle level of the Great Sacred Realm of the Bear Human Race. He was caught in the demon spirit, and his whole person was thrown away!