Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game - Chapter 245

Chapter 245

Published at 8th of April 2022 06:29:51 AM

Latest website: It took more than 20 minutes until the last player left. Mo Jiawei asked two elites of the Dark Knights to guard the door and opened the door on the other side.

Soon, the zombies lined up one by one, moving all kinds of packaged mechanical parts and insect chrysalis into the basement of the shelter one by one through the transmission channel.

At the same time, in the command room on the fourth floor of the mansion.

The four beam turrets originally located in the mansion and the second floor of the basement have long been demolished by the zombies.

Fang Heng yawned.

"Ton ton ton..."

A can of coffee.

While manipulating the zombie group to carry supplies, he observed the outside world through the camera.

It will take some time for the zombies to carry the supplies, and the last two blood corpse kings remain on the battlefield.

Although the blood moon is over, it will take some time for them to deliver supplies to the zombie horde.

The next step is to see Lucia's performance.

Fang Heng looked back at Mo Jiawei, "Come on, it's time for you to perform."

Mo Jiawei patted his chest and fiddled with the analog sound trimmer.

"No problem, look at me."


outside the mansion.

The battle continues.

With the fall of the blood moon, the zombies stopped spawning.

But the zombies that have been refreshed will not disappear, and players still need to clean them all up.

On the field, the strength of the last two Corpse Kings was greatly reduced due to the end of the Blood Moon.

After eight hours of continuous combat, the players' spirits were exhausted, almost reaching the critical point.

Fortunately, all the effort was worth it.

Meng Hao has seen the dawn of hope.

"Look! It's a player from the Federation!"

All the way, the players saw that the distant federation player team was collecting zombies in the distance of Mengcheng, and slowly converged towards them.

As long as the last two corpse kings are eliminated, this blood moon can be passed safely.

Zhao Qinsi carried the rocket launcher and aimed at the Corpse King.


Hit the front!

The Corpse King was bombarded by rockets and retreated again and again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the tyrant stepped forward and charged towards the corpse king.

Best chance!

The tyrant raised his fists.

Meng Hao also clenched his fists.

He had almost foreseen the next second when the tyrant blasted the corpse king's head.

"Huh? What's going on?!"

The tyrant's fist just stopped in front of the corpse king.

The punch didn't fall.

Instead, the tyrant slowly closed his fist.

It slowly turned its head, and its eyes slowly moved to the AEFC players outside the mansion.

Then, the tyrant seemed to fall into a sluggish state, standing still.

Like most players, Meng Hao couldn't understand what happened for a while.

What's wrong?

Why stop?

"Do it! Give him a fatal blow!"

Zhao Qinsi was the first to react, and he immediately looked back at Lucia.

The rest of the players also came back to their senses, and Qi Qi cast a glance at Lucia.

Lucia's face was pale. She stood at the entrance of the mansion, supporting the wall with one hand, as if trying to support it.

Haote, the security captain of the Meteorite Company, took a walkie-talkie and communicated a few words.

"Take her to the first floor to rest."

Two Meteorite Company NPCs immediately helped Lucia into the mansion.

Hot turned his head and explained to everyone: "Ms. Lucia has been backlashed because she manipulated dead bodies for a long time, and she can no longer fight now."



Meng Hao wanted to scold people very much.

He restrained abruptly.

After twists and turns, every time they thought they were about to complete the task, there would always be some special situation that would bring them back to their original shape.

He didn't know whether Lucia's sudden unexpected situation was a special arrangement for the mission.

This sudden situation is so frustrating!

The most painful thing is that the tyrants and lickers previously controlled by Lucia were all standing in the center of the battlefield.

not moving at all.

Unless they encounter the active attack of zombies, they will stay in place and remain motionless.

Neither attack nor retreat.

Meng Hao's eyes were bloodshot.

He is afraid.

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AEFC has invested so much in this blood moon! Even the shelter was built in.

In case of failure...

Meng Hao gritted his teeth, not daring to think about it.

Rao is as calm as Zhao Qinsi, and he is also on the verge of collapse at this time.

Every time!

If the shelter was attacked by the LV: 32 Blood Moon Zombie Tide not long ago, this kind of hopeless battle is not a problem, and he can't even think of resistance.

but now!

It gave them hope, and gave them a heavy blow when they were about to succeed!

Zhao Qinsi took a deep breath and tried to restrain his emotions.

They have invested too much human and material resources in this plan, and they absolutely have to survive.

It can be done!

There are two corpse kings left, and their current state is not good!

"All cheer up! Only the last two corpse kings are left! This mission is over, and I will apply for a bonus for everyone!"

Meng Hao also loudly reminded the players, "Don't touch the zombie group controlled by Lucia, beware of them launching a counterattack against us!"

Although AEFC players hate each and every one of them to death, but at this time they have to be 100% strong to face the remaining zombie tide and the last two zombie kings.

Lucia returned to the mansion lounge with the help of two members of the Meteorite Company's mercenary group.

When the NPCs left, the morbid pallor on Lucia's face was swept away.

She was in high spirits and walked towards the back of the storage room on the first floor of the mansion.

Mo Jiawei and Victor are setting bombs at the blast hole they broke into earlier.

Seeing Lucia, he couldn't help but stay for a while.


The Lucia I saw in the video just now looked so pitiful that she was blown over by the wind...

It was all her disguise!

What a horrible woman!

"Where's Fang Heng? Is he not here?"

Lucia looked around suspiciously, looking for Fang Heng's trace.

"Oh, he's fine."

Mo Jiawei waved his hands again and again, "He is controlling the zombie group dismantling machinery on the fourth floor. He said that the monitoring equipment in the mansion is also good. Let's see if we can move them back to the shelter together..."

Mo Jiawei and Fang Heng still admire him.

After all, he is a great player, and he is still thoughtful!

A complete set of monitoring equipment is moved back to the prison, and the security level of the shelter must not be raised?

"I'll go find him."

Lucia had a bad feeling.

During this time, she and Fang Heng have been controlling the zombie group at the same There has been a slight sense of mutual affection between them.

She could vaguely sense that Fang Heng was also controlling the consciousness of the zombie group.

The power of that consciousness is much stronger than hers.

But just now, that consciousness seemed to disappear.

Similar situations used to happen mostly when Fang Heng was sleeping.

Lucia picked up the firearm and returned to the surveillance hall on the fourth floor.

In the room, Fang Heng was lying on the table.

"Fang Heng? Fang Heng!"

Hearing someone calling his name, Fang Heng opened his eyes in a daze.

In front of her was Lucia's slightly anxious face.
