Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning - Chapter 86

Chapter 86

The entry of the gluttonous civilization is only the beginning, and simply driving the gluttonous out is not enough for this war.

Even once this war is dominated by angels, many people will think that angels brought the war to earth and then did incomprehensible things; so this first battle must be fought by humans themselves, so that humans themselves realize this war The essence is to jointly resist foreign aggression.

Sacred Kaisha is naturally a choice to respect the civilization of the earth, and it is also because of Morgana that it descends into the sky over the East China Sea.

As Dukao said: light and darkness are at war, justice and evil are at war, and life and death are also at war.

As for the justice and order of angels, Bai Xuan did not have any opinion.

After all, the Chinese civilization itself is not a nation that likes to invade, whether it is from history, biography or the biography of its ancestors.

Now Huaxia also responds to this principle, treats each other with courtesy, coexists peacefully, and makes progress together with other countries.

Just like Bai Xuan can understand justice and order from the communication with Angel Yan, Angel Yan can also understand Bai Xuan's thinking concept from the conversation with Bai Xuan.

Although their ideas are different, they are very similar.

The relationship between the two has also become more familiar and closer in the exchange.

This has nothing to do with love, it's just a conceptual recognition.

The communication with Angel Yan plays a very important role in Bai Xuan's worldview; Angel Yan himself has no reservations about Bai Xuan's advice, even the Holy Kaisha knows that in another world there is a person who has just obtained a God's authority, some confused new gods.

Yes, their evaluation of Bai Xuan is a growing new god!

Bai Xuan did not hide his abilities, so Angel Yan easily learned from the chat group Bai Xuan's ability - natural authority, capable of manipulating various elements in nature, even conceptual abilities.

As far as the mysterious test is concerned, Bai Xuan's potential is infinite.

And in order to prevent this new **** who doesn't have much experience from going astray in his pursuit, Holy Kaisha also hopes that Angel Yan can guide Bai Xuan well.

In the follow-up communication, Bai Xuan could clearly feel that Angel Yan was gradually deepening his teaching, and even had the meaning of preaching.

But he didn't care about it.

As he said before, he has his own beliefs and a persistent path. Maybe he is very confused about the future, but it does not mean that he will follow other people's ideas at will; he will only absorb what he agrees with in other people's ideas.

Another point is that he does not reject the concept of angels. Perhaps the angel family is very arrogant, and their communication with others has obvious arrogance.

But they have such confidence and capital.

As the strongest civilization in the known universe, as the warriors of the king of the gods, Sacred Keisha, if even they don't have such confidence, who has?

Their civilization destined them to stand in the sky and be proud.

If the Chinese civilization also has the same power as the angel civilization, then he may not be so humble.

Even if he looks humble, his arrogance is inevitable.

Of course, in the chat group, Angel Yan did not show the slightest bit of arrogance. In the super **** universe, the angel civilization is the most powerful civilization and the top civilization, but in other universes, it is not.

Not to mention, even in the current chat group, the power of Angel Civilization is not the strongest.

In the Gaowu world where the group leader Su Yunqing lives, it is said that high-level practitioners have the ability to destroy planets, and the strongest can even reverse the long river of time.

In the battle world where Tokisaki Kurumi is located, the power possessed by the Origin Spirit is not something that the angel civilization on the technology side can kill.

Not to mention the forbidden world where Misaka Mikoto lives, the power possessed by the "Demon God" is beyond the understanding of current technology.

But there is an unquestionably strongest person in the chat group at the moment.

The glory of the northern god, the son of Hong Qigong - Thor, the **** of thunder.

Because he is God! true god!

Even if it appears in a funny role, its strength cannot be denied.

What's more, those black technologies in the Ten Cold World are not much inferior to Doraemon World.

Dimensionality reduction strikes, causal laws, and conceptual weapons are all available.

Although it's a bit nonsensical.

Therefore, in the chat group, everyone communicates equally, and no one feels superior to others because of their own strength.

As for whether there is an absolute error in the justice order of the Holy Kesha, such thinking is meaningless.

No order is perfect.

For people like them with long lifespans, it's not a big deal to have mistakes, as long as they slowly improve.

What cannot be done, no matter how beautiful the future created by language, is an unrealistic fantasy.

Under the watering of time, Bai Xuan grew rapidly.

From thinking to the perspective of looking at things, to the continuous progress of [natural authority].

In addition to the communication with Angel Yan these, he also optimized some animations and special dramas that did not exist in this world in his memory and uploaded them to the Internet.

The Heisei series of Kamen Rider from Kuga to Shiwang, Pokmon from the first generation to the eighth generation, as well as Xiongbing Company, under one person... Even Fire Feather has created a website for them , and then promote it.

There is no doubt about the excellence of these animations, not to mention that Bai Xuan has optimized them and adjusted the special effects; not long after they were released, many people were addicted to them.

Although now is the era of spiritual recovery, it is clear that the vast majority of people are still ordinary people, or ordinary people with weak abilities; they still need to work and need to relax, and these excellent anime and special dramas are their most Good way to relax.

Of course, these are only for those who like to watch, those who don't like to watch don't notice it at all.

For a while, many people who like to watch anime are a little surprised, how come there are so many well-made anime and special shots all of a sudden, and even some series are put on at once.

Do you accumulate goods?

Although there were some doubts, they were still very happy to see it.

This point, Bai Xuan can see from the characteristics that he can give to the opponent.

"In my previous life, I should have been a dead house that many people would envy, right?"

Bai Xuan looked at the orderly and numerous figurines in the room, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Transformers of Ultraman such as Tiga, Dyna, Gaia, and Next.

Transformers for armored warriors such as Yanlong, Fengying, Black Rhino, and Snow Mastiff.

Also empty my Yaguru, Faiz's belt, Kabuto insect meter, w's drive, Wang Xiaoming's magenta camera...