Flash Marriage - Chapter 14.1

Chapter 14.1

Chapter 14.1

Chapter 14: Angry Jiang Li (1)

Wang Kai holding his cell phone in one hand with a sad face looked at me anxiously: What a time for the battery to die! Then gazed longingly at me: Xiao Yan, can I borrow your cell phone for a bit?

I really hated it! Originally wanted to refuse him but was also worried what if he had some really important matter to attend. Aah, fine, let him use the phone, I would think I drank a few bottle of mineral water (mineral water here was also very cheap only $ 3 a bottle)

Thinking this, I reluctantly took out my phone from the pocket of my trouser and handed it to him.

Wang Kai smiled and took my cell phone, pressed a series of numbers and then waited to connect. In the process of waiting, my heart slowly started dripping blood.

But an unexpected thing happened, his mobile rang suddenly.

I was stunned for a few seconds and then light dawned. Hell, he was a swindler; I really trusted his black heart. Angrily I snatched my phone from his hand, glared at him but did not say anything.

Wang Kai was so shameless, still laughing, said: "Dont be angry with me, nonetheless, since we have each others phone number now we can take care of each other in future.

I could not help but say: "You are really meddlesome." Actually he having my phone number was not a big thing, anyway people like him never had shortage of women around them and so I knew he would not bother me. But I did not like his method, this was what they called, forced to sell.

Wang Kai forlornly looked at me, saying: I was just afraid that you wont give me your number, dont be angry, okay?

My soft heart could not seem him in such a pitiful state, had to begrudgingly say: "After this, do not use this method, I dont like it."

"Absolutely never" Wang Kai nodded, "But then, the list of things you dont like is really long.

Me: "I dont like to compromise, what I dont like, I dont like.

Wang Kai laughed: thats a very straightforward attitude, I like it."

I glowered at him: "Do you like everything.

Wang Kai took a sip of wine from his glass and immediately changed the subject: Tell me, you are on your honeymoon, so hows your X incompetent husband doing?*

*The original text had used X here, so I just copied since I did not understand the use and meaning of it. If any of you kind readers know what it means do let me know ;)

Me: "No spying on my privacy.

Just finished saying this, I suddenly found not far from my sight, behind Wang Kai, there was a very familiar silhouette. Aa, ah, wasnt this Jiang Li? Gosh, Wang Kai must have summoning skills; he just mentioned Jiang Li and Jiang Li immediately appeared!

At this moment, Jiang Li also discovered us. He put down his wine glass and came towards us.

Wang kai did not detect anything unusual, he saw the look on my face and probably thought I was not happy to talk about my husband, so earnestly said: Actually Xiao Yan dont you think X is part of married life? Rather than marrying an X incompetent person you could have married a pig, of course, in fact both pig and X incompetent person cannot give you any happiness, so you better come over to me..

At this point Jiang Li had also come from behind; Wang Kai kept talking nonchalantly, presuming Jiang Li hadnt heard a single word.

I saw black clouds overshadowing Jiang Lis face and suddenly came up with an idea, hastily interrupted Wang Kai: Yes, yes, you are right. Tonight, I feel like to have rendezvous with someone.

Wang Kai looked at me with his shining eyes, his expression were like as if saying, so you finally woke up

I smugly smiled at him; lets see how hard you would scream later!

I nudged Wang Kai with elbow: Where are you staying?

Wang Kai smiled ambiguously, said: Once out of this hotel, turn right, the first over-water bungalow is my lodging.

I winked at him, smiled and said: "Got it. Dont lock the door tonight.

Wang Kai finished the rest of his wine in one go, laughed: Xiao Yan, You are getting cuter.

At this moment, a dark voice loomed from back of Wang Kai: People rarely compliment her in this way. After saying so, he came over to sit beside me.

Wang Kai dubiously looked towards Jiang Li: You are.

Jiang Li stared at me; it looked like the flames exuding from his eyes would burn me to ashes. Then he gritted his teeth and said: I am her X incompetent husband.

Wang Kai: &% # & * !