Flash Marriage - Chapter 33.2

Chapter 33.2

Ever since the masquerade, whenever Yu Zi Fei sees me he hides from me. Rather than all the entanglement, I didn't mind much. Not soon after, he volunteered for the office at S city branch, completely far away from me. I dont know whether it was because he was treated unfairly here or his disappointment in me. Or Jiang Li's comment about "half a box of condoms" made him feel discouraged. . . . In short, the results are wonderful, even though the process was weird.

Because I am a person who appreciated gratitudes, after Yu Zi Fei left, I have decided to show my kindness by inviting Jiang Li to a luxurious restaurant for a meal. Jiang Li did not take it for granted, picked the most costly dishes. Half of my salary just said goodbye to me, I felt distressed.

Jiang Li finished ordering the meal but also ordered a bottle of Rafi saying that it was made in '82 (to be honest, I dont really believe it). I quickly stop him. "Eating Chinese food with red wine, not suitable, not suitable" Ordering that kind of wine, I would go broke.

Jiang Li thought about it for a second and nod, "Fine, Moutai would work just as fine. But Moutai from which year?"

I said promptly, "Jiang Li, we have to catch up with the new ones. Just order the latest one."

Jiang Li raised his eyebrow, said as if he was smiling, "This is all you've got?"

I gave a dry laugh, sincerity should be spoken with money

Jiang Li ate my salary elegantly. Seeing him in a good mood, I remembered something and said, "Jiang Li, thank you."

Jiang Li: "No need to be so courteous, I didn't do it for nothing."

I flattered him, "To be honest, you are a pretty good person."

Jiang LI raised his head to look at me. After a while, he said, "What do you want to say?"

Me: "Look since everything is fine now, can you return my blog back to me?" My besties all knew about my blog, a few days ago He Zi scolded me for randomly posting pictures of my husband, I was furious but couldn't refute back.

Jiang Li didn't agree, only said, "Are you breaking the bridge after crossing over?"

Me: "But that was originally mine."

He didn't reply, so I asked again, "Are you giving me it or not?"

Jiang Li shakes his head. "Not giving."

"Why?" He is so mean!

Jiang Li: "I haven't played enough with it yet."

Me: ". . . . ."

Jiang Li, I hate you. Hate you. Hate you. Hate you.(Echoes)

Jiang Li who continued to abuse my salary suddenly raised his head. "I had a meal with father-in-law a few days ago."

I didnt know how to react, so I replied stupidly, "Who is your father in law?"

Jiang Li shooked his head, lightly sighed. "Guan Xiao Yan, you are hopeless."

I finally realized what was going on, therefore, I replied with an attitude. "Why did he come to you?"

Jiang Li: "What else can it be. His biological daughter did not recognize him, so he was seeking comfort from his son in law."

Me: "Was he trying to get you on his side?"

Jiang Li: "He has good intentions."

Me: "Are you joking? He was just fooling around with you. If he was up to something good, then why did he leave my mother in the first place?"

Jiang Li shooked his head, looking helpless and said. "Guan Xiao Yan you are such a radical person, this will cause your hardships in life."

I looked down and decided not to say anything. I couldn't quite figure out why everyone is speaking for him, it's obviously his fault for abandoning my mother.

Jiang Li added, "Didn't you forgive Yu Zi Fei already?"

I frowned, "Who said that I forgave him?"

Jiang Li replied, "At least you don't hate him anymore."

I was stunned. I thought, indeed, I don't hate him anymore.

Jiang Li said with guidance, "Admit it, you don't hate Yu Zi Fei anymore."

He left me no choice but to nod, "Fine, I don't hate him anymore, so what?"

Jiang Li shooked his head with disappointment and said, "Guan Xiao Yan ah, Guan Xiao Yan. Do you not understand? You can't be living in other people's mistake your whole life. To hate a person is very tiring. No one is stupid enough to devote their lives on hate. No longer hating Yu Zi Fei doesn't mean that you forgave him, instead, it means that you have finally let go. Since you have the ability to let go of Yu Zi Fei, you can do the same with your father. If someone kept on using other people's mistake to remind themselves of how to live their life, then this person is helpless."

My brain went blank from Jiang Li's talk, I couldn't react properly. I stuttered, "Butthe things he has done"

Jiang Li rubbed my head. "Fine, he did do things that are not so good. But, you hate him. Do you hate him for abandoning you? Or hate him for abandoning your mother?"


Jiang Li: "If you did hate him because he abandoned my mother-in-law, who is your mom. Then, does your mom still hate him? I figured that she's already over it and ready to look for another. Look, the one being abandoned have already let it go. Then what's there for you to cling onto? There is no way that you are hurt more than your mom ever was."


Jiang Li: "Then again, if you hate him because he abandoned you and did not care for you then this is getting ridiculous. He raised you for 16 years, loved you for 16 years, how did he treat you in these years? Loving and caring? Then, he's been such a nice dad to you for all these years, and you have decided to hold grudges because of one mistake that he made in lifeDo you still think you are wronged? Okay, although I don't exactly agree with what he did. But, I am completely against you turning your relationship with your father upside down because of this!"

"I" I looked at Jiang Li panicking, clueless of what to do. He is very different today. Jiang Li usually hides his emotions, even when he is mad, maybe frown a little bit. But now, he looked like as if he's taking steroids, both of his eyes glowing, his face full of emotions, dazzling with vitality, as if he was in a debate.

Jiang Li said again, "Let's take a step back, do you think the reason why the relationship between you both have become this way, your mother will be happy?


Jiang Li: "It's the exact opposite! My mother-in-law isn't as narrow-minded as you. Actually, she is more worried that you cant have a good relationship with your own father. Her own daughter has a deep hatred for her father, you think that this would make her feel good within her heart?"

I couldn't look at Jiang Li, my brain is all jammed.

Jiang Li concluded, "Anyways, Guan Xiao Yan, you are just an idiot with radical thoughts. Weak and also not considerate of other people, it's quite impressive that my mother-in-law can bare with you for such a long time."

I kept my head down with frustration, couldn't deny a single thing.

Jiang Li said as if he was interrogating a suspect, "Lift your head up, don't run away from the trouble. It only makes you more vulnerable."

I looked up to Jiang Li, it's probably an illusion from my blurry vision. I saw a flash of fluster in his eyes.

Jiang Li remained calm, slightly frowning, "Why are you crying again?"

I rub my eyes, not speaking. You make me sound worthless, and now you do not allow me to cry?

Jiang Li helplessly shook his head. "You can only use this trick on men." Then he called over the waiter for the check, getting ready to leave.

Because I was in a depressing mood, Jiang Li dragged me out right after checkoutI never mentioned what happened today, didn't pay him back either. But it did felt like I invited him for the meal. (Women, sometimes have to be ruthless towards men).

I lean against the car window, watching B city's bright lights burning brightly within the night sky.

I would ask myself again and again, do I really hate him? Hate the one that picks me up from school, the one that takes me amusement parks? The one that secretly buys snacks for me behind mom's back, the one that embraces me with laughter when mom's angered? My dad?

It has been ten years, the word "dad" have already become unfamiliar in my dictionary. But, it once used to existed with clarity.

Do I loathe him? If I really did, then was it all because of love? Or was is because I urged myself to hate?

If I hate, then how long does hate last?

I pretended to not know him, is it because I hate him, or is it because I want to take revenge? Or is it because I want him to feel more guilty?

But no matter what I do, is it all meaningful? He's left already, and I have a life of my own to continue. My mom would still live the crazy life she's had, freely, without any awareness of being an elder.

It didn't seem as bad as I thought.

Jiang Li is right, it's unnecessary to put ourselves in pain because of another person's mistake.

My mom was also right, letting go of the others is also letting go of yourself.

Besides, he's already given me unreplaceable love and care during my childhood.

Why bother with the talk about hate?