Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game - Chapter 229

Chapter 229

Published at 8th of April 2022 06:30:04 AM

If you consider zombie clones, you can only use four tyrants to add lickers...


The fighting ability is still a bit poor, and it is difficult to gnaw this bone.

Fast-moving lickers are undoubtedly the best choice for this kind of positional warfare.

Taking advantage of the short recharge time of the beam weapon, the licker can quickly dash in and destroy it at close range.

But there are not enough lickers!

Counting the proliferators, fifty lickers couldn't directly destroy the four large laser weapons.

At least hundreds of them can be done!

The most critical point, if you take a strong attack, you must find a way to destroy the beam turret first.

But in this way, the G-28 laser beam turret cannot be brought home safely.

Maybe just grind slowly...

After all, zombies can be resurrected indefinitely, but the opponent's laser weapons have limitations on durability and energy consumption.

As long as you are willing to spend time, even the Meteorite Company can't stand it.

Fang Heng was a little worried.

He didn't want to waste too much time here.

"Fang Heng, look over there."

Mo Jiawei found something again and pointed to the distance.

Fang Heng pointed the telescope at the position pointed by Mo Jiawei.


Not far from the mansion, about five or six hundred meters away, a player shelter was built there.

Fang Heng observed the shelter through a telescope.

He said, "It's a large shelter with very weak defenses."

"Definitely a shelter built by the AEFC."

Mo Jiawei was decisive.

"That's right, it's so close to the Meteorite Company's mansion, there is definitely a problem between the two of them!"


Fang Heng hummed softly.

Large shelters built by AEFC have low perimeter defenses.

Almost in vain.

"The defense capacity of the shelter is too low to resist the joint attack of the four tyrants."

Mo Jiawei put down the telescope and looked sideways at Fang Heng.

He didn't know how to talk for a while, he could only sigh silently in his heart.

Is this low?

How long has the game been on? Do you think everyone is hooked?

You take four tyrants as a reference, who can stand it...

"Fang Heng, what should we do next?"

"It's a little troublesome. If you attack the AEFC shelter directly, the Meteorite Company's mansion will probably help."

Fang Heng made a rough estimate in his mind.

The shelter also happens to be within range of the G-28 next door.

"This is troublesome. AEFC has found such a backer, and we really can't do anything about him for a while."

Mo Jiawei was a little discouraged.

"Dig a tunnel!?"

Mo Jiawei had a flash of inspiration, his eyes rolled around, and he suggested.

"Fang Heng, why don't we just dig a tunnel into the mansion?"


Fang Heng, who was thinking about the plan, was suddenly touched.

His eyes lit up.

A plan was formed and perfected in his mind almost instantly.

For a moment, Fang Heng raised his head and patted Mo Jiawei's shoulder excitedly.

"Mo Jiawei, you are also a genius!"

"Uh, maybe... it's okay..."

The plan of digging tunnels, Mo Jiawei, just said so.

He didn't expect Fang Heng to be more excited than him.

"But Fang Heng, is it really feasible for us to dig tunnels?"

Thinking about it carefully, it is not so simple to really want to dig a secret passage in the ground.

Not to mention time-consuming and laborious, the noise generated during the excavation will definitely arouse the vigilance of the meteorite company.

"Of course it works, but some details have to be changed a little bit."

Fang Heng opened the taskbar and reconsidered the whole plan.


Fang Heng muttered to himself.

Mo Jiawei stayed for a while.

"Ah? What? What is enough?"

"Enough time."

"There are 25 hours left before the blood moon. I now need you to immediately return to the shelter to restart the expansion operation with Lucia, and continue to expand the outer areas of the forest."

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Fang Heng said and then lowered his head and muttered to himself.

"Um...probably not enough..."

"By the way, go and ask Chen Yu again to see if there are more people in the Blood Moon Project, or if no one wants to come to our prison, let him send more people over."

Mo Jiawei opened his mouth wide in shock.

what's the situation? Didn't you just talk about digging the secret passage?

Why did it suddenly start to expand again?

Mo Jiawei felt that Fang Heng's thinking was too stray, and he couldn't keep up.

"No, no, Fang Heng, LV: Isn't the blood moon on 27 approaching the limit of the shelter's capacity? If we continue to add people..."

"No problem, I'll leave the expansion to you. I'll go offline and make arrangements. You can watch it for me, about twenty minutes."

After all, before Mo Jiawei could react, Fang Heng was already offline in a hurry.

If the plan goes well, not only will it be able to give AEFC an unforgettable lesson, but also the beam weapons in the Meteorite Company's mansion will be packed and taken away together!


"Fang Heng, I heard about the prison. We have known each other for so long. I will definitely find a way to help you in this kind of situation."

"Ah? Don't you want to reduce the number of people?"

"What? You want more people?"

Chen Yu rubbed his ears.

He wondered if he was hallucinating.

Affected by the anti-federal forces, the shelters of various game companies in the game have been damaged to various degrees, and one by one is asking for a reduction in the number of people.

Why did Fang Heng do the opposite?

Instead of asking for a reduction in numbers, ask for more people to join the shelter?

After repeatedly confirming with Fang Heng, Chen Yu immediately flipped through the roster on hand.

"It's a little too late in time. Based on 20 hours, I will transfer about 90 people at most."

"Okay! No problem, I'll go and apply to the leaders now, but... can you make sure they're safe?"


Chen Yu hung up the phone.

The people on the Blood Moon Project list have all made great contributions to the Federation, and some of them have even more profound backgrounds.

Once they are in danger, Chen Yu will also be held accountable.

At that time, you will definitely not want to continue to mix in the Federation.

On the contrary, if he can successfully survive this crisis and successfully complete the Blood Moon Project...


Chen Yu chose to trust Fang Heng as always.

Fang Heng has done so much in the This time he will definitely be able to do it!


There are less than 6 hours left until the blood moon arrives.

AEFC Games Inc.

The top executives of the company in charge of the game's eighth district business are gathered here.

"Dong dong..."

Secretary Jiang Yingxue knocked on the door and pushed in.

"Superintendents, managers, this is the latest information report we have about prison shelters."

Jiang Yingxue put the printed documents in front of each high-level table in turn, and reported to everyone at the same time.

"Director Meng's plan has been executed perfectly. The prison side has already messed up, and everything is going smoothly as planned... The eyeliner placed in the prison has not reported any new findings."