Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game - Chapter 745

Chapter 745

Published at 21st of May 2022 04:33:34 AM


After filling three bottles, Fang Heng withdrew his hand and looked back at Chen Lin.

Chen Lin also looked at Fang Heng.

For a long time, Chen Lin rolled his throat and asked, "Brother, who are you?"

This method of dealing with the corpse of the blood race is too professional! It's so arrogant!

For a time, Chen Lin felt that Fang Heng was more of a witcher than him.

"Is it important? It's not an enemy anyway."

Fang Heng said, raising his hand towards Hill's body.

Since Fang Heng's bloodline has been upgraded to a high-level, coupled with the blood affinity attributes attached to a large number of blood saints, he has now been able to do many things by manipulating blood, and the trivial matter of automatically drawing blood from the body of the deceased is not worth it. carry.

[Hint: You have obtained the Holy Artifact of the Blood Race - Gauntlets (right) (inferior)].

Seeing Fang Heng easily holding the blood clan gauntlet in his hand, Chen Lin was completely dumbfounded.

Even their Demon Hunters need to go through some seals before they can easily pick up the Sanctuary of the Blood Race.

But he...

"Let's go," Fang Heng patted Chen Lin on the shoulder, "He is already dead, there is no need to continue wasting time here, let's go back and talk about it."

Chen Lin was still in a trance, he turned his head, looked at Fang Heng, and nodded silently.


"What?! Marquis Hill was killed?!"

"Who did it?"

When the blood family received news that the city center of Calcobalo was attacked and Marquis Hill was killed, the Elders House immediately convened an emergency meeting.

All kinds of news and information were immediately reported to the Elders Home.

Hill's death was indeed unexpected, and the loss of the Sanctuary of the Blood Race was a major event!

How did that happen?

From the first encounter with the attack of the Holy Court, to the pursuit of the Holy Court, until the encounter with the Demon Hunter, who was killed by the Demon Hunter...

The noisy analysis in the Sanguinary Council could not make sense.

Among the crowd, Lin Nuo lowered his head and thought.

The whole thing reveals two words.


Is it about that person?

When the incident happened, Fang Shuo also happened to appear in the Calgbalbanro area.

Lin Nuo thought quickly in his heart.

In fact, he knew from the beginning that the loss of the vampire cross had something to do with the witcher.

He also knew that the witcher and the Blood Glory Guild were closely related.

Everything is information revealed from the inside of Blood Glory.

The interior of Blood Glory has been infiltrated by the twelve chaebol forces.

Witchers have a special ability.

They were able to sense the exact location of the Blood Race Holy Artifact, and the error was within a kilometer.

The twelve chaebols have also been collecting the sacred artifact of the blood clan, and it is for this reason that the twelve chaebols have been secretly supporting the witchers to ensure that they are not weakened too much by the blood clan.

But it is different now, the sacred artifact belonging to the blood family is left behind.

Lin Nuo would not sit idly by, nor would the blood clan.


A player walked over quietly and whispered in Lin Nuo's ear: "I just confirmed from the inside of Blood Glory that Chen Lin did have contact with an unknown person today. We think it is very likely Fang Shuo."

Lin Nuo's pupils shrank.

Sure enough it was him!

Fang Shuo was able to investigate the witcher so quickly!

What he couldn't understand was that even if Fang Shuo had really investigated the witcher, why did the blood race die this time instead! ?

The loss of the blood race cross is very strange. Lin Nuo originally planned to use Fang Shuo to find out the truth and find the missing blood race holy artifact cross, but now the holy artifact has not been found, and the marquis is still dead.

Lin Nuo asked in a low voice, "Is there any feedback from the investigation on the Holy Artifact Spirit Battle of the Blood Race?"

"Well, there are a total of nine service areas in the end of the blood clan, there are a total of nine blood clan spirit battles, three of which are in the control of the twelve chaebols, three of which can be determined to belong to the blood clan NPC without abnormality, one cannot be traced, and the remaining two There is a high probability that it will fall into the hands of Fang Heng, the owner of the seventh and eighth districts of the zombie apocalypse."

Fang Heng?

Lin Nuo frowned.

Coincidentally, they have the same last name?

In recent months, the name Fang Heng has been very popular in the primary game world.

Lin Nuo also knew Fang Heng, and knew that this person was very powerful, and he could get the position of the world master within half a year of the game's server opening.

Fang Heng is unusually mysterious.

It is not clear which force is behind it.

I heard that there is close cooperation with Beihe Heavy Industry.

Beihe Heavy Industry?

Visit for extra chapters.

I remember seeing the news in the morning, it seems that the young master of Beihe Heavy Industry has also transferred from the zombie apocalypse to the ninth district.

So coincidentally? !

Lin Nuo's first reaction was that Fang Heng and Fang Shuo were closely related, probably from the same big family.

There must be something wrong with Fang Shuo!


Lin Nuo felt that things were getting out of control.

It is necessary to carry out the clean-up immediately with thunderous wrists and regain control.

The twelve chaebols have a great say in the clan to which Hill belongs, and his death is equivalent to weakening the power of some of the twelve chaebols.

Lin Nuo had reason to believe that Fang Shuo came for their twelve chaebols.

As for who is behind Fang Shuo, it is too late to think too much.

When it is broken, it is broken, and this trouble is completely solved.

Lin Nuo immediately made a judgment, "Immediately implement the emergency plan, we will go to see Duke Stewart."

The subordinate's eyelids jumped slightly, and he confirmed to him, "Don't you need authorization from the twelve chaebols?"

Lin Nuo shook his head, and his unease became stronger.

"No, it's too late, Huang Hao, I'm very disturbed."

New Town.

Clock Tower Witcher Camp.

Chu Yan was in a very good mood.

This wave not only solved the regional bishop who came to seize power by airborne from the Holy Court, but also followed the witcher camp to kill a lot of blood clans, and also got a lot of merit points, making a lot of money.

Wake up from a dream.

After the matter was settled, he came back with Fang Heng and others, ready to confirm the artifact gunblade found in the witcher camp.

Chen Lin quickly waved away the others, leaving Fang Heng and the others to talk secretly in the room alone.

Then, Chen Lin told the story about the blood cross in detail.

"Huh? What? You mean the blood cross isn't in your hands?"

After listening to Chen Lin's narration, Mo Jiawei couldn't help shouting, with a stunned expression.

Guys, what about playing? !

After a long time, you are the one who controls everything behind the scenes, right?

"Haha, don't say that, it's as insidious as me and those from Shengting," Chen Lin said apologetically, and pressed his fingers against his cheeks, quite embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Mo Jiawei and Sandy looked at Chen Lin with deep understanding.

"We think you are more shady than Holy Court."

"Ha ha ha ha"

Chen Lin smiled awkwardly.

He originally thought that Fang Heng and the others were just joking.

Who would have thought that they could really give a blood clan marquis to a knife so easily?

By the way, he also draws soul blood and takes the holy artifact...

This is too

Too unreasonable.