Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning - Chapter 372

Chapter 372

The war is over.

The Asgardian warriors present couldn't help cheering.

"we won!"

Loki raised Gungnir, the spear of eternity, and shouted loudly on the battlefield, and all the Asgardian warriors also shouted along with Loki.

"Long live Asgard!"

"For the glory of Asgard!"

"The glory of Asgard cannot be challenged!"


Loki smiled and waited for the crowd to finish cheering, then called Heimdall's name to the sky.

The dazzling rainbow light pierced through the clouds and shone on the warriors of Asgard. After a while, everyone disappeared from the battlefield, leaving only Thor and Loki.

Outside the battlefield, with Lau Fei's death, the projection in the sky dissipated in an instant.

They are still immersed in the dazzling light.

The anxiety and complexity in the hearts of Sif and the others is beyond words, and they really want to go to the battlefield to see the real scene.

But with the familiar beam of light in the sky, they were still slightly relieved.

The light of the Rainbow Bridge represents Heimdall's gaze, and also represents the return of everyone,

The war is over.

But is it really over?

That dark green flame is the power of Haim's underworld.

Is it really over?

Everyone was unavoidably worried.

Thor in the war didn't have the ideas of Sif and others, and he didn't care about Heim's underworld.

Now he is looking at Loki with complicated eyes, looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar younger brother.


He was silent, and in the end, he still called out the name.

"The king's responsibility, you did a good job."

"Of course."

Loki accepted Thor's praise without the slightest embarrassment.

"I have always thought that I am the most suitable candidate for the king, but the king's eyes have not been on me."

The script for the first phase is over.

Rocky feels sincere admiration for his flawless acting skills!

He never thought before that all his problems could be solved so easily.

Although there are still some logical gaps, who can really find out the problem?

Lau Fei was taken back by him!

Look what he got now.

Respect and adoration of the warriors of Asgard!

Appreciation and admiration from Thor!

Admiration of the unknowable mortals of Midgard!

If it weren't for the wrong scene, Loki would definitely not restrain the smile that crazily provoked his reason, and the joy in his heart could hardly be restrained!

In the past, they all thought that he had nothing but a little cleverness, unsustainable illusion magic, and useless intrigues, and these were just manifestations of his weakness and cowardice.

He is no match for Thor!

Even in the eyes of many people, an ordinary Asgardian warrior is better than him.

But now, who would think so?

Especially the phantom of Odin that emerged from his Eternal Spear before the end of the war!

Even Heimdall has to admit at this moment that he is the most suitable king of Asgard! Even Odin admitted it!

"Yes, you proved that you are the most suitable choice for the king."

Thor opened his mouth and said in silence; then, as if struggling and hesitating, he looked at Loki.

"Father, are you still alive?"

He wants to know the answer to this question.

Loki told him that his father was dead, and Sif told him that his father was still alive, but Laufey seemed to say that his father was dead at the end.

Who is lying to him?

Or did you say you didn't lie to him?

"Father is still alive."

In the end, Loki still didn't lie to him.

He can say that Odin is dead, with Laufey's last words, and no one can find Odin, he can say that.

They would only associate it with Laufey and even Haim's Underworld.

Even if he is suspected, there is no evidence.

But in the end, Loki looked at Thor's gaze, and still looked away, not lying to him.

"Then before...?"

After a short period of joy, Thor thought that when he met Loki, he told himself that his father was dead.

"Because I want you to stay in Midgard forever."

Loki made no secret of his thoughts.

"what are you saying?!"

Thor opened his eyes and looked at Loki in disbelief, wondering how he could say such a thing!

"Can't you understand me!"

"I said I don't want you back!"

Loki looked at Thor and said loudly.

The scene fell into silence.

"Do you know what you're talking about, Loki?"

"That's my home! Our home!"

"I want to go back to my home and see my father and mother! Look at you!"

"Don't you allow this kind of thing!"

Thor's tone was low, does the throne really change a person like this?

Loki wasn't like this before.

"Do you think I don't want you back?"

Loki said indifferently.

"Do you know what will happen to you if you come back?"

"But you know, I won't argue with you"

"Do I know it works?"

Loki interrupted Thor.

"Stop being naive, my brother!"

"The throne is not something you can just fight for if you don't want to!"

"Even with the blessing of this war, compared to the supporters accumulated in the wars you led Asgard to win in the past, what do you think will happen after you go back?"

"Who would they prefer to be King of Asgard?"

Thor was silent.

Loki looked at him now, and said calmly:

"Even now, your supporters think it's all fake."

"I directed the play together with Jotunheim."

"The Laufey who fought with you just now is actually fake, and so are the group of frost giants."

"Everything is my illusion, everything is false."

"All the frost giants are still alive."

"Don't contradict, Thor, your group of supporters must have such thoughts."

Thor hung his head, looking disappointed.

He couldn't refute Loki's words, because what Loki said was the truth.

Prejudice in people's hearts is a mountain. Thor can trust Loki without reservation, but they won't.

Even if all this is true.

"I'm just an acting king, my father didn't really recognize me."

"This throne is too vain, too dreamy, as if it would collapse at the touch of a finger."

"If you really want to return to, then, whether you want it or not, this battle for the throne will always break out."

"I don't want to throw Asgard into chaos, even if it's just a possibility."

Seeing Thor getting more and more frustrated, Loki's tone softened.

"Wait first, wait until the father wakes up."

"Whether it's you or me, it doesn't matter who becomes king."

Does it really matter?

That's weird.

Loki rolled his eyes inwardly.

He has done so many things. If Odin really came back to identify Thor as the king of Asgard, then his work would not be in vain.

(end of this chapter)