Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game - Chapter 370

Chapter 370

Published at 8th of April 2022 06:28:08 AM

"How's the channel going?"

Su Jincheng was also very nervous and walked to Palasson's side to ask.

"Not bad."

Palazon just took a breath and opened his mouth to say something.

The next second, an alarm sounded throughout the shelter.

"Alert! Alert!"

"Invasion of unknown lifeform detected!"

"Alert! Alert!"

Su Jincheng's already tense nerves were triggered again, and he asked loudly, "What's the situation!"

"It's the alarm from the sixth underground floor, an unauthorized intrusion has been detected!"

A researcher lowered his head to control the main control system, sweating profusely.

"Unauthorized creature? What is that?"

"I don't know, I'm still checking..."

"It's a licker invasion."

Fang Heng interrupted the conversation between the two and manipulated the main console smoothly, switching the screen projected on the screen to a monitor on the sixth underground floor.

"Boom! Boom!!"

In the screen, the grille of the ventilation duct was violently knocked away from the licker.

Two lickers emerged from the ventilation duct and quickly climbed the wall.

In the corridor passage, two members of the night owl organization realized that the zombies had invaded, and immediately drew their guns and shot forward.

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

The terrain of the passage is narrow, and the lickers were immediately swept away by a small number of bullets.

However, the bullets did not stop the lickers, and they still ran along the ceiling at a very fast speed, passing over the heads of the two night owl organization players.

"Not good! They're heading towards the central laboratory!"

Fang Heng switched the monitoring screen again and positioned the screen outside the door of the research room on the sixth underground floor.

The four night owls organized the players to stand ready, clenching the automatic rifles in their hands and facing the corner of the passage.

"call out!"

Two red shadows flashed from the corner.

"Bang Bang Bang!!! Bang Bang! Bang Bang!"

The four players pressed the trigger almost simultaneously.

The lickers kept changing angles, and quickly approached the Ye Xiao players along the wall.

"They're here!"

A flashbang is thrown from the player's hand.


Bright light flashed.


The ultrhigh-frequency sound waves emitted by the flashbang have great restraint on the licker.

Affected by the sound waves, the two lickers lost their sense of direction for a while and fell from the air.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang!!!"

Afterwards, dense bullets landed on the two lickers.

Su Jincheng stared at the screen tightly.

The lickers on the screen are all too familiar.

Think of the group of lickers I saw outside the federal shelter last night.

Indistinctly, Su Jincheng noticed the red blood light appearing under the licker's skin.

"not good!!"

Su Jincheng suddenly shouted: "Run!!!"


Still a step too late, the bodies of the two lickers exploded in the passage.

Red blood splashed around.

The four players were still far away, and two of them had bad luck and were splashed with blood on the silver mask.

Almost instantly, the thin layer of silver mask was dissolved by blood!

The blood stained the skin.


The two players immediately shouted in pain, and subconsciously reached out and lifted the silver mask to touch it.

A large patch of blood had dissolved on their faces.

As soon as he touched it, he was instantly blurred with blood!

"Shit! Don't move! Don't touch the wound!"

The other two players were also taken aback by the horrific sight. They immediately took out the first aid sprayer, grabbed the struggling injured, and sprayed wildly at the wound.

Affected by the explosion, the channel was also corroded by the blood of the lickers.

In front of the monitoring screen, the players looked solemn.

"The lickers with the ability to self-destruct are the same group that I saw last night."

In the absence of Sikong Mao, Su Jincheng felt that he could not control the situation in front of him.

He kept his composure forcibly, looked at Palazon, and asked, "Are you from the Federation?"

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"So where did they come from?"

"How do I know... have you contacted Sikong Mao?"

"I have already contacted. Due to the signal, I have not received a reply for the time being."

"Then what?"

Palazon was very nervous, he was frightened and frightened.

Fortunately, the two lickers did not come towards the central stabilizer, otherwise once it exploded, the entire channel stabilizer would be paralyzed, and the time-space channel would be played together!

Fang Heng pouted and switched the large-screen projection to the previous outlet of the ventilation duct.

"Two people, now is not the time to quarrel. I don't think it's time to sit still. From the current situation, the lickers enter the shelter through the ventilation pipe as the entrance."

Fang Heng urged in a timely manner: "There is no monitoring in the laboratory on the sixth floor underground. I suggest you go there and check it? It's better to seal the outlet of the ventilation duct by the way?"

"And those wounded..."

After Fang Heng's reminder, Su Jincheng and Palasong couldn't help but look at each other.


Six floors underground!

There is a secret research room specially set up by Sikong Mao, which is also part of this plan.

Absolutely not to be missed!


Su Jincheng ordered all the staff, leaving some Ye Xiao players to guard the space-time passage, and hurried to the sixth underground floor with another group of players for support.

In the passage on the sixth floor underground, several Ye Xiao players were guarding below the entrance of the broken ventilation duct, aiming their guns at the opening of the duct, being alert to the lickers who might jump out of the passage at any time.

"Have you checked it all?"

"I did a cursory inspection, but the ventilation ducts are deep, and I don't know where the lickers came from."

A Ye Xiao player still had lingering fears. He shrank his neck and explained carefully: "We can't climb into the ventilation duct for a thorough inspection."

Fang Heng followed Su Jincheng and other players, looking up at the ventilation duct entrance above.

The inside of the entrance is dark.

The internal space of the ventilation duct is small, and it is troublesome for ordinary people to turn around. If they encounter a licker, they will die.

Su Jincheng also realized the problem and frowned.

"Find a way to seal it first, and also seal the other ventilation ducts."


Fang Heng pouted and asked, "How is the situation in the laboratory? Shouldn't there be ventilation pipes in it?"

"This, the internal security level of the laboratory is higher, we don't know Su Jincheng is nervous again when he hears this.

"Go! Take me to see!"

Su Jincheng brought everyone to the front of the laboratory to verify their identities and open the metal door.

In the laboratory, everything is safe and sound.

More than a dozen researchers raised their heads and looked at the outsider.

Seeing the scene in the laboratory, Fang Heng's pupils shrank suddenly.


Cultivation cabin? !

More than half of the entire six-story underground laboratory is occupied by a large culture cabin.

Many researchers are doing data calculations around the training cabin.

Fang Heng took a rough look and found that there were at least 40 of them.

More importantly, Fang Heng found that these training cabins were very familiar!