Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game - Chapter 690

Chapter 690

Published at 19th of April 2022 05:45:23 AM

Sandy continued eloquently: "I have seen a lot of descriptions related to ghouls and imaginary pictures in the existing books of the Holy Court, and their descriptions are also a bit magical, and some of them are also a bit of each other. In and out, but for one thing, their descriptions are very similar to your current lickers."

"The biggest difference is the color of their bodies, and a lot of special details on their heads."

While speaking, Sandy took out a paintbrush from somewhere on his body and walked to the licker in front of Fang Heng.

"Just add a little artistic processing, and I can finish it soon. If it's fake, let alone the people of the Holy Court have never seen a ghoul at all, and even if they have seen it, it's impossible to tell the difference."

Sandy turned to look at Fang Heng, his eyes flashing with the brilliance of art, "Fang Heng, I need special paint, a lot! The sooner the better!"


Fang Heng decided to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor, try it out.

"I see, I'll make arrangements for you immediately."


Victoria City Holy Court headquarters.

Prayer hall.

The faithful come and go, constantly informing the bishop of what is happening outside.

"Sir Bishop, the branch node of the seventh magic circle has been destroyed."

"Sir Bishop, confirm that the magic circle's operation has been weakened..."

"Team No. 2 has successfully repelled the blood race."

"The blood race began to retreat, gathering in the central area of the city..."

Chen Li listened to his subordinate's report and fell into thought.

It is the branch structure point of the seventh magic circle...

Before, even he at the headquarters could clearly feel the violent explosion of the branch magic formation.

too weird.

The branch nodes are specially arranged, six of which are not yet fully complete lacking fencing, but the remaining six are complete.

Node 7 is one of the most well-arranged nodes.

In theory, it is impossible for the blood clan to have such strength to directly defeat the No. 7 branch stronghold.

Even the Marquis of the Blood Race can't do it himself.

This is not reasonable!

Chen Li frowned.

What was the wrong step?

Chen Li really wanted to personally go to the branch node to check what happened there, but now he still needs to control the whole magic circle, so he has no time to clone.

"Bishop, there has been news from the front that several blood clan stronghold branches in the area have been completely occupied. Our people are heading to the blood clan building in the center of the city to meet, and the goal is to destroy the passage."

"The blood clans gathered in the air began to disperse in batches, and they are attacking the facilities in the entire Victoria City area."

"What did you say?"

Chen Li turned his head to look at the believers behind him, and confirmed to him, "The blood family didn't return to the central building?"

"Yes, Bishop."

so weird?

Is there a conspiracy?

Chen Li's heart sank.

The Holy Court Inquisitor Eleanor, who had just entered the prayer hall, was also puzzled.

"Bishop, only a very small number of vampires have returned to the city's central building, and I have a message for you."

"Well, what?"

"According to the information from the alien population, the vampire transmission channel in Weicheng is closed, so there is currently no vampire to support Weicheng." Eleanor said solemnly: "If the news is true, we judge the current vampire. The building is almost empty."

Chen Li had an indescribable sense of eccentricity in his heart.

What is this?

The vampires did not guard the central vampire building or open the teleportation channel for help. Instead, they were scattered around the city frantically destroying buildings and facilities.

Eleanor said, "Bishop, do you think this is a trap?"

trap? !

Chen Li raised his head and looked at Eleanor.

He thought it was a 100% victory, but suddenly, Chen Li felt that things were not as simple as he thought.

The actions of the blood clan are too contrary to common sense, making people suspicious.

What good does destroying a city do to vampires? What drove them to abandon the central building? Don't even need to ask for help?

Valley Grebe

Eleanor said: "Of course you may also be lucky for us. The teleportation magic circle inside the blood clan suddenly failed, and the blood clan thought it was powerless to resist..."

"Who led the team to attack the Sanguine Building?"

"Landon, deputy head of the third regiment of the Holy Cast Knights, and another team of aliens."

"Landon acts calmly and there will be no problem." Chen Li trusted Langdon very much. "Tell Langdon about the strange movements of the blood clan, and let them be vigilant. In addition, pay attention to the safety of branch strongholds."

"Yes, Bishop."


Victoria City Blood Clan Central Building.

Zhao Nan sat in the cab of the car in the park.

She is completely bewildered now.

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If the business is not successful, it will directly overturn the table, right?

The beam of light rising into the sky in the city of Wei, the evil plan of the Holy Court...

Even not long ago, a huge explosion occurred at the location of a beam of light in the city, and she could feel the violent vibration while sitting in the car.

Make it so big?

The entire Victoria City was in turmoil, and the Internet was also in chaos.

Only Zhao Nan knows what the source of all this is!

The young man in the mask.

Zhao Nan was a little anxious. She frequently scrolled her phone and browsed a forum set up by players from a local country.

The entire Weicheng is under attack, and the players are also affected a lot.

The attacks that players encounter are not from the Holy Court, but from the Vampires.

Looking at it, Zhao Nan felt strange in his heart.

The vampires did not go to war with the Holy Court or destroy the magic circle in the city, but what did they do to destroy the urban infrastructure?

"Huh? Is the internet disconnected?"

The phone is out of network.

On closer inspection, the mobile phone signal has long been cut off.

Zhao Nan put down the phone and looked out the window anxiously.

I don't know when it started, most of the area lights in the entire Victoria City have been extinguished.

"Huh? What is that..."

With a move in Zhao Nan's heart, he lowered his body from the car and carefully looked out the car window.

is the player!

At this time, there were no guards on the periphery of the entire blood clan building, and the two players carefully groped from the outside of the park to enter the interior.

They also seem a little weird.

He sneakily hid in the dark, quickly inspected the interior of the park, and then cautiously stepped back and left.

These two players don't look like blood people.

Zhao Nan flipped through the binoculars from the backpack behind the car and raised the binoculars to investigate in the distance.

Holy Court!

Holy Cast Knights.

A team composed of a large number of Holy Church Saint Casting Knights and believers rushed towards the central building of the city's blood This was beaten by the Holy Court to their hometown?

Why is the blood clan so weak?

Why don't they come back to defend?

Zhao Nan panicked.

This **** place can't go any longer.

This business really used up all the bad luck of a lifetime!

Zhao Nan thought to himself that he must have had his brain flooded before searching for waste products on Taobao on the second-hand goods website for recycling.

How much can you earn? This wave has taken a small life!

Zhao Nan frowned when he saw a large swarm of bats gathered in the air again.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he left the private car and ran towards the blood clan building.
